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Yes its occurring this year, and it should start some time in May.


From this thread: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/353986-etl-2019/


Myself, I can't wait - I have so much stuff piled up on my desk that I'm eager to get to painting.  In the meantime, I'm working on some terrain. :smile.:

Thank you. Exciting times ahead indeed. :thumbsup:

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Late to the party, but guess I can pledge my 1k patrol battalion I've been working on all April.



Excessus call if this counts or not for the conversion minimums, but just turned 24 basic Mk3 marines into 24 berzerkers.






Along with a freshly built Heresy Khârn and some slight work on Mk3 commander to an Exalted Champion, that's the requirement for a Battalion. My WIP thread goes in to more detail.

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So a choice has been made...



I, Darnok, pledge to complete a Patrol Detachment before the 1st of May, 2019 , for the glory of Nurgle and its Chosen Legion.


Since this grumpy chap came along ith the Deathshrouds...


... I thought "know what, he needs some more walking bullet magnets". I already have quite a couple of Poxwalkers built and primed, but even more are still on their sprues, so getting some more built sounds like a good idea to me.


Here they are:





My vow is for Typhus (HQ) and one unit of 10 Poxwalkers (Troops), even though I might get more Poxwalkers done in the end.



P.S.: I also finally managed to update my original vow, including sprue pictures and everything.

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Vanguard complete!

I've got a couple other plans for this year's ETL but these guys will likely be the core.

Units after assembly


Not wanting to spoil the party, but this lacks the units for a Vanguard. By fielding solo Obliterators it could be a Spearhead though!

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Thanks for letting me know. I stupidly assumed both forces in the box were vanguard detachments and should have looked more closely at my csm book.


@Excessus Can I retroactively change my vow to a Spearhead Detachment?

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Late, but not too late...



Vanguard Detachment


Lord Felthius, Tainted Cohort, five Blightlord Terminators, three Deathshroud Terminators...



... plus seven Possessed.



See here for the vow and the sprue pictures.



Patrol Detachment


Typhus and 14 Poxwalkers (not 10 as vowed, but Nurgles number and all that...).



See here for the vow and sprue pictures.



Bonus Round


I did not have to, but also finished building the Master of Possession, two Greater Possessed and... a Noctilith Crown!



Sprue pictures:




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Thanks for letting me know. I stupidly assumed both forces in the box were vanguard detachments and should have looked more closely at my csm book.


@Excessus Can I retroactively change my vow to a Spearhead Detachment?


Since it's an honest mistake it's fine. :)

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Thank you. I should gave paid closer attention, especially since I model more than play.


As penance I will round up a vanguard detachment for ETL. I know I have some half built rubrics and a helbrute around somewhere. Just need an hq and another elite.

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Since I haven't been online almost at all due to my thesis writing, and I don't have much time to post here today I'll extend the deadline until friday so people can get their current vows done.


No new vows after today though.

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Aaaaaand we're done! :D

Thank you so much for participating in this little event, and I hope that you were pushed to build a little more than usual because of this.

The fabulous heroes of the long war, that managed to build up their forces within the limited time are:

Gederas - Battalion

Eldrick Shadowblade - Patrol

Marshal van Trapp - Vanguard

tordeck - Vanguard

tordeck - Spearhead

Sgt. Blank - Patrol

El_Dicko - Battalion

Akylas - Vanguard

Darnok - Vanguard

Darnok - Patrol

DeRome90 - Vanguard

Boshea - Battalion

Congratulations and well done! You are fully deserving to use the chosen banners from the first post! I hope I didn't forget anyone, it was harder than it seems to keep track of the posts, hehe

For the rest of us:




Lord Th

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Many thanks to Excessus for running this! It definitely helped my motivation to get models built - I got stuff done that I might not even have touched otherwise. So a win for me for sure. :thumbsup:

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