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*Crusade era salute*


Real Name:  Jarrod


Avatar:   Emperor's Pointy Sticks marine from Turn Signals on a Land Raider

Location:  Fairbanks, Alaska


Age: 36


Years playing 40k:  Started in late 2003 at the tale end of 3rd edition.  A local comic/gaming store frequented by my brother was closing its doors, so I picked up a few things, including the classic 3rd edition mini codex.


Years playing B.A.:  16 years.  My force now fills two army transports plus a little, and I have several thousand points of Armageddon Steel Legion/PDF as well. 


Favourite BA Character:  Dante. 


Chapter:  Blood Angels.  I also love Seth as a character and model, so I do run with a FT composition at times, but no specifically FT painted minis.


Years on the B&C:   April 2005, according to my profile.  I was a regular poster from then through 5th edition, then was a rare lurker during the dark days of 6th and 7th editions. 


I am the farthest thing from a tournament player anymore; I have a few friends over to my house for casual or narrative games probably once a month, and I have recently started trying to host hobby time once a week for model assembly, painting, and social contact. 


With a 2nd child on the way and a job that I regularly spend 50+ hours a week at, I find that my hobby time is more valued than before; both in person and in the excellent online environment of the B & C. 

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Real Name: Nick



Avatar: Charlie from It's Alway Sunny



Location: Maryland



Age: 28



Years playing 40k: I always wanted to play growing up and tried in 5th ed but the painting seemed too daunting. I really started about 4 years ago when the 7th ed codex dropped.



Years playing B.A.: About 4 years



Favourite BA Character: No clue...

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Real name: Matthew

Avatar: servoskull

Location: Montreal Canada

Age: a week from being 32

Years playing 40k: 20 years

Years playing Blood Angels: 20 years

Favourite BA Character: High Chaplain Lemartes. I know he's been replaced in that function but when i started in BA Lemartes was the greatest Chaplain this army knew and i always found his fluff blurbs to be the most interesting, aside for Captain Tycho's.

Chapter: Crimson Sons of Vengeance

Years on the BnC: oof...i remember frequenting the forums while in high school so...15+ years

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Haha, there's a strong tie with the onset of 3rd ed, with a lot of us sticking around after getting into the hobby at that time.


My concern is the seeming lack of 18 - 25 people - Is it just that we're old and forums aren't a la mode anymore?

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Quite possible. I have posted links to B&C's topics on FB from time to time to discreetly draw peoples attention here. Although current edition meta supports only limited interest for the Blood Angels. Namely: how to build Captain smash and get some scouts.

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My concern is the seeming lack of 18 - 25 people - Is it just that we're old and forums aren't a la mode anymore?

My time has come :D


Real Name: Armaan


Avatar: a random picture of a night lord that I had found on google one day. I’m like 90% sure that it’s Talos.


Location: California Born and raised


Age: 20!


Years playing 40k: I picked up the game during 5th I think in 2010 but I had discovered the game back in like 2007.


Years playing BA: On and off for the last 9 years straight. I originally grabbed ultramarines but then I saw the 5th edition blood angels codex and the artwork and their story blew me away. I then watched some batreps from this ancient YouTuber named jawaballs and I loved the fast play style.


Favorite Character: Dante. I actually had a friend with the same name so that my be why I like the character so much. Also Lemartes and Mephiston


Chapter: Blood Angels 3rd Company


Years on the BC: I’ve been on here for 6 years now I think. I had flirted with Dakkadakka for a bit but it was waaay to dramatic and big for me so I ended up with the BC.


I ended up joining because I wanted to get back into the hobby and I wanted a different chapter to try out as blood angels had gotten stale. The 6th edition space marine codex has just been released so I wanted to give a new Chapter a try. I ended up with black Templar (thus the name). After a while I had to give the boys in red a try again.

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Real name: Adam

Avatar: Death Guard/Nurgle

Location: West Midlands, UK.

Age: 36

Years playing 40k: Started playing back in school with my mate who had 4 armies (circa 1994/95 so whatever edition that was).  Was from poor family, so was not allowed to have my own models, but got educated, earn good living and now have a massive plastic crack addiction :-)


Years playing Blood Angels: Rebuilding my chapter with Primaris and Forgeworld only.  Also play Death Guard and Renegade Knights

Favourite BA Character: Mephiston - just about to finish Revenant Crusade

Chapter: Straight up BA....mainly because my imagination sucks and I have zero creative flair...so it helps me paint as I can follow the pictures (sad I know).

Years on the BnC: Not too long, but joined when I got my lad into 40k (he plays UM, Tau and Imperial Kinghts).

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Name: Captain Caine from white dwarf 222, last stand at glazer's creek battle report 
Avatar: BA Codex Art - it's like a war in heaven amongst the angels, and well... if it's not a last stand, within a last stand, during a last stand it's not 40k. 
Location: Minnesota
Years playing 40k: It was about 1998 when I switched to 40k from my bretonnians... though I do remember playing second edition, so I'm not quite sure. Sustained fire dice and damaging specific parts of vehicles were fun mechanics. The secret worthy of a dark angels inner circle is that I started as Ultramarines. It was death company that won me over to BA. I didn't play in tournaments till 2013 (and it always amuses me to see on reddit the confusion among new players that not everyone goes to tournaments). Actually I don't think I set foot in a games workshop store until 2015 or so. Anyway, I missed most of Fourth and Fifth edition while in college. Came back into sixth edition, and stayed since. And, I might have 1 or 5 more armies going at this point.
Favourite BA Character: Lemartes. The pose or posture reminds me of an actual sculpture somehow.
Chapter: Blood Angels, and a few lamenters, currently contemplating going full generic primaris or waiting for specialty BA. 
Years on the BnC: I was on around 2003. I made a profile in 2013 and stayed. Moderation at the B&C goes a long way to making cogent, searchable, substantive posts available for reading and further contribution. Mere popularity isn't the best way to sort posts--so other online venues can get quite crazy. But, there's a lot of great content out there now at all sorts of sites. 

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Real name: Graham

Avatar: none, (I only use mobile for this)

Location: Michigan is

Age: a 3 weeksfrom being 32

Years playing 40k: 15 years, Thousand Sons was my first army and I still have them despite others having come and gone. I don’t ever plan on abandoning the Angels though.

Years playing Blood Angels: 1 year

Favourite BA Character: Not Sure, possibly Astorath

Chapter: Blood angels 3rd Co.

Years on the BnC: 1


I’ll edit a pic in when I get the chance.

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Real Name: Ryan

Avatar:  Trajann Valoris i painted 

Location:  south wales

Age: 32 for a little while longer

Years playing 40k:  played for a few years as a child (i think 3.5 edition) but 5 years since i have been an adult

Years playing B.A.:  5 years this time (tho completely disheartened with them at the moment) 

Favourite BA Character: The Sanguinor

Chapter: Blood Angels  

Years on the B&C: 5

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Real Name: Freddy


Avatar: Generic WoW warlock icon


Location: Netherlands, Frisia to be exact :)




Years playing 40k: 12 or 13 years ago i started playing at a LGS. Usually one of the youngest players at tourneys. Have had a short break, back since about 2 years now.


Years playing B.A.: 12 or 13


Favourite BA Character: Mephiston


Chapter: Exsanguinators. After realizing my homebrew chapter shared the same colour scheme.


Years on the B&C: Been a while, previousely with the name Forgotten soul... because well yeah, i was an edgy teen haha. Member since 2008, so i've only seen Mort as a mod :P


Cheers lads!

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  • 3 weeks later...

SO I delight in this forum and I am so happy I discovered it during one late night foray into learning more about 40k and BA. Its my favorite thing to get away from work, the judgey setiments of social media 40k pages, and also the negativity of a % the 40k population-- (Kudos to everyone here, and especially the moderators for keeping this place very noob friendly and absent of miserable folk looking to spread the chaos funk.)  This forum gives us kindreds a wonderul place to be Sons of Sanguinus in whatever capacity we choose to be- part of truly what makes this hobby worthwhile. (i use my painting to decompress from work, and play competitively, and it seems that is totally welcome here, so I'm happy to volunteer my membership :) )

Real Name:  Erik


Avatar:  Generic till I throw one up.....

Location:  I live in the Northeastern USA!


Age: I'm 35. 


Years playing 40k:  I have been playing for a little over a year. 


Years playing B.A.:  I have played Blood Angels since the beginning. I asked the gent at the store "I play J4 in League of legends, which Space marine chapter would get me in da face?" He promptly guided me to the sons of Sanguinius, and therein lies the motivation for my handle.  


Favourite BA Character:  Mephiston. But after him is probably a tie between Dante and Sanguinor. I love Corbulo's larger than standard SP buffs though, hes usually an auto include for me in lists with his exploding dice.


Years on the B&C:  Member earlier this year!

Thanks again everyone here for giving me a wonderful place to learn about everything BA and 40k, and also expound on my knowledge for other armies!




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I delight in this forum 



Welcome, Sanguinius Jr! Glad you made it to Baal. You're right in that B&C is a great place. I was active on half a dozen other forums until I joined this one, and all the others faded away. Keep painting and asking questions!

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Name: Tycho (hippie parents no joke)


Avatar: Tycho Brahe my actual namesake


Local: Vancouver Canada


Age: 39


Tenure: 1995 i began with a 40k chaos army. Played fantasy vampires till aos hit then blood angels all the way.


Fave character: Tycho


Been on bolter n chainsword for quite a while. Best 40k forum on the webs in my opinion!

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Real Name:  JP


Avatar:  Unnamed* BA marine from the cover of James Swallows' Blood Angels: The Second Omnibus.

It's one of the images I pull up when I try to explain my hobby. "And he's one of the GOOD guys!"


Hidden Content


*I actually haven't read it (shame!), so feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.



Location: Boston, MA, USA


Age:  Somewhere between 30 and 35 terran standard years.


Years playing 40k:  Going on 5 years now**


Years playing B.A.:  Going on 5 years now**


Hidden Content


I actually "started" in the mid 90's as a welp who got googly eyes seeing a friend of my older brother's 2nd edition Eldar Codex. a 10ish something year old had never seen anything like it and I went out and blew every penny I had that year on both the Angels of Death codex and the 3rd edition Blood Angels Codex--since I had no idea what the difference was--and a bunch of Tacticals and Terminators because they were cool. The GW model in action! I didn't even know there was a rulebook at all. I played 1 game with said brother's friend, threw some red paint directly on an unprimed grey model, and called it a day.


Fast forward to the late 2000's and I found the Dawn of War beta for my PC, bought the game, and that re-kindled interest in the setting for both my brother and I. Another fast forward to 2014 and while waiting for the flight to my honeymoon I grabbing Horus Rising. That lead me to go on a HH novel binge.


Fast forward to that fall and a close friend of mine--who let's just say I never imagined would have a remote interest in this sort of thing--said he wanted to get into tabletop wargaming. We would sit around at home, drinking beer and playing Xbox with each other...so why not sit around, drinking beer and playing games IN PERSON with each other instead? He ended up purchasing the Dark Vengeance boxset and I grabbed the Deathstorm kit.

One of my favorite memories is the two of us sitting there with beer cans (that kept moving when they weren't empty...) as terrain, playing into the wee hours of the morning trying to figure out the rules...conversing in hushed tones since since his 1 year old was sleeping in the next room over. Only folks on B&C can understand when I say it was an adventure we embarked upon. We played 1.5 more games and then life took him in a different direction and I went to a local club to get more games in...



Favourite BA Character:  Tied between Commander Dante and Sanguinius, though Dante may actually pull ahead slightly.

Raldoron comes in 2nd.


Chapter:  Blood Angels, the IX Legion of Adeptes Astartes


Years on the B&C:  4


4 years ago I played my first 3 "real" games at a local club and immediately went home to consult The Internet. I somehow found my way here and have never looked back.


This forum holds a special place for me. For a variety of reasons I haven't seen that close friend mentioned above really much at all in years since and 40k has sort of filled that void...perhaps its clinging onto that memory hoping for one last adventure, perhaps its a part of our friendship that I refused to give up. One way or another, the 40k club gave me a voracious appetite to keep playing and dig deeper, especially since so many of the players there were so "optimized" in how they built and used their forces...


...which led me to develop a knack for squeezing blood from a stone when it came to figuring High Speed Low Drag type lists. I got....well, I wouldn't say "good" but certainly "not bad" considering what I would frequently face. However, there was something a bit different about my army....


It was all grey.


I hadn't touched a paintbrush since I was 10 and was terrified to do so, especially since there were a lot of BA paint schemes out there that just didn't tickle my fancy. Then one day, I get a private message here on B&C...


...and it's LutherMax. He liked some of the tactics and ideas I had displayed and asked for some advice on the table. I then looked at his models and after picking my jaw up off the floor asked him for advice on how to A. paint at all B. replicate his style of red power armor.


Fast forward ~4 years and we've become close friends, with him coming up to Boston for a 2v2 game while he was over here n the US.  And then piggybacking off a work trip to London  the two of us trekked up to Warhammer World for a 2v2 followed by the Horus Heresy Weekend 2019. I think I text him more than my own brother at this point :smile.:

Hidden Content

Luther and I at the club here in Boston:

Luther And JP


Luther, Ania, and I at a pub near him in Oxfordshire area:

Luther, Ania, JP


I have also gone on to participate in the "miracle" 2018 ETL where we sons of Baal won the whole damn thing.  Cranking out the 1600pts I contributed to that was probably my finest painting moment, including contributing Zedrenael, Captain of the 7th Company, Lord of Skyfall who is currently slugging it out in the Feast of Blades and has gotten me to sit down and work on some writing.

Hidden Content

Zad 2

Desert's Tear


Zad Close Up


I've since gotten to play games in several different parts of the world, met the writers/designers of 30k, discussed Sanguinary inspirations with Simon Egan, jawed with James Swallow, and (with a friendly smile) harassed Guy Haley about some of his writing decisions. I have probably over 10,000pts of BA in various states of assembly, paint, and reps on the battlefield. And I credit B&C with first introducing me to the wider world of 40k that without experiencing, I probably would have fizzled out as yet another newbie face at that club.


Bolter and Chainsword is one of the last bastions of sanity in the 40k-verse here online. For that reason alone it deserves your participation.


But our little corner here, the Blood Angels subforum, is a brotherhood. I feel like I know many of the characters here though we have never met. This subforum has always been and continues to be a fun, fraternal, and inspiring place to spend those moments you are slacking off at work trying to crush at the next tournament escaping reality reminded about all that makes the multi-spectrum hobby of 40k all that it should be. Like our chosen fictional avatars, the Blood Angels, the IX Legion, the Sons of Baal, the Scions of The Angel, those who stay here in the BA subforum display equal moments of passion, fury, sorrow, glory, laughter.


But above all else there is Fidelity here in the BA forum, the kind that only those united by Blood can be.


Whenever you need to be reminded that there is always hope in a universe of grimdark, find your way back to Baal. Here, you are home.




Ok, enough mushy :cuss .


New Black Legion models = new opportunities to bloody our chainswords.


Who's hungry for some traitor blood? Who's ready to avenge our genesire?



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Real Name: JP


Avatar: Unnamed* BA marine from the cover of James Swallows' Blood Angels: The Second Omnibus.

It's one of the images I pull up when I try to explain my hobby. "And he's one of the GOOD guys!"


Hidden Content


*I actually haven't read it (shame!), so feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.



Location: Boston, MA, USA


Age: Somewhere between 30 and 35 terran standard years.


Years playing 40k: Going on 5 years now**


Years playing B.A.: Going on 5 years now**


Hidden Content


I actually "started" in the mid 90's as a welp who got googly eyes seeing a friend of my older brother's 2nd edition Eldar Codex. a 10ish something year old had never seen anything like it and I went out and blew every penny I had that year on both the Angels of Death codex and the 3rd edition Blood Angels Codex--since I had no idea what the difference was--and a bunch of Tacticals and Terminators because they were cool. The GW model in action! I didn't even know there was a rulebook at all. I played 1 game with said brother's friend, threw some red paint directly on an unprimed grey model, and called it a day.


Fast forward to the late 2000's and I found the Dawn of War beta for my PC, bought the game, and that re-kindled interest in the setting for both my brother and I. Another fast forward to 2014 and while waiting for the flight to my honeymoon I grabbing Horus Rising. That lead me to go on a HH novel binge.


Fast forward to that fall and a close friend of mine--who let's just say I never imagined would have a remote interest in this sort of thing--said he wanted to get into tabletop wargaming. We would sit around at home, drinking beer and playing Xbox with each other...so why not sit around, drinking beer and playing games IN PERSON with each other instead? He ended up purchasing the Dark Vengeance boxset and I grabbed the Deathstorm kit.

One of my favorite memories is the two of us sitting there with beer cans (that kept moving when they weren't empty...) as terrain, playing into the wee hours of the morning trying to figure out the rules...conversing in hushed tones since since his 1 year old was sleeping in the next room over. Only folks on B&C can understand when I say it was an adventure we embarked upon. We played 1.5 more games and then life took him in a different direction and I went to a local club to get more games in...



Favourite BA Character: Tied between Commander Dante and Sanguinius, though Dante may actually pull ahead slightly.

Raldoron comes in 2nd.


Chapter: Blood Angels, the IX Legion of Adeptes Astartes


Years on the B&C: 4


4 years ago I played my first 3 "real" games at a local club and immediately went home to consult The Internet. I somehow found my way here and have never looked back.


This forum holds a special place for me. For a variety of reasons I haven't seen that close friend mentioned above really much at all in years since and 40k has sort of filled that void...perhaps its clinging onto that memory hoping for one last adventure, perhaps its a part of our friendship that I refused to give up. One way or another, the 40k club gave me a voracious appetite to keep playing and dig deeper, especially since so many of the players there were so "optimized" in how they built and used their forces...


...which led me to develop a knack for squeezing blood from a stone when it came to figuring High Speed Low Drag type lists. I got....well, I wouldn't say "good" but certainly "not bad" considering what I would frequently face. However, there was something a bit different about my army....


It was all grey.


I hadn't touched a paintbrush since I was 10 and was terrified to do so, especially since there were a lot of BA paint schemes out there that just didn't tickle my fancy. Then one day, I get a private message here on B&C...


...and it's LutherMax. He liked some of the tactics and ideas I had displayed and asked for some advice on the table. I then looked at his models and after picking my jaw up off the floor asked him for advice on how to A. paint at all B. replicate his style of red power armor.


Fast forward ~4 years and we've become close friends, with him coming up to Boston for a 2v2 game while he was over here n the US. And then piggybacking off a work trip to London the two of us trekked up to Warhammer World for a 2v2 followed by the Horus Heresy Weekend 2019. I think I text him more than my own brother at this point :smile.:

Hidden Content

Luther and I at the club here in Boston:



Luther, Ania, and I at a pub near him in Oxfordshire area:




I have also gone on to participate in the "miracle" 2018 ETL where we sons of Baal won the whole damn thing. Cranking out the 1600pts I contributed to that was probably my finest painting moment, including contributing Zedrenael, Captain of the 7th Company, Lord of Skyfall who is currently slugging it out in the Feast of Blades and has gotten me to sit down and work on some writing.

Hidden Content






I've since gotten to play games in several different parts of the world, met the writers/designers of 30k, discussed Sanguinary inspirations with Simon Egan, jawed with James Swallow, and (with a friendly smile) harassed Guy Haley about some of his writing decisions. I have probably over 10,000pts of BA in various states of assembly, paint, and reps on the battlefield. And I credit B&C with first introducing me to the wider world of 40k that without experiencing, I probably would have fizzled out as yet another newbie face at that club.


Bolter and Chainsword is one of the last bastions of sanity in the 40k-verse here online. For that reason alone it deserves your participation.


But our little corner here, the Blood Angels subforum, is a brotherhood. I feel like I know many of the characters here though we have never met. This subforum has always been and continues to be a fun, fraternal, and inspiring place to spend those moments you are slacking off at work trying to crush at the next tournament escaping reality reminded about all that makes the multi-spectrum hobby of 40k all that it should be. Like our chosen fictional avatars, the Blood Angels, the IX Legion, the Sons of Baal, the Scions of The Angel, those who stay here in the BA subforum display equal moments of passion, fury, sorrow, glory, laughter.


But above all else there is Fidelity here in the BA forum, the kind that only those united by Blood can be.


Whenever you need to be reminded that there is always hope in a universe of grimdark, find your way back to Baal. Here, you are home.




Ok, enough mushy :cuss .


New Black Legion models = new opportunities to bloody our



Who's hungry for some traitor blood? Who's ready to avenge our genesire?



This is great. I think you just helped get me out of this hobby rut I'm in currently.

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I think there must’ve been a lot of romance around 40k the time us blood angels player got into it

Codex angels of death was the best codex ever released imo


It was around the end of 2nd, start of 3rd. There was a massive, massive spike in popularity with 3rd ed. Back then on Saturdays (local mega-game day) there would be 20 - 40 people crammed into my tiny local store, with 3 - 5 full and key time staff in control. 


For better or worse, the change to single man stores who cannot run massive gaming programs, I feel cut the fun of these big events, leading to less player retention. Now on Saturdays, there's max 10 or so in. 

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  • 3 months later...

Real Name: Luther


Avatar: One of the first models painted for my "new" army


Location: Oxfordshire, UK


Age: 37


Years playing 40k: About 7 (I think), off and on


Years playing B.A.: About 4-5 of those


Favourite BA Character: Dante / Mephiston


Chapter: [Formerly] Blood Angels, the IX Legion of Adeptes Astartes


Years on the B&C: 6









I hadn't touched a paintbrush since I was 10 and was terrified to do so, especially since there were a lot of BA paint schemes out there that just didn't tickle my fancy. Then one day, I get a private message here on B&C...


...and it's LutherMax. He liked some of the tactics and ideas I had displayed and asked for some advice on the table. I then looked at his models and after picking my jaw up off the floor asked him for advice on how to A. paint at all B. replicate his style of red power armor.


Fast forward ~4 years and we've become close friends, with him coming up to Boston for a 2v2 game while he was over here n the US.  And then piggybacking off a work trip to London  the two of us trekked up to Warhammer World for a 2v2 followed by the Horus Heresy Weekend 2019. I think I text him more than my own brother at this point :smile.:


It was an amazing trip to Boston – JP and his wife are consummate hosts and I could not have felt more welcome or looked after.


We played a great fun and very close game with his BA against his buddies' AM & Black Templars. Sadly we lost but it came down to the very last dice roll!!


We made amends at Warhammer World when we smashed my buddy's Eldar (something I have always struggled to do) with my Raptors. Side note: I thoroughly recommend the combination of 2x Contemptor Dreads and a Leviathan :grin:


I hope that those trips are parts 1 & 2 of an ongoing saga :wink:

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Real Name: Luther


Avatar: One of the first models painted for my "new" army


Location: Oxfordshire, UK


Age: 37


Years playing 40k: About 7 (I think), off and on


Years playing B.A.: About 4-5 of those


Favourite BA Character: Dante / Mephiston


Chapter: [Formerly] Blood Angels, the IX Legion of Adeptes Astartes


Years on the B&C: 6









I hadn't touched a paintbrush since I was 10 and was terrified to do so, especially since there were a lot of BA paint schemes out there that just didn't tickle my fancy. Then one day, I get a private message here on B&C...


...and it's LutherMax. He liked some of the tactics and ideas I had displayed and asked for some advice on the table. I then looked at his models and after picking my jaw up off the floor asked him for advice on how to A. paint at all B. replicate his style of red power armor.


Fast forward ~4 years and we've become close friends, with him coming up to Boston for a 2v2 game while he was over here n the US.  And then piggybacking off a work trip to London  the two of us trekked up to Warhammer World for a 2v2 followed by the Horus Heresy Weekend 2019. I think I text him more than my own brother at this point :smile.:

It was an amazing trip to Boston – JP and his wife are consummate hosts and I could not have felt more welcome or looked after.


We played a great fun and very close game with his BA against his buddies' AM & Black Templars. Sadly we lost but it came down to the very last dice roll!!


We made amends at Warhammer World when we smashed my buddy's Eldar (something I have always struggled to do) with my Raptors. Side note: I thoroughly recommend the combination of 2x Contemptor Dreads and a Leviathan :grin:


I hope that those trips are parts 1 & 2 of an ongoing saga :wink:



When you coming back to Baal? Come on in, the thurstwater is just fine!

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