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My painting continues at a glacial pace, but I've now completed the 10 hellblasters of Squad Imphrius (4th company, 10th squad).



Also put finished up Lt. Paschar- a veteran of the 4th company who underwent the Calgarian Rites after being severely wounded in the recent battles with the Unbound Brethren warband.


As always, thanks for looking, feedback and suggestions for improvement greatly appreciated. Not sure what I'll do next- probably either a squad of Ravenwing bikers or some veterans and command squad members.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Hey all- hope everyone is holding up well and staying safe these days.

Branched out a bit from infantry to do a squad of 6 bikers from the Wraithwing, the Void Reavers 2nd company. Guess I picked these just in time with the new releases. Sergeant and special weapon arms are all magnetized so I can switch around options down the line. Sorry for the blurry first picture.

Members of Squad Xaphon (Wraithwing 5th squad)


At some point I'll paint up a pair of Land Speeders to round out the squad (not a fan of attack bikes).

Next up is going to be some characters and company veterans; have plans for entire 4th company command (master, chaplain, apothecary, ancient, champion, + some supporting veterans), as well as the Void Reavers Grand Master of Libraians Pahadron (Ezekiel counts-as). Pledged to paint up Pahadron for the lockdown challenge, using the DV librarian plus a head swap (MkIV head with eyepiece)


Here's also an in-progress pic of the champion, plus storm shields for 3 veterans. Greenstuff will be trimmed, still trying to decide if I like how sword came out, mainly whether to take off the power supply or not.


Finally, to break up painting marines for a bit, I also did a Razorback to serve as Pahadron command vehicle. Pretty happy with how it came out.


  • 2 months later...

Hey all-

Slowed down from lockdown life and some burnout, but found some mojo lately to get some models finished off.

First up is Pahadron, the Void Reavers Grand Master of Librarians (Ezekiel counts-as), who I painted up for the lockdown challenge.


I've also painted up some veterans who would serve as his bodyguard/command squad.


Here's a group shot in front of Pahadron's personal razorback. The last Razorback transport spot is usually occupied by a company champion (coming soon).


I also pulled together a Land Speeder to go with bikers in earlier post. I'll probably do one more soon to fill out the Wraithwing 5th squad (6 bikers, 2x land speeders- not a fan of assault bikes).


Next up will be most of the 4th company command members- champion and standard bearer (both basically done), apothecary (in progress), company master, and a techmarine assigned to the company. I also have bits to make a chaplain or interrogation chaplain with jetpack, as well as the new Indomitus Primaris chaplain. Right now I'm trying to decide between painting them to reflect

-that the IC used to the 4th company chaplain, and is now tasked with observing and mentoring the Primaris chaplain

-or the IC is still the assigned 4th company chaplain, and the Primaris chaplain is an support company officer leading Primaris reinforcements from the reserve companies.

In either case, I'm also planning on building a IC in terminator armor.

Anyways, thanks as always for looking and feedback, and hope everyone is doing well and staying safe.

  • 1 month later...

Hey all-

Continued to struggle with some motivation and burnout, but managed to get a trio of characters for my command squad finished off. No names decided yet, but here are the Void Reavers 4th company ancient, champion, and apothecary. Wasn't sure if the apothecary should have company markings- I'm using the angel w/ scythe as common symbol for the 4th company.




Still feel like my pictures make the models look worse (much smudgier for lack of a better word) than they look to me in real life, but not sure what to do different- does the white vs. desk background matter? Maybe just the difference between what my eyes can see by themselves and what gets revealed by a phone camera.

Anyway, will probably try to finish up some more characters/command next- company master, interrogator-chaplain w/ jet pack, Primaris chaplain, and a techmarine in various stages of assembly.

Thanks for feedback and suggestions SpacedHulk- I'm just using my phone camera and a desk lamp, will definitely work on trying to position better at least. And yes on many pictures taken for every one posted.

In any case, took some time to pull together more HQ characters- apparently I had a need to build some chaplains. Never been really sold on standard chaplain helmets, so tried my own stab a making some using tutorial here: http://fromthewarp.blogspot.com/2010/11/chaplain-skull-helmet-conversion.html. Also have the 4th company master, and a supporting techmarine with conversion beamer and storm bolter. Still want to make another techmarine with full servoharness, but haven't quite sorted out what bits to use for it yet. These are all still in various levels of bluetacked together, but probably ready to start painting soon.


  • 1 month later...

Finished up painting a few of the HQ characters

Nisroc, recently appointed as 4th company chaplain. One of the most gifted of the early Void Reavers initiates chosen to become a Primaris marine, he now has nearly a century of experience fighting the alien and the heretic. Many younger Primaris battle-brothers seek to emulate his zeal and determination as they strive to prove themselves to the firstborn members of the chapter.


Interrogator-chaplain Sorath. Once the 4th company chaplain himself, his deeds and leadership in the wake of the Great Rift saw him raised to the rank of interrogator-chaplain. He continues to frequently serve alongside the 4th, as both advisor to company master Sabrathan, and mentor to Nisroc.


Fourth company master Sabrathan, hero of the siege of Vesta VI, master of the Void Reavers fleet. A veteran of countless battles over several centuries, Sabrathan was appointed fourth company master shortly before the opening of the Great Rift. Although his company suffered many losses in the early days, Sabrathan’s leadership and expertise in void warfare ensured a critical mass of ships, wargear, and recovered gene-seed survived. He now leads a large task force comprised of the 4th company and a variety of supporting elements to patrol the western boundary of the Great Rift and find new passages across it.


  • 3 weeks later...

Hey all- painted up my two kitbashed Techmarines, pretty happy with how they came out (although painting those Mechanicus cogs and skulls was brutal).

Techmarine Brother Temlakos


Techmarine Brother Haroth (magnetized the combiweapon so I can switch tops on it)


Both on long-term assignment to support Void Reavers 4th company operations.

Next up will be Honored Brother Mikhal, Dreadnought of the 4th company.

Thanks for looking, and as always feedback welcome.

  • 3 weeks later...

Hello again- final finished model of 2020 I suspect. I really like the Dreadnought concept, but the short legs never quite worked for me, so did a pretty easy little conversion with some leftover sprue and spare leg armor to boost the height. In any case, feedback welcome, and best wishes to you and yours for a safe, happy, and restful holiday season.

Honored Brother Mikhal, dreadnought of the Void Reavers 4th company.

A well-respected and decorated veteran of the 4th company, Mikhal was serving as a devastator sergeant when when his combi-plasma overheated. However, even mortally wounded, he was able to continue directing his squad's fire, opening a gap in the enemy defenses that directly led to victory for the Void Reavers. In recognition, Mikhal was installed in one of the chapter's variant-pattern Dreadnought chassis, favored for the increased visibility and sightlines it provides the pilot. Although shown here equipped with a close combat arm, Mikhal often goes to battle armed with a 2nd ranged weapon instead, frequently in the "Rifleman" configuration the Unforgiven are known for.


  • 4 weeks later...

Happy 2021 all-

Got my first unit done for the year, was pretty fun to paint- 5 infilitrators from the Shadowspear/Start collecting set. Very impressed with how easy and well they fit together. Of course, now that I've finished and photographed them I see just how off-center I was on drilling out the pistol barrel on the central marine; will try to fix. As always, feedback welcome. Will be working on another tactical squad next.

Infiltrator squad Ballaton of the Void Reavers 10th company, assigned to support ongoing operations of the 4th company strike force

Since the opening of the Great Rift, the need for new battle-brothers has never been greater. Squad Ballaton consists of 4 young Primaris battle-brothers who have only recently received their full array of implants and fully accepted their gene-seed, led by Brother-Sergeant Ballaton, one of the first Primaris marines to have undergone full implantation, training, and indoctrination by the Void Reavers. While Ballaton's more than 50 years of experience ranks him as senior and experienced member of the chapter's Primaris battle-brothers, he remains quite young relative to many of the Firstborn members, especially the Firstborn sergeants. Thus his conduct, as well as ability and potential for leadership, are being scrutinized as much as the performance of the newly-raised battle-brothers in this deployment. As is typical for Void Reavers 10th company members, no squad number, battlefield role, or company insignias are worn; however sergeants will often display an honor marking or campaign badge on their right shoulder to indicate their position. Such is the case for Brother-Sergeant Ballaton, seen in the center of the pic-capture below firing his pistol. Although not visible in the image, he displays a recent campaign badge on his right shoulder.


  • 1 month later...

Finished 2nd unit of the year- Tactical Squad Usiel, 2nd squad of the Void Reavers 4th company. Magnetized the pistol/gun arms of the sergeant and special weapon trooper, as well as heavy weapon trooper at the waist, to make it easy to swap loadouts.


Next up will be a 2nd Land Speeder to finish off Wraithwing 5th squad. As always, thanks for looking and feedback.

  • 3 weeks later...

Swift Vengeance, 2nd Land speeder of the Void Reavers Wraithwing squad Xaphon (2nd company, 5th squad)


The nominally codex-compliant 10-man Squad Xaphon. Of course, the Unforgiven chapters are often suspected of frequently maintaining oversized 1st and 2nd company squads, and the Void Reavers are no exception...


As always, thanks for looking and feedback welcome. Will probably either do some assault intercessors or terminators next.

  • 1 month later...

Assault Intercessor Squad Anaphiel, 8th squad of the Void Reavers 4th company. The 8th squad has suffered many losses during the era Indomitus, most recently when they were martyred to a man diverting a Tyranid splinter fleet away from one of the Void Reavers primary training and recruiting worlds. Squad Anaphiel wear the badge of the Indomitus crusade to honor those who have fallen in its prosecution, and as a reminder that no less is expected of them to bring it to completion.

As with most other Primaris squads of the Void Reavers, the ten battle-brothers who would nominally form the 8th squad are fielded in two five-man demi-squads rather than as a single unit. In these cases, the Void Reavers deviate from Guillman's new prescriptions, and assign the second squad a designation based on the acting sergeant's name and corresponding number from eleven to twenty, rather than using those numbers to denote a squad from another company seconded to the 4th company forces. These second squads are frequently fielded in Gravis armor, and equipped as needed based upon the foes the Void Reavers will be facing.


As always, thanks for looking and reading, and feedback welcome. Next up is a impulsor/Gladiator.

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