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+++Chaos Space Marines Outpost+++

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  On 6/16/2019 at 10:23 PM, undeadsoldier said:

Hey everyone I’m currently deployed in Afghanistan but I will be home mid-late July. When is the latest I can pledge? I went loyalist last year *gasp* but I’m back to chaos again and I’m planning on crushing some big vows in August!

Your first vow has to be made by 1st of July.

There's the Triple H method of you are lacking a bit of motivation - that's Half Hour Hobby where you just try and do half an hour a day. I tend to try and fit my stuff in around my kids bedtimes - the youngest takes some getting to sleep so I tend to squeeze in half an hour there after I read to my eldest. That way even if I miss the (usually longer) session after my partner goes to bed then at least I made some progress. Speaking of which:


Here's how my first vow is going, next step is to bring the front plat up to the level of the rest... I decided to do all of that together so I finished the head and added the plate.

@ Excessus: That mini rocks! :ohmy.: Very impressed mate, very impressed...


@ Iron-Daemon Forge: That Sorcerer is perfection! :eek: Your skill is gaining and gaining man! Fantastic work!


@ Dragonlover: Hobby fatigue happens to all. There are some tricks to go around it, but there are times that you just can't paint. Totally understandable and has happened to all! Take your time and recharge your batteries for next year! 


@ Isengrin: Welcome aboard! That termie Lord sure looks the part! :yes: Good luck with it!


@ Doctor Perils: A HUGE VOW! And some very interesting conversions too! Is this vow themed around a specific Legion? Maybe a black one? :laugh.: Good luck mate!


@ undeadsoldier: You must make your fist vow until July 1st. Normally you should post your "before" pic at the same time, but, given your circumstances, it'll be fine to submit it later. Just make sure no work has been done on the minis by the time you take picture. :smile.:



One idea concerning the "make a vow now, show your starting point later": do the picture with a newspaper of that day, proving without the shadow of a doubt you are only tarting that very day. It's a bit cheesy, but I did it with my first vow anyway.


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  On 6/17/2019 at 5:34 AM, Captain Semper said:

@ Doctor Perils: A HUGE VOW! And some very interesting conversions too! Is this vow themed around a specific Legion? Maybe a black one? :laugh.: Good luck mate!


Thanks, man :) nah they aren't going to be of the black legion - some will be my personal warband (the War Wolves, a Renegade Chapter) and some will be Iron Warriors ;)

But yeah, hopefully the new paints will help me move my pile of shame along quite a bit, and ETL and Apocalypse will hopefully help in terms of motivation - thanks for running this again :tu:

Alright peeps, it's the middle of the first month of the ETL so it is time for this ETL's....


All participants of the Chaos Space Marine forums of the ETL VII are hereby called upon to muster their forces and VOW THEIR SOUL TO CHAOS. Come forth, legionnaires and renegades, murderers and sycophants, worshipers and dilettantes! Answer our call to fire up your forges, collect your miniatures, wet your brushes, and start painting!

The Soul Vow is a satellite event of the ETL VII, aimed at doubling, tripling, quadrupling, or even quintupling the points of your first ETL VII vow - thereby providing extra motivation to paint and finish your ETL points and secure victory for our glorious forum!

If you wish to enroll, please visit THIS THREAD and post your vow there.

Disclaimer: please be aware that I am not, in fact, telling anyone what or what not to paint, not am I disrespecting the ETL or the work of Captain Semper with this thread or event. This event is created out of my enthusiasm for the hobby and the ETL. I have helped organize this event twice before and ran it twice before as well, and have about two-thirds of the CSM participants join in every time, to the enjoyment of everyone involved. I consider the ETL a kind-spirited, well-mannered, and respectful competition - but a competition nonetheless. A bit of tongue-in-cheeck banter, in-character but respectful heckling, and constructive advice on how to be successful and most effective should therefore be allowed, considered within the spirit of the ETL, and indeed has been part of the ETL and the CSM forum in particular for years. If any Moderati or higher member of the admin team of the B&C disagrees with my interpretation of the ETL, I would respectfully ask of you to not delete this comment (or the event threat associated with it) without first PMing me about it. We can have a civil conversation about it - I am absolutely not above admitting any wrongs I have inadvertently made and editting my comments or remarks. I consider respecting how I come across to others as integral to civil discourse and to building a community. I hope this is reciprocated.

I undeadsoldier vow to complete:

1 lord of skulls w/ hades Gatling cannon and gorestorm cannon-638
1 greater brass scorpion of khorne-650
1 nurgle hellforged leviathan dread w/ butcher cannon and grav-flux bombard- 314
1 decimator dread w/ 2 x soul burner petards- 210

For a total of: 1812 pts to be completed before September 1st








Probably should have taken a few better before pics but it was mostly just a bunch of bare resin. Here is some WIP... note to self do not do big models in contrast paint!!

@ Augustus: Quite a disclaimer there Augustus! The Black Crusades have grown to be an expected feature for the ETL and, as always, it is most welcome! :smile.:

@ undeadsoldier: great to see your vow, and a big one it is! Welcome onboard!



Anybody else hyped by the Apocalypse announcements? I am a fickle hobby butterfly, but I just might get the Knights box - partly in preperation for the Chaos Knights codex. They would also bring some hefty punch to the ETL.


Now not to get sidetracked by my affection for Tau battlesuits... :sweat:

I Preliminary Bombardment rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX on the side of the Chaos Space Marines and vow to complete:

Master of Possession [5 PL, 98pts]

Chaos Space Marines [4 PL, 75pts]

Chaos Space Marines [4 PL, 86pts]

Greater possessed * 2 - 140pts

Obliterators * 2 - 230pts

Venom crawler - 130pts

Total: 759

on or before September 1st, 2019. Success will bring me eternal glory and failure will doom me to wear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end.

Given that I have the full Shadowspear box to get through thought I'd join in this year!

I'll see if I can share the before pictures:


The Black Crusade has a couple participants already, but not nearly enough.




The BLACK CRUSADE is a satellite event of the ETL specifically aimed at the Chaos Space Marine Strategium, and aimed at doubling, tripling, quadrupling, or even quintupling the points of your first ETL VII vow. It is meant purely as an extra motivator/inspirator for the ETL, so that the Chaos Space Marine Strategium will reign supreme - as is its right.

Go to the event threat to sign up.

  On 6/18/2019 at 8:47 PM, Augustus b'Raass said:

Isn't it annoying, when awesome miniatures fall into your cart unnoticed and you unwittingly pay for them and then you lose the receipt and you're stuck with them. Ugh. It's. The. Worst. Ever.

It usually happens with chocolate... :wink:


I almost got Abbadon, but I didnt know if I'd be able to cut things as close as I already was... Contrast paints arent cheap sadly... I probably didnt need to buy as many as I did, but didnt know which colors I would actually need yet. I didnt get all of them (yet), but I tried to cover all the typical bases.

  On 6/18/2019 at 6:31 PM, Preliminary Bombardment said:

Chaos Space Marines [4 PL, 85pts]


Chaos Space Marines [4 PL, 86pts]


Hi, can you tell us how they're equipped to make sure the points costs are correct ? :)

Also, looking forward to them, especially if they're Iron Warriors ^^

  On 6/19/2019 at 8:13 AM, Doctor Perils said:


  On 6/18/2019 at 6:31 PM, Preliminary Bombardment said:

Chaos Space Marines [4 PL, 85pts]


Chaos Space Marines [4 PL, 86pts]


Hi, can you tell us how they're equipped to make sure the points costs are correct ? :)

Also, looking forward to them, especially if they're Iron Warriors ^^

Sure, I'll just copy and paste battlescribe - just realized I made a mistake, that's an Autocannon not a chain cannon will update pledge


Chaos Space Marines [4 PL, 75pts]



Aspiring Champion [13pts]

Selections: Bolt pistol, Chainsword


Unit: Aspiring Champion, Weapon: Bolt pistol, Chainsword, Frag grenade, Krak grenade


3x Marine w/ Boltgun [39pts]

Weapon: Bolt pistol, Boltgun, Frag grenade, Krak grenade


Marine w/ heavy weapon [33pts]

Selections: Autocannon [10pts]





Chaos Space Marines [4 PL, 86pts]

Selections: Mark of Slaanesh


Aspiring Champion [23pts]

Selections: Plasma pistol [5pts], Power axe [5pts]


Unit: Aspiring Champion, Weapon: Frag grenade, Krak grenade, Plasma pistol, Standard, Plasma pistol, Supercharge, Power axe


3x Marine w/ Chainsword [39pts]

Weapon: Bolt pistol, Chainsword, Frag grenade, Krak grenade


Marine w/ special weapon [24pts]

Selections: Plasma gun [11pts]



Sorry think this lot are going Emperor's Children or possibly a custom warband! Eventually want to ally them with some slaanesh demons.


However looking at the colour scheme I'm painting them to they could easily be iron warriors who fell in some purple paint...


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