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When will the Primarch series Rogal Dorn book come ?


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Next ones will be Corax and Angron. I assume that 2019 will be a traitor year like 2017 as we got loyalists in 2018.


Hoping that French will get him. I love his previous work on the Fists.

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If I recall correctly from the Weekend, Neil, the BL Manager, said that they were going to slow the Primarch series down a little bit, i.e. less than the 4 a year we have previously had.

Are we just over half way through? I am a little nervous that they might pull the plug on the series before we ever see a Dorn book. It's one of the few books I would justify the price of a special edition for.

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If I recall correctly from the Weekend, Neil, the BL Manager, said that they were going to slow the Primarch series down a little bit, i.e. less than the 4 a year we have previously had.

If they slowed the releases down surely the series would run for longer? Or am I missing something?

I would be surprised if they lengthened the series but not if they shortened it. With the seige series starting that will leave two series’s running side by side with limited editions, which I think would be an overstretch given limited edition sales of late.

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I would love to have the remaining Primarch novels somehow being linked to their Primarch's respective role during the siege.


Nothing big, just little details here and there. For example mentioning Dorn's past in Solar Wars and digging into it in his Primarch novel or something like that.

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If I recall correctly from the Weekend, Neil, the BL Manager, said that they were going to slow the Primarch series down a little bit, i.e. less than the 4 a year we have previously had.

Are we just over half way through? I am a little nervous that they might pull the plug on the series before we ever see a Dorn book. It's one of the few books I would justify the price of a special edition for.



I would be absolutely stunned if The Primarchs wasn't making enough money to finish. It's a topic that prints money, and IMO is more consistently readable than the Heresy at large.

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Yep, show us the initial meeting, that moment where, if things had been different, the two siegecraft Primarchs could have been the closest of brothers, before Dorn says something innocuous and Perturabo takes it as a veiled insult, and things only go downhill from there. "Perturabo, my brother! You and I are cut from the same cloth! Tell me, how many planets were part of your empire before Father discovered you? Surely a genius such as you would have conquered more than me, only a single system! Wait, why are you angry?"

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If I recall correctly from the Weekend, Neil, the BL Manager, said that they were going to slow the Primarch series down a little bit, i.e. less than the 4 a year we have previously had.


It makes sense, we're already seeing some of it: going by the 3 month pattern we've had until now, Angron's book should first be out in January, but it's set for February instead, and there was talk of the next one (Curze I believe) being later than expected too.


If they went with a 4 month spacing instead of 3, we'd be looking at 3 books a year, February/June/October. That would leave 5 after this year, and would take us up to the middle of 2021 to get them all done.


As to Dorn, my money's on next year. I'm betting on Angron/Curze/Mortarion this year.

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I wonder if the pace of audiobook production is making an impact as well.


Vulkan's audio book release was a solid couple weeks to a month behind the print version....and AFAIK the audio version of Titandeath has yet to be spotted.


Jonathan Keeble is still only human, dammit!

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Keeble obviously has a great track record, don't get me wrong. But he some really awful voices in his repertoire. His female characters are often especially grating in my opinion. I really had a hard time listening to Ruinstorm in particular due to Keeble's chosen voices for the various primarchs, especially after Armstrong's Guilliman in Know No Fear, or Banks' triumvirate in Pharos.

Armstrong's The Beast Arises and Prospero Burns performances were generally great and colorful, I'd say, and John Banks absolutely killed the Inquisition novels like The Carrion Throne. Seeing how the Heresy series has always switched between various narrators in particular (and I believe Keeble wasn't even one of the founding members, that being Armstrong and Martyn Ellis, with Armstrong dominating a lot of the early years in general), I'd be more than happy to give Keeble a bit of a break for the Siege...

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Keeble obviously has a great track record, don't get me wrong. But he some really awful voices in his repertoire. His female characters are often especially grating in my opinion. I really had a hard time listening to Ruinstorm in particular due to Keeble's chosen voices for the various primarchs, especially after Armstrong's Guilliman in Know No Fear, or Banks' triumvirate in Pharos.

Armstrong's The Beast Arises and Prospero Burns performances were generally great and colorful, I'd say, and John Banks absolutely killed the Inquisition novels like The Carrion Throne. Seeing how the Heresy series has always switched between various narrators in particular (and I believe Keeble wasn't even one of the founding members, that being Armstrong and Martyn Ellis, with Armstrong dominating a lot of the early years in general), I'd be more than happy to give Keeble a bit of a break for the Siege...


I agree we could do with more variety. I've been much a lover of Armstrong, he's great as an actor in the audio dramas but his voice is too distinct and unsubtle to play a full cast, IMO. Banks is good too, but some of his delivery is really monotonous (love his Fabius though). I was sold on Keeble thanks to his reading of Tallarn: Ironclad, a really exceptional and diverse performance there. That said, some of his voices do grate, his Madail in Ruinstorm was very... Dr. Claw.


Anywho, my dream Dorn book is French writing about Perturabo's incidental hatred of him. He writes them both pitch perfect in my opinion.

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