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Restorer HH Short by Chris Wraight


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This story I believe concludes the HH stories of the White Scars until the Siege begins. Shiban is on Terra recovering and has some business to finish. Loved the story and for the first time that I can recall in any of the HH books they finally mention the mad recruiting and swelling of the Fists and now the Scars are getting rebuilt. That was nice to finally read.


Great read, in many ways I have loved the HH shorts better than the main set piece novels. Chris did a wonderful job with the Scars. I hope he is writing about their dash to the Space port!


I hope their is one more short before the Siege, an Order of Battle.

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Yeah this was excellent, agreed on the recruitment point would love to hear more. Presumably all the old facilities for all 20 legions should still be in the solar system, given how desperate things are there wouldn't be any reason not to build up forces for the loyalists at least.


I am wondering how many Fists there are now? in MoM they allude there are only 4-5 Companies on Terra which seemed absurd. I am thinking 250k plus in the Solar defense. Maybe 25-40k in training. However, so many things never add up as they grabbed a few thousand suits from Mars but with at least 900k worlds to draw from you would think material is the least of their worries. 

I always need to remind myself not to look to hard at the real military aspects of these books as I am pretty sure none of the writers actually served in their nations militaries, if they did then they are severely constrained by BL editorial staff.

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Originally they were around 120k or so? Having lost 1/3rd with the retribution fleet (with no clue yet if the survivors from there returned with sanguinius), and with this recruiment boon, maybe around original pre-heresy numbers.

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Yeah this was excellent, agreed on the recruitment point would love to hear more. Presumably all the old facilities for all 20 legions should still be in the solar system, given how desperate things are there wouldn't be any reason not to build up forces for the loyalists at least.


I am wondering how many Fists there are now? in MoM they allude there are only 4-5 Companies on Terra which seemed absurd. I am thinking 250k plus in the Solar defense. Maybe 25-40k in training. However, so many things never add up as they grabbed a few thousand suits from Mars but with at least 900k worlds to draw from you would think material is the least of their worries. 

I always need to remind myself not to look to hard at the real military aspects of these books as I am pretty sure none of the writers actually served in their nations militaries, if they did then they are severely constrained by BL editorial staff.



I assume your referring to the few thousand suits recovered as detailed in Mechanicum by Camba Diaz and Sigismund? The issue with that, is that the novel was written back when the legion numbers hadn't been 'standardised'(though it's still a mess) and we had the legions numbering just the thousands, instead of the hundred thousand or so average we have now. It's a bit of a weird one now when you read the older novels earlier on in the series. I kind of just mentally scale up any numbers given to fit what we now know. So instead of a few thousand suits recovered from Mars, it's tens of thousands, if not more.

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There's always some Adeptus who forgets to add an extra "0" to the spreadsheet....


<hand waving away why Legion #'s are so off all the time>


Regardless of their actual #'s, the Siege is really going to rely on the Fists in so many ways, not only because it's their "turf" (Sol system, defensive warfare), but b/c they are comparatively "fresh" as a Legion compared to the other forces returning to the sector.


"Comparatively" is the operative word since it's not like they were sitting around eating Cheetos during the whole Heresy. Maintain the Homeland is always a trying task, plus blockading Mars, plus all the Alpha Legion shenanigans, and that's before the open battles at Pluto. There's also the draining effect of constantly waiting for the hammer to fall: being suited up and ready to go at a moment's notice does have its wear and tear on anyone, superhuman or not. And Dorn truly did not know exactly when Horus would strike, so they had to be ready at all times. Some of the shorts also do a good job with showing how the mortal populations are weighing down the defenders as well by being...well...mortal. Food shortages, panic, the necessary communications blackout, etc...


But yet, compared to the White Scars who were fighting a nomadic campaign with no guarantee of refit, testing the limits of their capabilities even for a Legion best suited for that type of warfare, and the Blood Angels who basically fought through non-metaphorical hell and back (twice), the IF were "fresh".


It is interesting to see how the White Scars have to adapt to bringing even more Terran recruits into their ranks as stopgaps. I like how this short story hints that for the first time Shiban realizes he's going to need to learn their way of war (defensive) rather than the other way around.

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I hope fans of the White Scars series all find this short, because it’s not just a little extra story. It closes Torghun’s arc. It starts Shiban’s recovery. It hints at a slightly different nature to the White Scars in future years.


Great story, and quite dense, too.

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