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Came back from holiday in early June and completely lost all hobby motivation. Only just getting it back now and with so much vowed, it’s pretty unrealistic I’ll make it. So now the name of the game is try to fail as little as possible! Going to chew through as many full units as I can.


But I’ve accepted I’ll be wearing the failure badge for the next 12 months.

guys, i am just going to post this.  I am going to be wearing the badge of failure for the intended time frame or longer.    The past several months I have had zero motivation to paint, yet alone really work on anything 40k, especially space marines.   On top of that I lost my job over the last month, and while I have had time to paint, I have decided that I need to clear out some hobby stuff to bring in a little cash during this time period.   I have seriously not been happy with space marines in general for the past year or longer.   I have tried to work on an army, getting one painted, and simply just pushing myself but truth be told, I think after 22 years of collecting and painting space marines, I am just tired of them.  I am also not entirely thrilled with direction they are adding to the primaris range, i love the primaris models (minus the phobos stuff), and with now having to decided to keep the army or sell it off, I think I am going to just part ways with it, because now If i keep it i got more investing to do into an army i can't seem to bring myself  to even paint really.     


I felt i should say something now, as i will not be getting my vow completed.   I will try to at least paint up my primaris Kantor, simply because he will sell better painted as he is a crimson fist.   However It will be hard enough to find motivation right now to do that.   I have been focused more on AoS when I do play games, but haven't really painted much if anything since May.   I was hoping the ETL would have helped to motivate me to get stuff painted but the past few months the motivation has gone the opposite direction.   Truth be told I have been waiting for sisters of battle for what not feels like forever but definitely the past 3 years, before 8th edition hit.   So maybe when they get around to releasing those new models I will be motivated to work on some 40k stuff.  


on a positive note, there has been some amazing models and armies painted from each area of the board the past few months, as i have checked the various threads looking for maybe a bit of spark, imagination, and motivation.   

Well Rizara, I sure hope you get the job thing worked out - real life comes first! Once that's out of the way, I'm sure your hobby motivation will improve and your good sprits will return. Also moving away from Marines may also be the way forward for you... 


Here's hoping for the best! :tu:

Congrats Focslain - a significant contribution to the SMs cause! No sit back and enjoy the finale of the event! :)


Good to see some progress all around, but you seriously need to step up your completion rates because even with the Focslain's vow, you are behind the DAs and the BAs atm. You're still leading CSMs, but you should be aware that they have many more resources currently initialised. So, keep the completions coming and regain your rightful place as the ETL leader!



Quick update on my progress, my vow has not been forgotten.  Just delayed due to real life.  My evenings have been spent painting over the last two months, but I've been doing walls and ceilings rather than miniatures!


No pictures at the moment but the base colours are down on the Captain and Whirlwind, should be done in time provided my better half stops buying carpets for rooms I haven't decorated yet.

I had an interesting conversation that went along the lines of 'I'm fed up with spending my evenings painting, I want to do painting instead.'

So like others I am starting to struggle. This vow is going to be smaller the intended. I was hoping to include my counts as Grimaldus and servitors but time and motivation isn't helping me at all. Indeed I was hoping to be through vow three and four by now and starting for the final month what was going to be my reward to myself, a Knight, but at this point I don't think I could do such a centerpiece model justice. So for now:

I, Brother Argent, vow to paint a 6 man Riever squad for the total of a measly 108 points.


Stay true Brothers. We must beat the chaos scum! Oh, and the Dark Angels and Blood Angels if we can.

In fact I will make a over arching vow for the ETL here:

If any of our brother Astartes factions (Blood Angels, Space Wolves, Dark Angels) manage to come out on top of the Astartes Faction the I will model and paint a model representing the Champion(s) of the sub forum in my soon to exist Deathwatch force. And if the Codex sub faction comes out on top I will do the same for the top three members of our subforum.

I, WarAngel, in light of the recent glory of the new codex, in front of the Emperor, Dorn, and Chesty, do hereby pledge my third (and final) vow of 5 intercessors of the Eagles Eternal Fifth company Third squad at 85 points (for now?). May the Emperor guide my brush, and bless my water.




I, Reinhard, rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX on the side of the Black Templars of the Adeptus Astartes and vow to complete one Lieutenant Castellan armed with a powersword for a total value of 74 points on or before September 1st, 2019. Success will bring me eternal glory and failure will doom me to wear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end.

Abhor the witch, destroy the witch!



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