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+++Space Marines Outpost+++

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OK, I see you sealed any leakages from 3rd, 4th and 5th vows as all of them are now 100% completed (unless a new vow pops up until Sunday). Furthermore your second vows are at a 97.7% completion rate... So it's all about first vows from now on! Well done guys!


Things are extremely close...









So completing first vows is the order of the day! And on this note, I'd like to congratulate JAG Templar for his most excellent and timely completion!


Keep going guys, a day and a hlf to go!



Great to see so many nice completions and models, great job everyone who has completed their vows.


Sadly this year real life has taken over my spare time far too much and I will have to wear the badge of oathbreaker.


Penance will be made.

Wow! More completions coming in! :tu: Congratulations guys!




But keep going, the score is unbelievably close!



Great to see so many nice completions and models, great job everyone who has completed their vows.


Sadly this year real life has taken over my spare time far too much and I will have to wear the badge of oathbreaker.


Penance will be made.


The Chaplain will see in the Spire Brother ;)

I'm pretty much done. The second Captain and Intercessor Squad are finished. I just need to do details on the second Lieutenant and take photos. I really want to take some photos of the finished stuff now, but Blackstone Fortress is occupying my table so it'll have to wait until tomorrow.

I Burias rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX in the name of the Ultramarines chapter on the side of the Space Marines and vow to complete 


  • Captain Phobos Armour
  • Librarian Phobos Armous
  • Lietenant Phobos Armour
  • Infiltrators 10- Including Helix
  • Supressor Squad (3)
  • Eliminator Squad (3)
  • Marneus Calgar (artificer armour) 


  • Captain (master-crafted boltgun, relic blade) 
  • Captain (master-crafted boltgun, thunder hammer) 
  • Captain (combi-plasma) 
  • Captain with Jump Pack (master-crafted boltgun, relic blade) 
  • Chaplain (power fist) 
  • Scout Squad (5 with sniper rifles, camo cloaks) 
  • Company Champion (master-crafted power sword) 
  • Company Ancient 
  • Terminator Squad (5 with 4 storm bolters, assault cannon, power sword, 3 power fists, chainfist) 
  • Sternguard Veteran Squad (7 with 5 special-issue boltguns, storm bolter, combi-melta, power fist*) 
  • Vanguard Veteran Squad (5 with 2 plasma pistols, relic blade, 2 power axes, power fist, lightning claw) 
  • Vanguard Veteran Squad with Jump Packs (7 with grav pistol, 2 lightning claws**, power axe, storm shield) 
  • Reiver Squad (5 with grav-chutes) 
  • Reiver Squad 5  grav chutes
  • Rhino (storm bolter) 
  • Rhino (storm bolter) 
  • Rhino (storm bolter)


of total value  2,598 on or before September 1st, 2019. Success will bring me eternal glory and failure will doom me to wear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end.



I Primarch83 rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX on the side of the Adeptus Astartes and vow to complete Spartan Landraider 519, Primaris LT 75, LT in Phobos Armour 86 , 10 Primaris Reviers 220, Gravis Captain 118, Repulsor 305, 10 Primaris Hellblasters 330, 5 Primaris Inceptors 225, 6 Primaris Intercessors 102, Stormhawk Interceptor 207,Stormraven Gunship 315 on or before September 1st, 2019, for a total of 2502 Points. Success will bring me eternal glory and failure will doom me to wear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end.


Good luck and happy painting brothers!!!

Cheers Primarch83



I h0U5e rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX on the side of the Adeptus Astartes and vow to complete 1x Captain, 1x Chief Librarian Tigurius, 10x Scouts, 1x Relic Contemptor Dreadnought, 4x Victrix Honour Guard, 1x Relic Leviathan Dreadnought, 1x Thunderfire Cannon and 1x Roboute Guilliman of total value 1549 on or before September 1st, 2019. Success will bring me eternal glory and failure will doom me to wear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end.




I Malus Trux rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX on the side of the Space Marines and vow to complete Pedro Kantor, an Imperial Marine, 5 vanguard vets, 10 scouts, 10 intercesors, 3 attack bikes, 3 centurions & a Mortis Dreadnought of total value 1055 points on or before September 1st, 2019. Success will bring me eternal glory and failure will doom me to wear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end.


Unfortunately I'm on a smartphone so I'll have to upload the pics tonight.


Not to nag folks, but you have a significant say in the outcome of this year's ETL, and less than 24 hours to go! How's it going?

Unfortunately I'll be wearing the Oathbreaker badge for my first ETL. Lost a few key days of hobby time due to unforeseen life circumstances (sister got robbed and lost all of her travel documents just prior to moving out of the country for a new job and we had to scramble to replace everything).

I will say it has been inspiring to see the excellent work everyone has accomplished through the ETL. I will be completing my vow as soon as I am able.

Sorry brothers.

That's rough, I hope she got everything sorted out and has better luck in her new country!


As for the ETL? For me the inspiration is the most important thing to get out of it, and if you got that then job done. There's always next year to vow again!

We managed to get everything sorted out thankfully. She is doing well in her new spot.

Well said - I think the enthusiasm for the hobby side of things I was missing was the sense of community which I have found here.

Hopefully you guys can win in spite of my failed vow!

Unfortunately, I'm going to be wearing the badge of the oath breaker again this year.  Life just decided it needed to get in the way and completely killed my motivation.  While, I was able to get myself motivated again, unfortunately it was too late, I won't be able to get them to a point where I can consider them finished.


On a more positive note, I have removed myself from a toxic work environment, I'm going back to school to get a Bachelor's Degree, I have a bunch of terminators that are a lot closer to being finished, and I have a snazzy new chaplain picture for my signature!

Good job everyone, and to you Oathbreakers remember: it's just paint and internet points ;)


Life gets in the way which sucks, but that's life. I took it easy with my 85 point vow and nothing more. Seeing people paint thousands of points in this short span of time is seriously humbling, and I'm only watching this thread. To realize that the other areas of the forum are cranking out teens is thousands of points is amazing.


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