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I, Reinhard, rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX on the side of the Black Templars of the Adeptus Astartes and vow to complete one Primaris Chaplain for a total value of 77 points on or before September 1st, 2019. Success will bring me eternal glory and failure will doom me to wear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end.

Accept any Challange, No matter the Odds!


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Well, let's start the last one...


I, MajorNese, rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX VII, on the side of the Adeptus Astartes and for the glory of the Iron Hands, Mars and the holy Toaster, vowing to complete one Armiger Moirax with volkite and claw (150p) as well as a primaris chaplain iron father (77p) for a total of 227 points, before 1st September 2019. Success will bring me eternal glory and failure will doom me to wear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end.




This will take around a week, considering I have to build it first.

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Vow completed!


I was getting nervous as life continued to pull me away from the painting desk, but I am very excited to finally present my finished Knights of Dorn Captain!




Some more pictures at different angles below. I think he is easily the best Knight I've painted yet!





Hate to be "That guy" but y'know the Knights of Dorn have an established scheme right?


Though I do like what you've come up with :tu:

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Hate to be "That guy" but y'know the Knights of Dorn have an established scheme right?

Though I do like what you've come up with :thumbsup:





Also, no worries, I did know that and am pretending I don't until I can come up with a better name. In the meantime, maybe my Knights of Dorn came first and were completely wiped out and forgotten about? Maybe the other way around? Maybe it's what they call themselves and the chapter is called something else. It's a fun mystery!

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Fair enough :tu:


If you're stuck on a name how about Huscarls of Dorn, Huscarls were traditionally a lords household bodyguards plus it's not something I've seen used for a chapter before.


But if you're happy as is then alls well, just thought I'd point it out before someone less....understanding does :lol:

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Congrats Cadorn - very nice work there, very clean! The shield in particular works very well as a focal point for the mini! 


OK, one completion is, of course, welcome but more are needed! Now it's great that the veterans keep re-vowing, but we really need to see a wave of first vows getting completed!


Let's go Marines! 



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-= VOW FIVE =-

I had a lot more planned for this vow, but given how vow four overran significantly and how close the final deadline is, I've opted to scale it back a bit to ensure I can get it done. So here we go, last vow;

  • "Gabriel Angelos"
  • Relic Deredeo Dreadnought - Anvillus Autocannon Battery, Aiolos Missile Launcher, 2 Heavy Flamers

For a total of 413 points.


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Congratulations Halandaar and Jerethdatiger! Mighty completions indeed!


@ Jereth: I work out your total to 4,354pts - not the 4,159 that you mention... Also the 6th vow is OOC...;)



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Managed to complete my second vow:


Contemptor Dreadnought Complete


It's mighty tempting to try for another, but at this point I can't commit to being able to finish anything else.  I'll be watching from the sideline and cheering the rest of you on for the last week.

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Congratulations CausticCossak, your completion is in! :tu:


Now let's see some more completions guys, don't let the Space Marine curse take this year too... You need a higher completion rate and you have enough unfinished vows to make an impact. Use them! 



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Typical really that I got those finished so quickly after worrying about the time, I could probably have vowed some more :dry.: Oh well! Here's the family photo of everything I completed during this ETL;


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@ Razbold: Congratulations man,  I will update once you provide the pics! :tu:


@ Halandaar: A mighty army and mighty contribution to the SMs cause! At 5.9k pts total you are in a very good position to claim the Championship again this year! :tu: A very impressive force man, very impressive...



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Ok, here are the pics of my finished vow.

This has been an extremely difficult period and getting these done became an overiding goal of the last few weeks, so I'm glad this ones over with.

However I aim to return to form next year with my customary 5 vows :tu:

So without further ado.

Razorback Vigilance


Contemptor Clydwell


Sword Brethren squad Terminus


The Emperors Champion


Chaplain Grimaldus and Relic Bearers


High Marshall Helbrecht


Now that's my part done, the question for any other incomplete vowers is....Are you doing your part?

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