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Primaris, What to build next?

War Angel

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I have only to paint the bases of my Inceptors and my Primaris army will consist of a Gravis captain, two lieutenants, a company standard, two five man intercessors, a 5 man hellblasters squad, and the previously mentioned three inceptors.


My question for you all, what should my next add be, and how do I get this to 1000 points (preferably without removing things).

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My question for you is: with are they all equipped with? Sounds like you got half the 8th ed starter set, but it does make a difference in points, obviously.


First, you should add another 5 Intercessors to finish your Battalion. Then another 5 Hellblasters.

Assuming you have the stock loadout, that takes you to 1055pts, and that's where I'd drop a Lieutenant.


The reasoning behind this: One squad of Hellblasters will get targeted and wiped turn 1, they're the most dangerous thing you have, with the Inceptors following behind. So these are gonna be target #1 once the Hellblasters are gone.

You need to double down on any given threat in order to not present a line of easy targets in descending order of relevance.

Since adding more Inceptors would take you over the 1000pts mark anyway, I say get the Plasma guys instead and get some use out of that Captain. They're your best source of anti-armor fire and while Inceptors are highly mobile, even 6 of them won't really make a dent against an opponent who wants to take an objective from you.

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Correct, it is the imperial half of DI. So I’ll add the inctercessors and hellblasters, drop a lieutenant. That should actually have me a little under 1000, but will it leave me with enough points to buy anything else?

It's about 19 points leftover, which is just enough to give each of your Intercessor Sergeants a power weapon. You could go 3 swords.


Or 2 swords and a fist.


Or just two fists.


This is the Imperial Fists after all ;)

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