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Vanguard Tactica-thread.


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@lemondish, what do you support them with to continue holding that middle ground. For awhile now I’ve been wanting to build my army to have three elements that work together. A castle to provide fire support, an advance team to screen and harass the enemy, charging when suitable, and a flanking element, deep striking turn two to take advantage of any openings my opponent makes, be it objective or otherwise. So far I’ve finished the dark imperium box.

Right now my list is all Primaris, because I love those models, and it's in huge flux because I learn better by throwing stuff out there to see if it sticks. In my last game, my firebase was a crimson fist Liberator battalion with a Hellblaster squad and two Intercessor squads holding my deployment with the field Commander Lt that provides both auras and an ancient with the relic banner.

My forward component is the two squads of Infiltrators with the Vanguard Librarian. I've been experimenting with him as my warlord lately, but only for fun. I'm really leaning towards taking more/bigger squads here.

My mobile component is two Repulsors and a Redemptor. One Repulsor is carrying a maxed size 10 man squad of Veteran Intercessors while the other is carrying a power fist captain (with the relic fist), a power sword Lt. and a 5 man Intercessor squad. These are the units I use to move forward to augment the Infiltrators or push forward to secure objectives in my opponent's deployment. I don't have any deep strike, but that's largely because I'm spending like 600 points in Repulsors lol. If it weren't for my absolute adoration of this model, I'd try and tweak the list to be more competitive.


Where do I get the rules for the veteran intercessors and powerfist relics, and these detachments?

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@lemondish, what do you support them with to continue holding that middle ground. For awhile now I’ve been wanting to build my army to have three elements that work together. A castle to provide fire support, an advance team to screen and harass the enemy, charging when suitable, and a flanking element, deep striking turn two to take advantage of any openings my opponent makes, be it objective or otherwise. So far I’ve finished the dark imperium box.

Right now my list is all Primaris, because I love those models, and it's in huge flux because I learn better by throwing stuff out there to see if it sticks. In my last game, my firebase was a crimson fist Liberator battalion with a Hellblaster squad and two Intercessor squads holding my deployment with the field Commander Lt that provides both auras and an ancient with the relic banner.

My forward component is the two squads of Infiltrators with the Vanguard Librarian. I've been experimenting with him as my warlord lately, but only for fun. I'm really leaning towards taking more/bigger squads here.

My mobile component is two Repulsors and a Redemptor. One Repulsor is carrying a maxed size 10 man squad of Veteran Intercessors while the other is carrying a power fist captain (with the relic fist), a power sword Lt. and a 5 man Intercessor squad. These are the units I use to move forward to augment the Infiltrators or push forward to secure objectives in my opponent's deployment. I don't have any deep strike, but that's largely because I'm spending like 600 points in Repulsors lol. If it weren't for my absolute adoration of this model, I'd try and tweak the list to be more competitive.


Where do I get the rules for the veteran intercessors and powerfist relics, and these detachments?


Detachments are in Vigilus Defiant. Powerfist could be from Vigilus, but I don't recall 100% on that one.

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For my part i've had two antenna get wrecked by the minitures falling of table. Of course that might ruin any miniture if you're unlucky, but the antenna are especially suseptible to being ruined.

TBH, i clipped off most of the thinner antennas on everything.  I figured they're GOING to break, so I'd rather snip them off flush rather than have them break, and maybe chip some paint or something later.

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For my part i've had two antenna get wrecked by the minitures falling of table. Of course that might ruin any miniture if you're unlucky, but the antenna are especially suseptible to being ruined.

TBH, i clipped off most of the thinner antennas on everything.  I figured they're GOING to break, so I'd rather snip them off flush rather than have them break, and maybe chip some paint or something later.


This. Playing skitarii since release, I've seen a lot of them break off over the time. For the Infiltrators, I just left one shortened antenna and cut off everything else, let's see if that one manages to stay on.

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@lemondish, what do you support them with to continue holding that middle ground. For awhile now I’ve been wanting to build my army to have three elements that work together. A castle to provide fire support, an advance team to screen and harass the enemy, charging when suitable, and a flanking element, deep striking turn two to take advantage of any openings my opponent makes, be it objective or otherwise. So far I’ve finished the dark imperium box.

Right now my list is all Primaris, because I love those models, and it's in huge flux because I learn better by throwing stuff out there to see if it sticks. In my last game, my firebase was a crimson fist Liberator battalion with a Hellblaster squad and two Intercessor squads holding my deployment with the field Commander Lt that provides both auras and an ancient with the relic banner.

My forward component is the two squads of Infiltrators with the Vanguard Librarian. I've been experimenting with him as my warlord lately, but only for fun. I'm really leaning towards taking more/bigger squads here.

My mobile component is two Repulsors and a Redemptor. One Repulsor is carrying a maxed size 10 man squad of Veteran Intercessors while the other is carrying a power fist captain (with the relic fist), a power sword Lt. and a 5 man Intercessor squad. These are the units I use to move forward to augment the Infiltrators or push forward to secure objectives in my opponent's deployment. I don't have any deep strike, but that's largely because I'm spending like 600 points in Repulsors lol. If it weren't for my absolute adoration of this model, I'd try and tweak the list to be more competitive.

Where do I get the rules for the veteran intercessors and powerfist relics, and these detachments?
Hey! The Indomitus Crusaders and Crimson Fist Liberator Detachment rules are in Vigilus Defiant, the first Vigilus campaign book. The Indomitus Crusaders one is where you get Veteran Intercessors. It's quite a CP sink, but I think everything is worth trying especially when it doesn't require new models.


The Crimson Fist relic is called the Fist of Vengeance and is available for Crimson Fist characters with rules found in both Codex: Space Marines and the White Dwarf index article. It's basically a thunder hammer without the penalty to hit.


That White Dwarf article came with new chapter tactics, warlord traits, Stratagems, and relics for the Crimson Fists. Lots of goodies there.

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It's quite a CP sink, but I think everything is worth trying especially when it doesn't require new models.

You need to paint them with Elite markings rather than normal battleline ones though :P

I actually just carry around a desk lamp that highlights them from above to show how special they are.

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Which issue is it so I can get one.


January 2019 - I imagine those rules will eventually be rolled into the next Codex release. Whenever that will be (which seems to be a major unknown factor, especially with all those White Scars stand-alone ideas). 

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If Blood Angels could take them I'd have their heads magnetized so I could give them all golden helmets like proper veterans. :tongue.:


Do you mean Veteran Intercessors?  


Yeah, it was a reply to Lemondish who was talking about the Indomitus Crusaders specialist detachment. ;)

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I was looking at that and trying to see if there was anything that required it to be Codex Marines or prohibited it for other Chapters but couldn't tell either way.  

I'm guessing the intent is Codex-only, but it could be an interesting approach for folks who play Primaris companies in the non-Codex Chapters.

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I was looking at that and trying to see if there was anything that required it to be Codex Marines or prohibited it for other Chapters but couldn't tell either way.

I'm guessing the intent is Codex-only, but it could be an interesting approach for folks who play Primaris companies in the non-Codex Chapters.

At the risk of derailing the thread further, I felt it would be worth giving you the answer you needed here. In the Vigilus Defiant FAQ, you can see this:


Q: Is a Blood Angels, Dark Angels, Space Wolves or Deathwatch Detachment also a Space Marines Detachment?

A: No. As defined in Codex: Space Marines, a Space Marines Detachment is a Detachment that only includes units with one of the following Faction keywords: <Chapter>, Ultramarines, Imperial Fists, Salamanders, White Scars, Raven Guard, Iron Hands, Crimson Fists or Black Templars

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  • 3 weeks later...

I was wondering if anyone could explain Infiltrator squads to me. My question is, are they just another Space Marine troop choice? I'm not exactly sure if I need to fill out a whole detachment with units from the Vanguard mini codex or if they are just more data sheets I can use in a Space Marine detachment. (Mixing them with data sheets from codex Space Marines in a detachment.)  Maybe it's obvious but I am actually unsure about this and can't seem to find an answer in the Vanguard Codex. 

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I was wondering if anyone could explain Infiltrator squads to me. My question is, are they just another Space Marine troop choice? I'm not exactly sure if I need to fill out a whole detachment with units from the Vanguard mini codex or if they are just more data sheets I can use in a Space Marine detachment. (Mixing them with data sheets from codex Space Marines in a detachment.)  Maybe it's obvious but I am actually unsure about this and can't seem to find an answer in the Vanguard Codex. 



You've got the right of it. Infiltrators are simply another Troops choice for us, like Intercessors or Scouts. There are no penalties or special costs that need to be payed to play any of the units from the Vanguard mini-codex in a normal Space Marines detachment.


Notably, many of the the Warlord Traits and Psychic Powers only apply specifically to units with the 'PHOBOS' keyword, which most of the units in the Vangaurd mini-codex have. Other than that, treat them as any other unit.

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or if they are just more data sheets I can use in a Space Marine detachment. (Mixing them with data sheets from codex Space Marines in a detachment.) 


Basically this.

It doesn't need to be written out anywhere in the Vanguard Codex because it's all about the faction keywords. They are a Troop choice with the ADEPTUS ASTARTES and the <CHAPTER> keywords so they fit in just fine in any regular Space Marine detachment. ;)

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