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+++Space Marines Outpost+++

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Yep total failure for me. Enjoyed painting my AdMech last year and titans earlier this year so thought it would be easy to translate that to Primaris. But I discovered I don’t enjoy painting SM and since my hobby time it limited, I decided to focus on stuff I do enjoy (painted 8 AT knights,various AT weapons and my AT scenery during this ETL...). Great work by everyone who did complete, some impressive work all around and sorry for letting the side down!! Will wear my cone of shame without complaint.

I, Oxydo, rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX on the side of the Adeptus Astartes and vow to complete one 10 man Reiver Squad with Grapnel Launchers and one Primaris Ancient for a total value of 269 points on or before September 1st, 2019. Success will bring me eternal glory and failure will doom me to wear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end.



First and only vow complete. 10 Reivers with grapnel launchers and 1 Primaris Ancient. Don't mind the grav fins, since I forgot actually add them to my vow in the first place.

Reiver Ancient Vow complete

Still need to varnish them some more before I can play with them, but I ran out and the swedish postal system is currently :censored: awful so my order hasn't arrived yet.  


The Chaos Marines forum have now pulled ahead of us, so now is the time for some last minute completions!


Edit: And actually, DAs have moved ahead of us as well, but it is still so close. We still have enough (even discounting the Fraters who've already said they won't finish) that we can win the ETL. If you're still painting, KEEP GOING!

Good job on these last minute completions. I’m especially proud that everyone who made more than one vow finished everything.


For everyone who had RL get in the way, sorry to hear about that. Might I suggest in the future only putting a squad on the table at a time. It’s alot harder for RL to stop you from painting a model than it is for it to stop you from painting an army.





That was the most SAVAGE ETL that I can remember!!! 
Now I will go through all the Outposts to make a LAST UPDATE later toady. After that, I need to compile the results and present them in a meaningful manner in the Final Report. This will come in a couple of days along with the relevant badges. 
What I need is, after the LAST UPDATE, for each participant to check his/her status in the first page of his/her Outpost and notify me if there is something amiss so I can correct it. Do that publicly in the Outposts as my inbox is filled and I have no time to clean it up. 
Once you check your status lay back and wait for the final report. If you have any questions feel free to raise them. You can freely discuss the event in your Outpost, post pics of your vows and generally have a great and relaxed time until the Final Report. 
Congratulations to all!

It's a coming just uploading pics, although the banner isn't fully finished but I'm going to post it anyways for now. Not sure if accepted or not, buut as it's non scoring?  ;)  


boo.   sulks in Black Templar   :sad.:




many thank Ctp.Semper








There's a saying in my language that'd be loosely translated as "When you're waiting for something good, you can never wait too long"... guess the english equivalent is "good things happen to those who wait" ? 


Both apply here.

Well, I definitely can't remember an ETL being such a close race between multiple different forums, all of whom could have won it at the end! While obviously we'll need to wait for Semper's final verdict, I'm reasonably confident I know who the winning forum was, and it sadly wasn't us; we just didn't get the big last-minute completion that we needed, although we had seven different outstanding vows that were big enough to have won the event single-handed if they had been finished, that's how close it was!

Looking through some of the other forum Outposts, they are a lot more proactive about pushing each other on and chasing up outstanding vows, and also running additional events to boost participation. Maybe we suffer a little bit from not having that kind of thing going on much in our forum, although I'm always wary of being pushy with people in their hobby time, which is supposed to be fun!

For myself, I wish I'd gotten a bit more done in July and given myself more time for my fifth vow. I had another ~1000 points worth of models I could have vowed but opted to play it safe with just over a week to go, and not risk losing the 5.5k points I'd already done. That feels bad because those extra models might well have been enough for us to win the whole thing! Victory wouldn't normally be a concern for me (it's mostly just the motivational aspect), but coming so close certainly fired up my competitive side!

But lets end on a positive; assuming my maths is right, I'm pretty sure that we've just recorded the highest ever completion rate by the Space Marines forum in any ETL to date, and that is pretty amazing. Great job everybody!



Please check your entries to make sure things are as they should.

To Captain Semper; thank you once again for running such a fun and inspiring event. ETL is the highlight of my hobby year and I get more done in these 3 months than I do in the entire rest of the year. So cheers to you!


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