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Complete FW Custodes Rules (Beta, Official)


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Man there's some crazy changes.


A lot of people here criticized my use of the Telemon load out I preferred which was dual Arachnus Las-storms. Locally, that unit was feared... greatly. Funny how they turned down the weapon so much. Guess I was on to something.... and probably should not have posted my experiences with it. lol


It figures. I ordered spare arms not too long ago. Incredible actually. This is exactly what happened to me when I ordered a Soul Burner Petard set Decimator Dread, and it doubled in points.


Oh well... back to the drawing board.




Looking into other units... at 140 the Achillus may not be a bad unit. (Still a pass on the Galatus for me though.)

Grav tanks at 210 points have a place!


The flyer is pretty awesome

Every lascannon you fire at one is one you aren’t firing at the Custodians up in your face about to get stabbing! And with a 5++, anything AP-3 or better would be hitting that if the tank were 2+ or 3+. If anything, it means kraks and autocannons would be more efficient.


The Galatus def needs either a shedload more attacks, or the ability to fire off the flamer while engaged: *that* would be hot.


Special spears and Saggitarum being in Elites and Heavy Support is a bit rough, but if they were Troops standard Guardians would all but vanish out of a lot of lists.

Honestly, I'm really happy with the changes.  Yes, the stats went down, but the points went down quite a bit (I'm stating them since Forgeworld is posting them for free):


Telemon Heavy-Dreadnought Arachnus Storm Cannon, Spiculus Bolt Launcher, Telemon Caestus with Twin Plasma Projector 277

Contemptor-Achillus Dreadnought Achillus Dreadspear, 2 Lastrum Storm Bolters 170

Coronus Grav-Carrier Twin Arachnus Blaze Cannon, Twin Lastrum Bolt Cannon 245

Caladius Grav-tank Twin Iliastus Accelerator Cannon, Twin Lastrum Bolt Cannon 210


The Telemon is basically a Leviathan, only its abuot 50 points cheaper.  The rest are very well priced.  I'm really happy with this.  


I whipped up this list on a whim and it looks fun:


Captain-General Trajann Valoris    

Shield-captain on Dawneagle Jetbike Interceptor Lance, Hurricane Bolter, Misericordia  

Vexilus Praetor Castellan Axe, Vexilla Magnifica, Misericordia  

3 Custodian Guard Guardian Spears  

3 Custodian Guard Guardian Spears  

3 Custodian Guard Guardian Spears  

Telemon Heavy-Dreadnought Arachnus Storm Cannon, Spiculus Bolt Launcher, Telemon Caestus with Twin Plasma Projector  

Contemptor-Achillus Dreadnought Achillus Dreadspear, 2 Lastrum Storm Bolters  

Coronus Grav-Carrier Twin Arachnus Blaze Cannon, Twin Lastrum Bolt Cannon  

4 Vertus Praetors Hurricane Bolters, Interceptor Lances

Total     1997



Also, anyone else notice that Aquilon Terminator Custodians can actually deepstrike in and actually fire with their auto-hitting Infernus Firepikes?  That's really cool.  Granted they're 88 points each with the power gauntlets, but that isn't that much more than Allarus Custodians (poor guys)

With regard to the adrathic weapons, I really don’t think they justify the mortal wound chance, they don’t have enough strength.


Rest of it I’m quite happy with though.


-3AP and flat 3 Damage is hefty though. Sure, tougher units won't be wounded much but these are made for absolutely obliterating personnel (Terminators, Primaris, Nobz, Commanders).

At first glance




Saggitarum. heavy support sucks but that is some mean long range dakka.


Aqulions. Murder all the hordes with st6 -1 flamers mk.


Orion. Speaks for itself. Dayum.





telemon dropped points went on diet stat wise.


Pallas. Decent anti elite and armour.


New flying venatari. Armour is a 3+ but those are barnone the best pistols in the game. Murder all the termies of lesser armies.


Agmatus. Jet bikes are good. Still a lot of points and ugly model haha.




Both the dreads still aren't great. Sword dread is overwhelmingly carp in CC. A str7 cc dread...at least his flamer is good?

Too few attacks to mean anything.


Grav tanks: got better but still suck. Got the 5++ and machine spirit. But t7 3+ is las cannon bait.



Spears guard. Huge loss. They got made elites. Hoping that's a goof because you would never see me take them over Aqulion.

Pallas seems neat since it doesn't degrade and is basically 100 points -- that's like 1.75 Custodes for something that either shoots 2 'lascannon+' or 6 'Heavy Bolter' shots on the move, move 16" and doesn't lose stats over its 8 wounds. The 3+/5++ is a bit iffy but honestly its cheaper than a marine Dreadnought with better guns. Only downpoint is no Melee so it can get wrapped up that way but its a bargain. I feel like it'll get its points adjusted.

I mentioned it in the news and rumour thread, but he's the adrathic destructor is odd how its a down grade on other lighter version of itself.


I think I've complained about this in the past when the initial rules were out, but they really missed so much of the stuff that made units what they were (or made things op depending on the unit). Yea the adrathic eats infantry. If you wound; it's a solid 33% to chunk some vehicles off the wound too. But the guns were one hitter-quitters in 30k; their low range, risk of damage and single shot nature was the offset to always wounding on 2s with instant death and Armourbane and ap1 against vehicles. Now some plague marine nerd can tank the hit half the time, scrape by an armour save and then still has disgustingly resilient.

I woke up this morning super stoked! :D
I was just expecting rules for the new fly boi's not all the FW stuff! :)

My wallet has however shriveled up and died... 

Now I can run my Contemptor and dual dual plasma flamer Telemon for nearly less than what he was prior! :D
I just have to assemble him and paint pretty much 99% of my army thus far... WiP thread incoming soon? ^_^


Another local player is interested in the new Venatari and apparently the 9 man set has a nice lil discount so hoping to capitalise on that :D

Ordered in a set of the Venatari, Sag upgrades, and pythrite spears. Need to get to the hobby shop for some Guard bodies (and Wardens to go into the Coronus). If the various adrasite wepaonry is supposed to be a flat 3 D then my Achilles is happy. Still kind of iffy on that.


The basic Custodian Guard changes are substantial with these new weapons. Now the troops can hunt tanks and Elites in shooting. Fantastic.


Well troops in the "standard foot guys" sense but not Troops as in "I love getting CP from a Battalion".

Ordered in a set of the Venatari, Sag upgrades, and pythrite spears. Need to get to the hobby shop for some Guard bodies (and Wardens to go into the Coronus). If the various adrasite wepaonry is supposed to be a flat 3 D then my Achilles is happy. Still kind of iffy on that.



The basic Custodian Guard changes are substantial with these new weapons. Now the troops can hunt tanks and Elites in shooting. Fantastic.

Well troops in the "standard foot guys" sense but not Troops as in "I love getting CP from a Battalion".

What I mean is there won't be any real waste. Each squad can fill a dedicated role. The basic troops can be tank hunters!


Ordered in a set of the Venatari, Sag upgrades, and pythrite spears. Need to get to the hobby shop for some Guard bodies (and Wardens to go into the Coronus). If the various adrasite wepaonry is supposed to be a flat 3 D then my Achilles is happy. Still kind of iffy on that.



The basic Custodian Guard changes are substantial with these new weapons. Now the troops can hunt tanks and Elites in shooting. Fantastic.

Well troops in the "standard foot guys" sense but not Troops as in "I love getting CP from a Battalion".
What I mean is there won't be any real waste. Each squad can fill a dedicated role. The basic troops can be tank hunters!

But the guardians with Melta spears are elites?



With regard to the adrathic weapons, I really don’t think they justify the mortal wound chance, they don’t have enough strength.


Rest of it I’m quite happy with though.

-3AP and flat 3 Damage is hefty though. Sure, tougher units won't be wounded much but these are made for absolutely obliterating personnel (Terminators, Primaris, Nobz, Commanders).

Im not saying they’re not good, I just don’t think they’re good enough to justify the mortal wounds :)


Most of the stuff I like though :)


My wallet on the other hand...



Ordered in a set of the Venatari, Sag upgrades, and pythrite spears. Need to get to the hobby shop for some Guard bodies (and Wardens to go into the Coronus). If the various adrasite wepaonry is supposed to be a flat 3 D then my Achilles is happy. Still kind of iffy on that.



The basic Custodian Guard changes are substantial with these new weapons. Now the troops can hunt tanks and Elites in shooting. Fantastic.

Well troops in the "standard foot guys" sense but not Troops as in "I love getting CP from a Battalion".
What I mean is there won't be any real waste. Each squad can fill a dedicated role. The basic troops can be tank hunters!
But the guardians with Melta spears are elites?

Oh, I take that back lol


The flyer... I'm really looking at it now as something to add.



With regard to the adrathic weapons, I really don’t think they justify the mortal wound chance, they don’t have enough strength.


Rest of it I’m quite happy with though.

-3AP and flat 3 Damage is hefty though. Sure, tougher units won't be wounded much but these are made for absolutely obliterating personnel (Terminators, Primaris, Nobz, Commanders).

Im not saying they’re not good, I just don’t think they’re good enough to justify the mortal wounds :smile.:


Most of the stuff I like though :smile.:


My wallet on the other hand...



TBF it's not like all the HQ's come with reroll auras.


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