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Captain Semper

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I HandsWithLegs rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX on the side of the Dark Angels and vow to complete Sammael in Sableclaw and a Ravenwing Talonmaster of total value 404 points on or before September 1st, 2019. Success will bring me eternal glory and failure will doom me to wear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end!


Edit: Trying to get the image to appear instead of just the link and struggling with it


I, JGeils81 rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX on the side of the Dark Angels, the First Legion, the Sons of Caliban and the Lion, the Unforgiven. I vow to complete the below units for a total of 675 points on or before 1 SEPT 2019. Success will bring the Lion and the First Legion eternal glory, and failure will doom me to wear the badge of the oath breaker until the year-end.
1 Ravenwing Bike Squad with Plasma gun               80 pts
1 Black Knight Squad                                                123 pts
1 Black Knight Squad(+1)                                         161 pts
1 Aggressor Squad with boltstorm gauntlets            111 pts
1 Ravenwing Dark Talon with hurricane bolters       200 pts

IMG 3428

IMG 3427

IMG 3426

IMG 3425

IMG 3424


Welcome HandsWithLegs and JGeils81 - you make the Chapter proud! Good luck to both!


Hey Captain Semper, Kurgan the Lurker did a name change for me.
I am now Shaneos (formerly Darkcathedralgaming). I've edited my vow post also to avoid further confuddling.

Got my all my vow models primed now and ready to go!

 Noted! ;)







Undercoat on, lets see if I can top 3hrs.....



@Grotsmasha - Where's your vow? You didn't actually state that this was a vow just that you wanted to beat 3 hours.



His vow.....


@Lieutenant Arkley - I stand corrected.



ETL is not amateur hour... :wink:





Saturday is the cut-off date for the first Weekly Update! It is important to have a good showing until then - it will have a shattering psychological effect to our rivals! 


CSMs seem to show signs of fatigue, now is the time to take the initiative!



I Stobz, Interrogator for the Unforgiven vow to complete one Dark Talon for the Ravenwing to use in pursuit of the traitor Fallen scum.
I'll have to start it in a few weeks though :wink:


EDIT: Starting point Pic.



I Hopelesst rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX on the side of the Dark Angels and vow to complete Venerable Dreadnought of total value 140 points on or before September 1st, 2019. Success will bring me eternal glory and failure will doom me to wear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end

This is my first year participating, and I hope that this will not be my final vow.

Before Picture:


Welcome! This is my first year also! 

Beautiful model I hope you enjoy many hours painting it :)


Brothers, I had an idea for some sort of daily/weekly motivational hobby/painting quotes the ETL, either as a separate thread or in here if that will be okay.

"While the unpainted minis of the emperor still draw breath, there can be no peace" - Quote from Dawn of War, or something :teehee:  

Well, I just finished my first vow, but I need to wait until tomorrow to take a non-crappy picture of all 16 of them :lol:


Also, I have learned my lesson: I'm never painting the bases of marines while they're ON the Sector Imperialis bases. It's really, really annoying. But then again, those Mark III marines were second-hand so I have to make due with what I've got :lol:

I, Grotsmasha, rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX on the side of the Dark Angels and vow to complete 1x Primaris Master of total value 92pts on or before September 1st, 2019. Success will bring me eternal glory and failure will doom me to wear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end.


Planning to start Vow 5 on the weekend.....so hoping to get Vow 4 done by tomorrow :thumbsup:

EDIT: Corrected point cost from 106pts to 92pts


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