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The current fine cast upgrade sprew, how is it?

1-Garbage (doesn’t really help Chapter Stand out on table top/barely noticeable)

10-Templar Sprew Quality (amazing, over all. A bunch of little bits and enough to make a Templar model look genuinely unique).


And how the arms and legs bit look with Primaris? Pads & Head work but what about other bits?

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It's still failcast - not as bad to work with as some say, but you're still 50% certain to have at least one completely bent part or air enclosures.


The parts that come with it DO help to make two guys stand out, the legs do most of the... must resist... legwork. Dangit. Sorry.

The Hammer works great as well.

The problem is just that once you use the legs or the bolters, all other models look quite dull in comparison, especially since the bolter designs are quite fancy in the IH set.

You'd need a lot of sprues to really make your army look good.

So it's a 10 for one model but a 1 for the army - the Templar set comes with a lot more parts.


You can make old pairs of arms work with Primaris, you'll never make legs work though. It would look... actually, it would look hella funny :biggrin.:

But that's likely not what you're shooting for.


The stark contrast of the Primaris armors and the designs of the old IH upgrade sprue might look a bit off though.

Considering all that, I myself would get shoulder pads from DW Kill Team boxes and Hellblaster Sergeants' arms rather than getting the sprue.


Edit: there might be a new IH sprue on its way though and it might even arrive before 2020...

See here, post #24.

Edited by HighMarshalAmp

The helmets work fine.


I would not advise using the shoulder pads - the gauntlets have not aged well.


The legs will not work with Primaris on their own, though you may be able to cut them up to incorporate the bionics into the standard Primaris legs.


The arms should work fine, as the bionics largely balance out the slight size difference from the Primaris arms. You will have to convert them to hold bolt rifles though.

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