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  On 8/29/2019 at 12:22 PM, Mechanist said:

Well done Undeadsoldier that's a big old boot to our score. 


In many ways tonight will be a big test for me, if I can get some serious progress on at least 4 of the Marines and finish the champ I stand a solid chance. Otherwise things are going to get tight.

You can do it Mechanist! The dark gods will it! (In other words we all have faith!).

Done! I declare my second vow complete!



And a shot of both completed vows.


Good luck to everyone still working on completing their vows, but I am done with my contribution to ETL for this year. If I were to try anything else I doubt I'd even get it to undercoated! I was going at the start to do at least the other Obliterator as well, but alas it was not to be.

  On 6/30/2019 at 9:17 PM, Chaeron said:

I, Chaeron, rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX on the side of the Chaos Space Marines forum and vow to complete one Hellforged Typhon Siege Tank with Sponson Lascannons and Combi-Melta of total value 760pts on or before September 1st, 2019. Success will bring me eternal glory and failure will doom me to wear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end.






Few bits of paint still wet, but it's done! I had really hoped to then be able to move through a few small vows, but I think I'll just have time for one more token contribution... to enter the Pageant!


++VOW 2++


I, Chaeron, rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX on the side of the Chaos Space Marines forum and vow to complete one Chaos Spawn of total value 25pts on or before September 1st, 2019. Success will bring me eternal glory and failure will doom me to wear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end.



  On 8/29/2019 at 1:19 AM, undeadsoldier said:

I have completed my vow, phew that was a lot more than I originally thought it would be. It has been awhile since I have had to paint so much trim! Also contrast paint on a big model is not advised. Maybe as a base coat for some colors but not a whole model. Was fun though, haven't kept up with all the scoring so hopefully we are winning!



<photos snipped>


Hope you enjoy! The contrast yellow matched up beautifully with my other models so I was pumped for that! There are always things I want to add to models but sometimes it takes me years to figure out just what else it needs. Next year hopefully I get a bit more time then three weeks!


A lot of work it may have been, but that yellow looks fantastic. I'm really impressed by your models!

By the dark gods, the reinforcements! We might have a chance of winning!


I will be supporting you brothers, even as I got to Nottingham today and stay basically in Warhammer World over the weekend. Anyone else up that way, I'll be carrying my Emps Children Slaaneshi Lord Executioner with me if you want to say hi.

Very impressive stuff guys - very impressive!


@ MaliGn: Excellent! They look fantastic and I'm really happy the ETL gave you the motivation to see them through! Congratulations man!


@ Chaeron: Congrats and don't forget to enter this beautiful Spawn in the Pageant! ;)


@ PutridChoir: Keep going man! BTW, they look like they're really hovering above their bases! :lol:


@ Zeke: A very nice collection indeed! You should be rightly proud!



  On 8/30/2019 at 4:31 PM, Captain Semper said:

Very impressive stuff guys - very impressive!


@ MaliGn: Excellent! They look fantastic and I'm really happy the ETL gave you the motivation to see them through! Congratulations man!


@ Chaeron: Congrats and don't forget to enter this beautiful Spawn in the Pageant! ;)


@ PutridChoir: Keep going man! BTW, they look like they're really hovering above their bases! :lol:


@ Zeke: A very nice collection indeed! You should be rightly proud!



Thanks Cap! I may be slow of pace, but I like to think that I operate within the spirit of the ETL by working at the level that I want to achieve for this army, my contribution to ETL has probably been my best work to date (across all years I have entered) and I'm glad that rather than starting out by vowing both oblits and both greater possessed and failing that by staggering things out I have both completed them to a level I am happy with, (with no need for cheats like going back and changing bits) and without failing my vow by trying for too much at once.

hey all, not gonna make the deadline. Just got out of the hospital this week, still too sick to hold a brush...


Summertime Pneumonia sucks... Only spent 2 days in ICU this year compared to the 5 in 2016... Once I am feeling better, I'll finish and post at least.

  On 8/29/2019 at 10:12 PM, Chaeron said:

++VOW 2++


I, Chaeron, rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX on the side of the Chaos Space Marines forum and vow to complete one Chaos Spawn of total value 25pts on or before September 1st, 2019. Success will bring me eternal glory and failure will doom me to wear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end.



And now for the next contestant in the Chaos Spawn Beauty pageant! Introducing Demi Gorgon, a true stunner hailing from the Cadian Gate. Weighing in at a slim, svelte 616lbs, and standing at 13ft in heels, this is one truly glamorous example of the beauties of the spawn-form. The look is inspired by ravaged Guardsmen chic, with a stylish helmet shoulder pad to take us straight back to the 80s, and a collection of bones, rocks, and mishmashed flesh that’s so vogue now. They’ve gone a bit overboard on their chin highlighter, presumably to accentuate the strong jaw and perfect teeth. And the nails on that claw are done to perfection! Our correspondent asked a customary question as part of the pageant: ‘what would you do to prevent the galaxy warming?’, to which Demi promptly tore our reporter limb from limb in a display of power and poise. Truly a top contestant for the Chaos Spawn Beauty pageant 2019!





  On 8/30/2019 at 4:40 PM, Morovir said:

Thus, for the first time in 4 ETLs I declare my vow complete before approximately an hour before the deadline:


One Black Legion Exalted Champion with power sword of total value 74 whole points!

Congratulations Morovir - although the deadline is on Sunday @ 17:00 GMT. So another day and a half! :laugh.:


  On 8/30/2019 at 6:06 PM, MaliGn said:


  On 8/30/2019 at 4:31 PM, Captain Semper said:

Very impressive stuff guys - very impressive!


@ MaliGn: Excellent! They look fantastic and I'm really happy the ETL gave you the motivation to see them through! Congratulations man!


@ Chaeron: Congrats and don't forget to enter this beautiful Spawn in the Pageant! :wink:


@ PutridChoir: Keep going man! BTW, they look like they're really hovering above their bases! :laugh.:


@ Zeke: A very nice collection indeed! You should be rightly proud!



Thanks Cap! I may be slow of pace, but I like to think that I operate within the spirit of the ETL by working at the level that I want to achieve for this army, my contribution to ETL has probably been my best work to date (across all years I have entered) and I'm glad that rather than starting out by vowing both oblits and both greater possessed and failing that by staggering things out I have both completed them to a level I am happy with, (with no need for cheats like going back and changing bits) and without failing my vow by trying for too much at once.


Well, that's totally the spirit of the event! I'm glad that you use the ETL to hone and improve your skills - that's the whole point of the ETL! Again, congratulations for you completion! :thumbsup:


  On 8/30/2019 at 6:38 PM, Xin Ceithan said:

I have not only completed my vow… but I actually finished it before the last day this time!


May the Gods  gently accept my humble contribution!

Excellent Xin! Now you've complete that most impressive mini you may rest and enjoy the finale of the event! :biggrin.:


  On 8/30/2019 at 6:46 PM, CMDR_Welles said:

hey all, not gonna make the deadline. Just got out of the hospital this week, still too sick to hold a brush...


Summertime Pneumonia sucks... Only spent 2 days in ICU this year compared to the 5 in 2016... Once I am feeling better, I'll finish and post at least.

Well, I'm glad you are now out of the hospital man! Pneumonia is very serious - so it's a good thing you've got that behind you! Don't worry about the ETL, there will be one next year too (presumably). 


  On 8/30/2019 at 7:27 PM, EL_duderino said:

I declare my work done! And in true Frankenstein Fashion, I created a monster

I need to practise more, the exalted champion did not work out at all, despite using the same paint types ( foundations, washes) over the same primer. Also, the eyes

Might revisit them next year, but for now I got an army to finish!

Well done Your Dudeness! Painting is a skill that can only be improved thorough trial and error, so as long as you identify areas that you feel you could improve upon, then that's the ETL doing its job! :smile.: Congratulations on your completion!


  On 8/30/2019 at 9:16 PM, Chaeron said:


  On 8/29/2019 at 10:12 PM, Chaeron said:

++VOW 2++


I, Chaeron, rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX on the side of the Chaos Space Marines forum and vow to complete one Chaos Spawn of total value 25pts on or before September 1st, 2019. Success will bring me eternal glory and failure will doom me to wear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end.



And now for the next contestant in the Chaos Spawn Beauty pageant! Introducing Demi Gorgon, a true stunner hailing from the Cadian Gate. Weighing in at a slim, svelte 616lbs, and standing at 13ft in heels, this is one truly glamorous example of the beauties of the spawn-form. The look is inspired by ravaged Guardsmen chic, with a stylish helmet shoulder pad to take us straight back to the 80s, and a collection of bones, rocks, and mishmashed flesh that’s so vogue now. They’ve gone a bit overboard on their chin highlighter, presumably to accentuate the strong jaw and perfect teeth. And the nails on that claw are done to perfection! Our correspondent asked a customary question as part of the pageant: ‘what would you do to prevent the galaxy warming?’, to which Demi promptly tore our reporter limb from limb in a display of power and poise. Truly a top contestant for the Chaos Spawn Beauty pageant 2019!

:laugh.: A top contestant indeed! Congratulations Chaeron, and more so given the hobby-block phase you experienced earlier in the event! She's a beauty! 



Finished Channard Vile, my Fabius counts as...


So thats my first vow finished.


I Slave to Darkness, rise to the challenge of E Tenebrae Lux on the side of the Chaos Space Marine forum and vow to complete one Chaos Spawn of a total value of 25 points on or before September 1st, 2019. Failure is not an option.



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