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Ordo Reductor in the current timeline

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What would an Ordo Reductor force look like in 40k? Understood we don't have access to Thallax at the moment. What could I safely include in an O.R. theme list?


I currently have 40 Skitarii vanguard, two dune crawlers and two Kastelans, which I can make fit the narrative.


I think kataphron servitors and electro priests are out, although O.R. were known to take the field with Myrmidons, so maybe electro priests might work in a similar fashion.


Any help is welcome, thanks.

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Great question, I used to play Ordo Reductor in 30k.  I did use Thallaxes, then the precursor to the Kastelans, Castellaxes.  I actually reckon Kataphron Servitors are ok with the theme, they're kinda like Thallaxes.  Maybe I'd convert them, I don't know.


However, what defines the Ordo Reductor are big guns, like artillery.  It's not just a matter of opinion, as in the Taghmata Red Book, the unique units to the Ordo Reductor are artillery units.  In typical Mechanicum fashion, they gave you options to do-it-yourself artillery units, allowing you to customise them.


Thus, as a guy who used to play this particularly subfaction, in 8th ed rules I actually think the answer to Ordo Reductor lies outside the Mechanicus Codex, and in either the Imperial Guard Codex or Forgeworld Index, because they have the artillery weapons.  However, I'd paint those units in Mechanicus's red colours, etc.


Specifically, I'd choose units that do not have separate Guardsmen crew, because I don't want to confuse opponents and want to stick to theme.  I'd choose things like, say, a Basilisk tank or a Hydra, but crewed by Servitors; in the case of the latter, I'd actually convert the operator into a Servitor plugged into the gunnery controls.  I'd avoid things like, say, a Heavy Mortar team, as that's too close to Guardsmen imho.


Gameplay/matched play-wise, and in your case, I'd probably organise the actual Mechanicus units as your main Battalion Detachment.  Then I'd take a Heavy Support Detachment of just Artillery units with pre-requisite HQ, etc.  In fact, I'd probably try to take them in the Emperor's Wrath Artillery Specialist Detachment from Vigilis.


Just my thoughts.  I think this is a fluffy, yet effective, and easy to paint and model method of sticking to the Ordo Reductor theme.

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Yes, good advice. I've got three basilisks waiting. One option I considered was running the Skitarii as guardsmen and using kataphrons as troops for the admech detachment. I play mainly friendly games, so it wouldn't be an issue for my opponents. Another option would be running tech thralls as guardsmen. Expensive though. I considered running thallax as kataphrons because I prefer the models, but the base size is different.


I wish the admech range had more infantry choices.

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Just on a fluff note, a white dwarf Mechanicus lore article said Thallax are still used by Reductor in M41. I think one of the codexes might have also stated it.


While saddening that Fires of Cyraxes is officially cancelled claims there’s an Index coming to bring 30k Mechanicum forgeworld units to 40k 8th should allow this.. but how long a wait there is for that is anyone’s guess.

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Wanting to add a Micro Ordinatus to my Mechanicus force had me contemplating a similar line of thought and I came to the same conclusion as others. I'll be using a Guard detachment (to act in a 'titan guard' infantry capacity) with a Baneblade variant represented by a kit-bashed conversion. While not the best LoW choice in the game the Baneblade chassis offers several different versions that let you choose how it will act on the table giving it some flexibility; just model it right so it looks like a non-descript mega-weapon that the Mechanicus would create and it can stand in for several versions of the chassis. I also plan to add a few Psychers to act as the senior crew/custodians that can provide some buffs to the platform.


Then I saw this glorious creation, and it locked the idea in. My plan is to actually build two, one taking inspiration from this and a second that is not a walker but built on two sets of the Galvanic Servohaulers so it rolls on tracks similar to a full-size Ordinatus.




Once I saw this, I simply could not un-see it, so now I'm completely compelled to make this idea real once the rest of the starting army is complete. The gathering of kits and components is already underway. When the Omnissiah speaks with such conviction it would be folly to not take heed and act on the inspiration granted.

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The seat of the gunner looks like the spotter/gunner seat from the Taurox (optional part when building the Taurox w/the hatch in closed position, so you might have luck asking the local AM players for this bit).



That's some rather genius use of the servohauler kit - took me a while to recognize the servohauler tug chassis used on the side of the body.

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