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feuer_faust Starts The Purge

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Ah, The Purge. Why settle for killing all humans when you can kill all everything? After years of waffling, I found an army that speaks to me, and I like their green-and-black scheme. Bonus points that they have the nifty new Vigilus rules to make them extra fun. I already had a bunch of chaos marines that wasn't sure what to do with, and a bunch of Death Guard. I figure The Purge and Death Guard will be painted the same way for the sake of uniformity, and so I begin.


Many of my minis have test schemes, old paint, or janky primer on them. Some I have inherited, others built or salvaged. So, as I go, I will track my progress here. This main post will list the army as it grows, and I'll post up individual things further down in the topic.


Current Forces (Under review)

(P = Painted, p = primed, ub + unbuilt)



Mortarion (p)



Lord of Contagion x2 (1 p , 1 ub)

Daemon Prince with wings and bolter

Chaos Lord (Dark Vengeance)

Sorcerer (ub)

Terminator Sorcerer

Malignant Plaguecaster x2 (1x p, 1 ub)

Typhus (p)

Fabulous Bile (ub)



Noxious Blightbringer x2 (1 p, 1 ub)

Foul Blightspawn (p)

Helbrute x...4? (Under evaluation)

Terminators x 15 (under evaluation)

Plague Marines x25 (Includes a full 20-man squad and some extras) (9x p)



Chaos Cultists x40 (1/2 close combat, 1/2 shooty)

Plaguewalkers x40

Chaos Space Marines x... (under review, around 15 or so built, as many unbuilt)



Rhino x2 (1 p, 1 ub)



Warp Talons x10

Plagueburst Crawler x1

Foetid Bloat-Drone x2 (plaguespewers)



Land Raider x2 (1 needs repairs)

Plagueburst Crawler x1

Vinidcator x1

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First day it's been warm enough to primer AND I was not working, so begins Primer Fest 2019! Nine chaos marines, the grenade character, the bell guy, Typhus, the Blightcaster, and the Lord of Corruption.


Primer Fest 2019 pt 1


Also, I see my champion was added to the main post and not a subsequent post, so I am rectifying this. Decided to go with a plague marine champion as he was ready to be painted at the time (others were in the paint stripping pot). In particular, I like how I decided to represent plague weapons: as dead, necrotic things with a glassy or wet appearance.


The Purge Champion

My goal is to post every time I accomplish something significant in finishing these guys. It will serve as a timeline and, dare I hope, inspiration for people. You don't have to do a lot each time you work on your army, just a little bit is enough. I present to you Assembly Line 2: Electric Boogaloo. 


At this stage, all figured have been primed with Army Painter Matte Black. Shoulders, helmets, and boots have been painted with GW Death Guard Green (2 thin coats, of course), and then washed with GW Agrax Earthshade.


EDIT: For the record, I spent about an hour priming these guys. Then about twenty minutes per group ( I did three groups of these guys in rows) for the green, and another ten per group for the wash. So far, about two and a half hours in.


assembly line 2

  • 3 weeks later...

I return! Life is busy, as we all know, up to and including car trouble and a freak blizzard earlier this week that saw me working quite a bit. I keep eyeing my unbuilt Shadowspear units, and recently I acquired a new foam carrier so I can actually put these guys somewhere. Now that I have built some of the new plastic Chaos marines... I'm not sure I can go back to the old plastics. Here's my first two marines, and two obliterators, using a conversion technique I saw on this very forum some weeks back: swapping autocannons for reaper chaincannons.


oblits chaingunners

Added a couple more guys to the pile, specifically an older metal sorcerer and the Dark Vengeance chaos lord. The lord's horns were damaged, and cutting them down looked weird... so I replaced his head with my spare executioner head. I also added a Nurgle charm to the pommel of the sword (it was also missing), this particular one from Mortarion's unused weapon.


Chaos Lord and Sorcerer

The Purge are great, good to see a fledgling army of them emerge! Also FWIW I absolutely love that Sorcerer sculpt, and I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with it.

Thank you! It is one of my favorite sorcerers, too, and holds up fairly well even today. He's a bit smaller than his fellows, but he IS a wizard, so...


I have added a Dark Apostle and his disciples to the army, using the old starter set champion as the apostle (he always seemed like a good fit), and some ancient Nurgle marines for his followers. In my head, they are chunky mutants who swear up and down that when they last saw actual marines 30 years ago, this is how they looked! Nobody believes them, poor guys...


Dark Apostle And Disciples

I'm pretty sure that model has been used as a stand-in Dark Apostle significantly more often than as anything else, including what it's supposed to be! Nice to see someone giving some love to a lesser used warband as well!




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