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+++Age of Darkness Loyalist Outpost (AoD-L)+++

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Some progress on my Thousand Sons Librarian:


The red is a bit more matt irl. I'm following a recipe I found on mengelminiatures, and the next stage is supposed to use a coat of bloodletter glaze, which has been discontinued. I spoke to a gw employee yesterday about using thinned down blood angels red instead, but I'm hesitant ix I don't like him as is or if I should wait until I can get som BA red. I also bought some Angron Clear Red, so I wonder if that could work? The Bloodletter is supposed to take the edge of any to bright edges.

Honourable frater, my apologies for the delay, but I can finally say that I, Viridia, have completed my vow as laid down upon the 4th of June, and declare that one unit of 5x Terminators, with Thunder Hammers and Storm Shields, and one Legion Stormblade with 1x set of sponsons, of total value 805 points, has been painted to completion!


Great completion there Viridia - congrats! 


The Traitors have pulled all the stops and now they have actually more points pledged points than you guys. They are behind on completions but that's just a matter of time. Just be conscious of that... ;)



Just a quick update...been working on my chaplain and Pyroclasts in between work and grad school.  


Pyroclasts WIP

Chaplain WIP

Chaplain WIP



Hoping to have these guys done by the end of the weekend, and the Leviathan and bases done next week.  Should have some stuff for a second vow once these are done!   

My apologies for being absent. I've been a bit under the weather and only felt well enough to pop in to see progress and drop a few likes. But now I'm much better and able to get back to painting. I'm amazed all the completions and wips. You guys are awesome! Anyway here's a WIP of my Glaive, such as it is. Will redouble my efforts and try to make up for lost time.


Great stuff guys! Sounds like we're about to clear some vows down, which is excellent news! Fortis, that yellow is really nice too. Good job!


I'm hoping to have my first vow finished in the next week/week and a bit. Slightly ahead of schedule and all! Will be starting transfers this weekend and then on to weathering. Hopefully not too much longer now!

Finally, The Angelic host marches to war for the loyalists. Vow 1 is complete, took a little while longer than I wanted. However, with a weeks holiday next week and a lot of armour to paint, Vow 2 will be larger, and more importantly, done quicker. That I can promise you.


ETL Vow 1

After Priming today, Vow 2 is ready


1 Praetor with all the tricks 195 pts

2 mortis contemptor dreadnaughts (1 with lascannons, 1 with autocannons) 350 pts

3 five man termintator squads with various load outs 637 pts

1 legion medusa 155 pts

1 predator execiutioner 175 pts

1 Sicaran Omega 220 pts

1 decked out Fellblade 565 pts


Total for vow 2 is 2297 points


ETL Vow 2p2

ETL Vow 2

ETL Vow 2p3

It's gone worryingly quiet in here since the good Captain named us thus - 



The AoD are the kings of ETL VII so far.


Which is highly complimentary! Any progress to report? I've effectively finished painting as I'm on to decals, but the very shiny gloss varnish doesn't really make for good photo-taking. How's everybody looking at the moment?

I, Viridia, rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX on the side of the Age of Darkness Loyalists and vow to complete one (1x) Contemptor-Achillus Dreadnought, with Achillus Dreadspear, one (1x) unit of two Rapier Weapons Batteries with Graviton Cannons, and one (1x) unit of two Castellax Battle-Automata with Darkfire Cannons and Enhanced Targeting Arrays, of total value 630 points before sunrise of the first day of September, 2019. Success will bring the Primarch-Progenitor eternal glory and failure will doom me to wear the Badge of the Oathbreaker as my gene-father until the year-end!


EDIT; Behold the first stage of the vow. Obviously the Rapiers and Castellax are going to be conversions, given I am not made of that much money, that and I have some ideas on how to make the depicted models look...'suitable'. Ashilla dasovallitha.



Well, I'm scared to come to the AoD domains nowadays - I don't know what I'm going to find. This time it was another 3k pmts pledged, just quietly... 




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