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Gearing up for ETL

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I was wandering the site this morning looking for news on a start date for ETL. Nada (though feel free to whisper insider info in my ear ;) ) What I did find was several forum threads on prepping for the ETL with lots of excitement building. There wasn't one here so I decided to start it, cheeky old woman that I am.


So who's prepping for ETL? We made a good showing last year against some tough odds. Surely we can get some energy for the event going this year, what with it being the 20th anniversary of B&C and all.


I've been building and priming for several months now. My goal is to beat my points for last year. Anyone else up for that challenge? Vykes? StatusJoe? Anyone?


I'm working on an Imperial Fists siege army with Solar Auxilia and Mechanicum dets. Currently I'm cleaning mold lines on a Fellblade. Next in the queue is a Stormsword even though it's 50 points less than a Baneblade, because siege army. There's a Glaive incoming from FW, too. I have lots more units already prepped and though I know I won't vow it all, it will give me options. There's something to be said for vowing in reasonable chunks and being able to adjust as you come to the time crunch.


So are you ready?

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You sure aren't the only one, Fortis!  -laughs- I've been prepping with my ETL project for the past 3 weeks and it's only growing in size for at least the first vow.  I'm definitely wondering when we're gonna have our leashes loosed.  I don't think I'll be cracking my last year's ETL vow, just hoping to get about half that number (about 6K) but... well, we'll see. I'm supposed to get a few important bits in within a few days (combined a FW order and me mates are snagging me the transfer sheets I need). 


Looks like vow #1 should be somewhere around 3.5K. About 2/3rds is assembled and primed with a good mix of Sons of Horus, Luna Wolves, and Alpha Legion. 

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E what?

:lol: Yeah, you're right. I should have included a brief explanation for new folks.


E Tenebrae Lux, or ETL for short, is a site wide competition between forums to paint units over a three month period. Forum that completes the highest points value wins. Last year Captain Semper split this forum into two: loyalists vs traitors. But rules have changed year to year so we'll just have to wait and see. Here are links to last year's Loyalist http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/346737-age-of-darkness-loyalist-outpost-aod-l/ and Traitor http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/346738-age-of-darkness-traitor-outpost-aod-t/ threads.

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I would love to take part this year, and especially to support the Hersey, but I am not sure I have the time or models this year. I went through a lot of my built up supply last year and do not have anything similar in scale from any one army ready to go.


If I could pledge across armies I have plenty that needs to see some paint, just not a large amount of any one thing.

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If I could pledge across armies I have plenty that needs to see some paint, just not a large amount of any one thing.

Well brother, if memory serves, you aren't limited to one army. As long as you stuck with all loyalist or all traitor you were good to go last year. Of course the good Captain may have some other ideas for this year.


As far as time goes, perhaps give us just one small unit for old times sake if that's all you've got. :)

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You can vow which ever army and sub-faction from the HH setting and paint them however you want as long as you do so to the best of your ability. :)


You must also choose a side: Loyalist or Traitor. This choice does not put any limitations on hat you’ll actually paint, so you can vow for Traitors for example and you can paint IFs - no problem from an ETL mechanics point of view.

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@Semper Fortis - thanks for getting the ball rolling, I’ve been looking for this too! The good captain already has the Unforgiven marshalled. I know I will probably only manage one unit again, but still I am trying to get it ready. I might defect to the Loyalists this year ...
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If I could pledge across armies I have plenty that needs to see some paint, just not a large amount of any one thing.

Well brother, if memory serves, you aren't limited to one army. As long as you stuck with all loyalist or all traitor you were good to go last year. Of course the good Captain may have some other ideas for this year.


As far as time goes, perhaps give us just one small unit for old times sake if that's all you've got. :smile.:


You can vow which ever army and sub-faction from the HH setting and paint them however you want as long as you do so to the best of your ability. :smile.:


You must also choose a side: Loyalist or Traitor. This choice does not put any limitations on hat you’ll actually paint, so you can vow for Traitors for example and you can paint IFs - no problem from an ETL mechanics point of view.



I know that within the HH I can mix and match as long as it is Loyalist or Traitors, I should have been more clear in my post. I meant I have a lot of little bits across the entire hobby.


To illustrate I am currently building and converting some count as spacewolf (combining Aos Stomrcast, 40k Mech and spacewolf bits), then I have a few unpainted deathwatch units, then a few necrons units, then some chaos demons, some 40k mech, some 30k mech, some elder, some Legion marines, some other marines, Nids and so on and on ….


Once the ETL is open and I can assess how much time I have and I will vow something, but it might be next to nothing compared to last year.

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The 52nd Grand Battalion will answer the call....and they shall do so in force...


But in all seriousness, I do have a decent stockpile of Iron Warriors built up for the ETL, just waiting on the green light to begin working on them.

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I'm always on deck for ETL. Got a pile of Ultramarines that absolutely HAVE to be finished for a tournament at the end of August which I've got built and mostly primed.


Hopefully we won't be waiting too much longer to get started, otherwise I'm stuffed. :D

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The Forges of Kymerus are already warming up.

Sadly I won't be able to do as much as last year, due to the time I spend on converting everything.


After seeing those new admech transport, I now want to convert them into gsc vehicles and am unsure about which subforum I should pledge my allegiance to.

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You can vow which ever army and sub-faction from the HH setting and paint them however you want as long as you do so to the best of your ability. :)

You must also choose a side: Loyalist or Traitor. This choice does not put any limitations on hat you’ll actually paint, so you can vow for Traitors for example and you can paint IFs - no problem from an ETL mechanics point of view.



Hmmmmmm... vow for traitors, paint IF's... any other sons of Dorn have a problem with that? HERESY!!!



In the distance, a gentle 'squee' was heard. :D

Yeah bro, that was me. :lol: I am way more excited than any adult human should be. Grass is green, calves are all born, days getting longer, chores getting fewer. And now I get to sit on my butt and paint. Life is good.


@LameBeard, the loyalists would welcome you with open arms. One completed small vow is way better than no vow at all.


Having said that, one of the things I most enjoyed about last year's ETL was the good natured ribbing between loyalists and traitors. And despite that ribbing we all pulled together for that major forum award. Coming close (ish) with a respectable showing was darned near as good as winning.

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one of the things I most enjoyed about last year's ETL was the good natured ribbing between loyalists and traitors. And despite that ribbing we all pulled together for that major forum award. Coming close (ish) with a respectable showing was darned near as good as winning.

I enjoyed that too. I just love the encouragement that comes with the ETL. One of my favourite bits was at this stage last year when I declared for Alpha Legion and both sides encouraged me to join. This year first vow will be Blood Angels and that just feels like Loyalist ... unless you folks point me to a Black Library book I haven’t read with traitor IXth? Either way, it will be an honour to serve with all of the above.

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I.... um


Nothing left to paint after L&T.

But ... <sheds manly tear> ... you said ...

Wow, what a ride. That's it for me everyone. I wish you the best of luck in finishing your hobby goals. I know after this, I'm going to take a few days off (yeah, right) and relax, maybe play some video games and what not. But before I go, I have one message from my hobby desk for everyone!


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I've set aside some daemons, no go heresy or chaos forums?

There's no question, noigrim. Go Heresy! We're way nicer than those pipsqeek 40k types. :)


I.... um


Nothing left to paint after L&T.

Oh Joe, say it ain't so. Brother, you best start checking under the sofa cushions for spare change and bits. Maybe you could smack some small child over the head and steal his starter box.


This year first vow will be Blood Angels and that just feels like Loyalist ... unless you folks point me to a Black Library book I haven’t read with traitor IXth? Either way, it will be an honour to serve with all of the above.

Loyalist! Loyalist! Loyalist! There was a traitor BA once, but it turned out he was actually Alpha Legion.

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Loyalist! Loyalist! Loyalist! There was a traitor BA once, but it turned out he was actually Alpha Legion.

Oh no! You mean maybe my Alpha Legion have disguised themselves as a Blood Angel squad? But that means ...

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Loyalist! Loyalist! Loyalist! There was a traitor BA once, but it turned out he was actually Alpha Legion.

Oh no! You mean maybe my Alpha Legion have disguised themselves as a Blood Angel squad? But that means ...

Exactly, you are alpharius and therefore on the traitor side! ;)

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