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+++Chaos Daemons Outpost+++

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Well, one weekend in (Monday was a holiday - happy 152nd birthday, Canada) to my 2nd vow and I thought I would share my progress.


Here is my knight so far - the colours on the shields are placeholders, and I'm not sure about the pink (when done, it will all be the colour on the arrmour on the meltagun under its left (our right) shoulder). 

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What I am really happy with are his guns, which are almost done - together, they are almost the cost of my entire first vow.



That's probably more edge highlighting than I've done before in my life, but I love the effect.



So, question time - any opinions on how I should paint my knight?  I want it to fit in with both my chaos armies - my daemonettes and my emperor's children - I've included representative samples of both armies in the picture above.


Now, some things I'm set on:

-  The shoulders (now gray) will be white, with a bright red scale symbol on the front right (back right and whether I will have anything on the left under the spikes are undecided).

-  The centre carapace and at least half the colour on the lower armour will the purple I'm currently using.

- The guns stay dark purple.  The gunshields can and likely will change, but will have gold trim.

-  The gold needs a drybrush, and should hopefully end up looking like the gold on the missile launcher.


I'm thinking the pink top carapace is too much, and I do want some pink, but not sure how much.  The least amount would be just the gun shields, but I'm afraid that will leave it too purple if I do the armour all purple and looking too much like my CSM.  If I kept the pink to just the gun shileds, I could swap the pink out for a third colour - maybe ushabi bone.


Anyway, your thoughts are most welcome.


I really like the work you've done on the weapons! :tu:


The knight is the most colourful thing I've ever seen! :eek: Gotta love this about the hobby and I'm extra happy that the ETL act as an accelerator to see these crazy stuff! 


I wouldn't dare provide suggestions on the colours' choice, it's too far out already, it's beyond me! :lol:

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I really like the work you've done on the weapons! :thumbsup:


The knight is the most colourful thing I've ever seen! :eek: Gotta love this about the hobby and I'm extra happy that the ETL act as an accelerator to see these crazy stuff! 


I wouldn't dare provide suggestions on the colours' choice, it's too far out already, it's beyond me! :laugh.:


Not helpful, but thank you. :P  Anyway, I'm glad you like the crazy stuff - we'll have to see if my titan continues with the craziness, or if I reign it back a little.


CS, your fiends look great - you might not be sure where you are doing with your slaaneshi models, but I sure like where you have gotten.  BTW, didn't you post a completed picture of your GUO somewhere else on B&C?  You should share it here too. :)


Glad you managed to get in, Dahkness00.  I look forward to you sharing your progress with us.

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updates on the pink horrors and Changecaster


IMG 0054

IMG 0055


going back the drawing board for my bloodcrushers...originally wanted to do the demon black and mount brass but it wasn't really doing it for me. 


also here's the rest of the tzeentch demons progress. just finished airbrushing them


IMG 0056

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Great to see progress all around - the Daemons Outpost seems re-vitalised! 


@ Closet Skeleton: The models look fantastic - any plans for the bases though? 


@ Dahkness: those pink horrors sure look the part - very nice and tidy job there! :tu:



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Excellent work on the part of both CS and the Dahkness.  Your models are looking great!


Time for an update on my knight - got a bunch more done over the past week (including finishing its guns).  I decided to stick with the pink side carapace and go 1/2 and 1/2 for the leg armour.  I think I should be able to finish it in the next week, then I'm away for 2 1/2 weeks (so no painting), and then I have most of August to finish the 2 characters and make any revows I still have time for.


Here is the knight - top half is mostly done (just the symbol on the left pad, the smoke stacks, and some miscellaneous details and highlighting.  The bottom half needs a lot more work - except for the cod-shield, all I have done is blocked in the main colours.




Here are the various weapons completed:




Here is the right shoulder - pretty happy with how crisp I've gotten it, even if I couldn't get the symbols the same size.



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Thanks, Dahkness00.  Your Changecaster looks great too, and I'm looking forward to seeing how you finish your other blue daemons.  If you do plan on making a knight vow, be sure to give yourself plenty of time - there's a lot more to paint on them than one might think. :)

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