Chris186 Posted May 29, 2019 Share Posted May 29, 2019 OK, so I've played a few games with this list and overall have done well, won 2, lost once (and I only lost because I made some silly mistakes), my general tactic is to make my Captain a Chapter master and build a firebase around him, usually consisting of the Land Raider, Hellblasters, Devastators and Whirlwind to get as many high damage shots hitting their targets, I usually stick either the Termies or the 2 assault orientated Tac squads in the Land Raider, ready to pop out when needs be. The Assassin is usually a Vindicare and has done very well, here is how I would rate the list so far: MVPs: Captain (mainly for his re-rolls), Assassin, Devastators, Land Raider Not Bad: Termies, Hell Blasters, Assault Squad, Lieutenant, Tac Squads, Librarian, Apothecary, Whirlwind Bad: Dreadnought, Vanguards, Chaplain What I want to do is strip out the Chaplain, Vanguard Squad and the Dreddie, plus maybe one Tac Squad, and switch the list up a bit, I'm thinking adding in a Lieutenant on Foot, Sternguard Squad, Infiltrators and Eliminators, to give me some more Phobos models for my Librarians Psychic powers to take advantage of, Im also thinking of changing the Warlord trait to the one that increases AP, thoughts? ++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Imperium - Space Marines) [76 PL, -1CP, 1,396pts] ++ + No Force Org Slot + ***Chapter Selection:* Salamanders Operative Requisition Sanctioned [-1CP, 85pts] + HQ + Librarian in Phobos Armour [6 PL, 111pts]: Camo cloak, Force sword Lieutenants [5 PL, 92pts] . Lieutenant: Jump Pack, Plasma pistol, Power fist Primaris Captain [6 PL, 86pts]: Iron Resolve, Master-crafted auto bolt rifle, Power sword, The Armour Indomitus, Warlord + Troops + Tactical Squad [5 PL, 85pts] . 3x Space Marine . Space Marine Sergeant . . Boltgun/Bolt pistol . Space Marine w/Heavy Weapon: Missile launcher Tactical Squad [5 PL, 85pts] . 3x Space Marine . Space Marine Sergeant: Plasma pistol, Power fist . Space Marine w/Special Weapon: Flamer Tactical Squad [5 PL, 90pts] . 3x Space Marine . Space Marine Sergeant: Plasma pistol, Power fist . Space Marine w/Special Weapon: Plasma gun + Elites + Apothecary [3 PL, 55pts] + Fast Attack + Assault Squad [6 PL, 98pts]: Jump Pack . 2x Space Marine . Space Marine Sergeant: 2x Lightning Claw . Space Marine w/Special Weapon: Flamer . Space Marine w/Special Weapon . . Plasma Pistol & Chainsword: Plasma pistol + Heavy Support + Devastator Squad [8 PL, 141pts]: Armorium Cherub . Space Marine Sergeant: Boltgun . Space Marine w/Heavy Weapon: Plasma cannon . Space Marine w/Heavy Weapon: Missile launcher . Space Marine w/Heavy Weapon: Lascannon . Space Marine w/Heavy Weapon: Heavy bolter Hellblaster Squad [8 PL, 165pts]: Plasma incinerator . 4x Hellblaster . Hellblaster Sergeant: Bolt pistol Land Raider [19 PL, 303pts]: Hunter-killer missile, Twin heavy bolter, 2x Twin lascannon ++ Vanguard Detachment +1CP (Imperium - Space Marines) [39 PL, 604pts] ++ + No Force Org Slot + *Chapter Selection* + HQ + Chaplain [6 PL, 95pts]: Jump Pack, Plasma pistol + Elites + Terminator Squad [12 PL, 185pts] . Terminator Sergeant: Power sword, Storm bolter . Terminator w/Heavy Weapon: Assault cannon, Power fist . 3x Terminator w/PF: 3x Power fist, 3x Storm bolter Vanguard Veteran Squad [8 PL, 98pts]: Jump Pack . Space Marine Veteran: Bolt pistol, Power sword . Space Marine Veteran: Bolt pistol, Power sword . Space Marine Veteran: Bolt Pistol & Chainsword . Space Marine Veteran: Bolt Pistol & Chainsword . Veteran Sergeant: Bolt pistol, Power axe Venerable Dreadnought [8 PL, 134pts]: Assault cannon . Dreadnought combat weapon w/Storm Bolter: Storm bolter + Heavy Support + Whirlwind [5 PL, 92pts]: Storm bolter, Whirlwind vengeance launcher ++ Total: [115 PL, -1CP, 2,000pts] ++ Created with BattleScribe Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sal of manders Posted June 2, 2019 Share Posted June 2, 2019 Considering this seems to just be asking for a straight army list review, rather than afluff/tactics discussion, it really belongs in the army list review subforum; I would move it to the appropriate forum, but you've already posted a duplicate topic there,so I'm just going to close this one and link to the other so any replies are all in the same place. Link to the other topic: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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