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What changed in the new Visions of Heresy?


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I already own the original hardback collection, and the two volume revised edition that was released around 4 or 5 years ago.


The new Visions of Heresy looks like more text and less art, judging by the size and price. Does anybody know what I might be missing out on by not buying it?

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It's more art and text. I've got it and it's mostly larger pictures with sidebars. The reason for the size is because some of the images are HUGE. I'd say it's about 70/30 Art:Text?


And what you're missing out on is all of the newer artwork for the Horus Heresy.

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I picked up the edition a few years back (the ones bound in the same manner as the FW Heresy Black Books), and having flicked through a copy of the new edition in my local GW the only real difference appears to be the inclusion of artwork from the recent BL novels. Can't tell you if any of the lore / background has changed, but if you have a previous sedition then I don't think it's worth the money.

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I picked up the edition a few years back (the ones bound in the same manner as the FW Heresy Black Books), and having flicked through a copy of the new edition in my local GW the only real difference appears to be the inclusion of artwork from the recent BL novels. Can't tell you if any of the lore / background has changed, but if you have a previous sedition then I don't think it's worth the money.


I think the 2018 edition one had post-Unremembered Empire stuff added by Guy Haley as well as other tidying and adjustment. I can't imagine it's all that much though.

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The ad in December's White Dwarf made it seem smaller to me. I was surprised to see it priced at only £50 because I'd remembered the 2007 edition being quite expensive. I just checked and actually it was £30 so they probably are a similar size. Clearly my idea of 'expensive' has shifted over 12 years, and not in my favour. :unsure.:


Given that I've bought all the novels and FW books I expect there's very little in there I haven't seen. The appeal of the original was all those weird little illustrations from the CCG. Adding the events from the later novels and some large copies of Neil Robert's covers doesn't make me want to buy it a third time.


Thank you all.

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The ad in December's White Dwarf made it seem smaller to me. I was surprised to see it priced at only £50 because I'd remembered the 2007 edition being quite expensive. I just checked and actually it was £30 so they probably are a similar size. Clearly my idea of 'expensive' has shifted over 12 years, and not in my favour. :unsure.:


Given that I've bought all the novels and FW books I expect there's very little in there I haven't seen. The appeal of the original was all those weird little illustrations from the CCG. Adding the events from the later novels and some large copies of Neil Robert's covers doesn't make me want to buy it a third time.


Thank you all.

The pages are 8"x11.5", and there's 463 pages. That's a pretty sizable book :lol:

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I picked up the edition a few years back (the ones bound in the same manner as the FW Heresy Black Books), and having flicked through a copy of the new edition in my local GW the only real difference appears to be the inclusion of artwork from the recent BL novels. Can't tell you if any of the lore / background has changed, but if you have a previous sedition then I don't think it's worth the money.


I'd agree with this. which is a bit of shame. I have the previous edition from a few years ago and it is honestly very similar to this new one.


On the other hand, if I didn';t have the previous edition, I would totally recommend this to anyone interested in the Heresy. If you're new to it, it is very much worth the money.


Just not much of an upgrade to the previous edition.

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I have the original Collected Visions and the first version of Visions of Heresy. I took a look through this new edition and decided it wasn't different enough to justify the money BUT if I hadn't had the previous editions I would have DEFINITELY bought it.


Fully expecting a further revised edition once the HH and SoT releases are all done and finished and I expect I will buy that as the final definitive version (of the lore) and latest art. It will sit proudly next to my FW Black Books and soon to be released Titandeath.

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This thread has been quite informative, I too have an older version of Visions of Heresy and was considering getting the newest edition at some point - seems to be redundant based off of this thread.


That's rather a shame, I would have loved to see some new concept art / John Blanche original sketches. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Does Visions also account for the work done by Forge World as well as Black Library? Does this mean that whatever happens in the long run with the Black Books will be incorporated?


I could be wrong, so if anyone knows otherwise please correct me, but I do not believe that Visions includes Forge World works. It's cover art from the Heresy, original Black Library art pieces, and original sketches (primarily from John Blanche).

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Does Visions also account for the work done by Forge World as well as Black Library? Does this mean that whatever happens in the long run with the Black Books will be incorporated?


I'm fairly sure it does not. The FW art certainly is not included. It's a GW/BL publication and not a FW one, the great majority of what is in the book was written by Alan Merrett and that hasn't changed much, and the new additional stuff for this edition was written by Guy Haley, all of which implies the stuff from the FW books is not included. As I would expect, cause if that was going to happen it would reduce the value of the Black Books, and in any case you'd think FW itself would sooner such a compilation book itself then.

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