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Which Primarchs will switch sides?


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Dorn leading BT is the most likely. It makes sense, the Dorn from the scouring was more angry for sure.


Eh, I just don't see it. I'd be for it for sure because it would be crazy and the first vitality we'd have in more than a decade... but likely? I mean, I guess I might be overestimating how likely you find another primarch rreturning and leading a different faction so misreading the meaning behind your words.... But well, I just can't really see it because of the planet sized mountain of salt blocking my view.

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But for example I see Angron leading daemons of khorne instead of World eaters since they are mostly disbanded.

I think GW missed that opportunity by bringing back two Daemon Primarchs leading their Legions already. Now people expect Angron to come back with proper World Eaters and doing otherwise would just create a huge :censored: storm.



I'm sure people would be fine with Angron in a Khorne Daemonkin codex that mainly focused on daemons but had berserkers in it. The TS and DG codex already had all the non-hq daemons in them and khorne and slaanesh are going to need new rules on the daemon side as well as the astartes side.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I could certainly see one or more of the Primarchs returning and staying true to the Emperor's original vision, rejecting what the Imperium has become.


Guilliman doesn't LIKE what the Imperium has become, but he's working with it. I could see others being less flexible and outright being against the current Imperium, but not falling to Chaos.


A third faction.

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Guilliman doesn't LIKE what the Imperium has become, but he's working with it. I could see others being less flexible and outright being against the current Imperium, but not falling to Chaos.



Guilliman is slowly getting converted though. The presence of the Emperor and the workings of pure faith are facts he can't deny forever no matter how much he might dislike it. Big E is on his best way to become a proper warp god and worshipping him is a effective tool against the forces of chaos. He even started to study Lorgars original book. And that's the Primarch who is all about cold hard logic and who probably resents Lorgar and his views the most. ;)

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Irony at its finest... the primark who forced the beliver to bend his knee to the imperial truth and therefore set the path for the herasy in motion ends up becoming the first true converted primarch to the faith of the emperor


edit - fixed it!... see sfPanzers quote for what I'd missed out :(

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Irony at its finest... the primark who forced the beliver to bend his knee to the imperial truth and therefore set the path for the herasy in motion ends up becoming the first true convert to the faith of the emperor


The first? More like the last considering the whole galaxy is already worshipping him lol

But yeah the irony is definitely there and it's awesome. :D

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Well "Logic" would seem to dictate that Robby G is at some point going to of faced every one of the chaotic primarchs at some point. 


So far we've had Magnus and Mortarion,  Robby has already delivered an ass kicking to Skarbrand but I don't think that will be enough to ebb of an actual confrontation with Angron. (Although they will probably have to drop a whole planet on Angry Boi to score a "Victory" this time.) I'd also say they are probably saving Fulgrim till last. I actually doubt they will bring any loyalists back until RG has faced all the chaos boys and has scored up some sort of win against each (pyrrhic as some of these victories may be) I'm willing to bet that we may even see some sort of Imperial Civil Cold war re ensue between Robby and any potential Loyalist bought back.


My reasoning (or well, what id personally like to see at least)  behind this is I feel that GW would benefit more from a loyalist stand of tension building narrative that could see the trump card that Primaris marines are at the moment being tested against each other. Say for example current more rigid successor chapters who have yet to accept primaris marines into the fold come into open conflict with Primaris utilizing chapters. This could then be something that justifies the return of a loyalist Primarch to help restore order over a none compliant set of successor chapters but would also allow for Marines v1.0 to come into conflict with marines v2.0.


I think it would have to be an extremist chapter though like the Charadons that this kinda thing occurred with. Which would bring Corax back as a surprise ringer to the list of "primarchs we would like to see"

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No one is going to turn...… Traitor Primarchs are damned and cannot be forgiven.... Loyalist Primarchs are just too damned loyal..... :tongue.:


I could see The Khan bursting out from wherever he went and taking one look at the state of things, returning from whence he came..... I could definitely see that:yes:

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What about Omegon? And the perfect, uncorrupted clone of Fulgrim who is disgusted at what the original did?



Although the most likely thing I could imagine would be the Fulgrim clone getting released by Trazyn and take command of the Sons of the Phoenix loyalist chapter ... however that would mean GW would give Fulgrim/EC fans twice as much attention as others which seems unlikely as well.

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