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Minotaur madness! A 1000pts in a month (hopefully!)


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Hey all!


So I have my first eighth Ed. campaign coming up, after being obsessed with GWs other round base game for the past few years and having dug out my old armies, I wasn’t feeling that hobby mojo. A new army was in order, but I only have a month left to paint one...


Enter the Minotaurs! Those gloriously cranky, bronze clad maniacs with a penchant for ruining other chapters days!


Knowing that I’m notoriously useless at sticking to deadlines, I’m setting up this log in the hope that I stay on target. So, one month from now I WILL be the proud owner of a 1000pt Primaris force - hopefully you guys will enjoy coming along on this mad journey with me!


My first mission is tackling the biggest model in my force - a Repulsor! After two nights work, here’s what I’ve done so far:




Still a lot of work to do. Plus Emperor willing my package from Shapeways will show up soon with all of my Minotaur logos!


Cheers for looking!

Cheers all! As soon as I get back from work, I’ll be straight back on the painting train and trying to finish up the repulsor. There’s is still so much work to do on him, but as soon as he’s done, that’s a big chunk of the army finished. After that, the rest should be smooth sailing (fingers crossed!)


@War Angel: Sure thing! So I’m away from my notes, but if I remember correctly the list is:


1 Gravis Captain

1 Primaris Lieutenant

10 man Intercessor squad

2x 5 man Intercessor squads

5 man Helblaster squad

1 Repulsor


The general plan is to give myself a solid core battalion that I can expand upon as the games get bigger and as I learn the Primaris ropes. This will only be my fourth game of eighth so I’m trying to keep things as simple as possible! :lol:


@Chaplain Dosjetka: Ahaha! Deadlines are my natural enemy! I only have a 50% completion record for all of the ETLs I’ve participated in- something I hope to change this year! The bronze is a super simple recipe that I picked up from some where online (apologies to whoever was the genius who first came up with it! This crazy mission of mine would not be possible without you!) ages ago and stored in my book of paint recipes.


Base coat/prime Army painter plate metal.

Wash the whole thing in Nuln oil.

Wash the whole thing Agrax Earthshade.

Drybrush the model with army painter shining steel, focussing on the hard edges.

Then wash everything with two coats of Seraphim Sepia.

Paint nuln oil into the deepest recesses.

Then highlight the edges and paint thin scratches on the armour plates with shining steel.


Jobs a good un boss!


Another update will come tonight, so thanks for the kind words all!

I would never have imagined you paint bronze without painting bronze!

Looking back now at the photos I can see it’s been washed with Seraphim, but didn’t know until you said :tu:

Ahaha! I know right - it’s basically cheating! :lol:


I really wish I can remember who I liberated the recipe from, as whoever it was is a genius and deserves all the props.


I kinda forgot to take a picture yesterday, but here’s today’s progress:




At this point, I’ve finished the repulsor bar lenses and chapter symbols (which should be arriving next week fingers crossed!) and have made a start on some marines. Anything you guys feel can be improved upon?




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