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Too many bikes?


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Hey guys,

first of all, apologies, yes I'm a tournament player. And yes, I'm looking for strong combos. Me and my mates will be playing in a local team tournament here in March, and I'm starting to do some brainstorming on what I might bring. A lot of the other guys who are there play 10-12 tournaments a year, whereas we only play two and then we play a lot of fun and casual games. Last year was our first year doing team tourneys and we came third out of about 13 teams. Without the genuine tournament experience that some of our opponents have, I'm hoping that you guys will be able to give some tips and feedback that will fill in the gaps.


For a bit of background, I play all sorts of stuff, all Imperial. Grey Knights, Deathwatch, Sisters, Custodes, Blood Angels, Raven Guard, even a little Astra Militarum.


Unfortunately, the Emperor's Light shines dimly at the moment it seems. Apart from Astra Militarum, and someone else in my team will be playing them which means I can't. Last year I ran custodes, sisters and BA. I'm thinking of doing something similar this year and running Custodes and a BA detachment featuring some smash captains (hey, I was running them before they were cool) and an entire outrider of jetbikes.


The list would look something like:


Custodes Outrider:



Shield Captain on Dawneagle



3 x Jetbikes

3 x Jetbikes

3 x Jetbikes


BA battalion:



Captain Smash

Captain Slam

The Sanguinor



5 Intercessors

5 Intercessors

5 Intercessors



10 Sanguinary Guard with powerfists

1 Sanguinary Ancient with Standard of Sacrifice (gives 5+++)


Gives me a whole army of speedy, shiny gold 2+ saves. Will get crushed by the wrong list, but withstand a lot of dakka. Not a whole lot of CPs though...


Has anyone ever tried running a full outrider of jetbikes? Any thoughts or feedback? Anyone up on the meta enough to know what kind of problem lists I might come up against and suggestions on what to change?


Thanks guys :D
- Will

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Now I've never fielded bikes. My Custodes experience is purely one of staring down the barrels of a f*ckton of Hurricane Bolters.


Those bikes are a chore to bring down. Not only are they mobile, not only do they provide marvelous anti horde firepower, no, they hit hard in CC as well.

You'll only ever run into problems when facing a large amount of S6 or higher shots or an Ork mob with 150 attacks - you can't clean 'em up that quickly.


Now you have a bunch of golden mobile heavy hitters - and then, you have the Sanguinary Guard as well.

Redundancy is key and all, but you need to stock up on backfield support.

I like Stalker Bolt Rifles, others don't, but they could be a first step towards filling that hole.

I'd try to go for Missile Launchers at the expense of the Guard though. Their ability to switch between anti horde and anti armor is what still lets them have a place between Lascannons and Heavy Bolters and they're most certainly something that will help you provide cover for your golden boys (every kind you have).


That leaves the Intercessors in a weird position, but if you can move them up the table to score the objectives your bikers free up, they shouldn't get much attention with all the golden violence going on further up.

But again, they could fill the role of backfield support as well, just not as well.


Radical idea: drop them for Scouts or Tac Squads with MLs.


Also, much less radical, find 90pts for a JP Sanguinary Priest with PS in there. The +1S around him will please you. :)

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