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The Re-hobbying of Chiam


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Hi there. 


So after many, many moons of lurking and watching I figured that I should actually join the Forum so I can interact with the amazing community that I have observed for so long. I also figured that after six or seven years out of the hobby, (At least on the actual buying and painting side) it was probably time to try and get back into it. Never one to shy away from a challenge I thought I'd kill two birds with one stone, join the forum and post a plog to motivate my incapable at finishing a project self to push forward and enjoy the hobby for what it is worth. 


So now that the introduction is sorta over I'll explain my premise. 

I've never been a 'strong' painter, a trait that in my earlier years within the hobby would make me cycle through projects as each month passed. This time, with a level of new found focus however I figured that if I keep my mind at it and continue to push I could finish a project and hopefully improve my skills with the comments of those who look at my stuff. 


With this in mind I searched for something to do, and for the first time in a long time walked into a GW store. I emerged with the Dark Imperium box and the intent to re-create one of my armies from yester-year in fantastic Primaris form. I came up with a story concept to use as a theme and direction for the army, which in turn allowed me to work on a colour pallet and layout for them. 


I then realised I put to much thought into it. 


So instead I just started painting. 


My test mini:


(Sorry about the blur, new camera, new learning curve.)


The highlights aren't sharp, company numbers missing and the weathering far from complete. However for the first model painted in years I feel I slight sense of achievement. It also gave birth to my army, a Primaris strike-force from the Red Scorpions that as I build I shall add fluff and story to make their campaigned feel make sense. This plog will see this evolution (Hopefully). 


If you read this thank you. If not, well at least I have a place to keep motivated. 

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First off, your marine's a nicely-painted figure. He's neat, striking, and has some fun freehand additions, like the kneepad markings and weathering around the feet. More importantly, he's given you a sense of achievement. At root, that's what keeps us all painting.


You mention your aim is to finish and project and push your technical skills – both laudable aims. My advice is to make sure that you keep an eye on that sense of personal satisfaction, too. It's great to share and seek opinions, but it's also easy to end up feeling under pressure. From what you've written, you've a tendency to be critical of your own work; don't let that push you away from your goal.


On the model itself, the basing is solid, providing a nice frame for the model without overwhelming what is a fairly understated scheme. The weathering work is also restrained, which I like to see – it's very easy to get carried away. The Red Scorpions' heraldry and colour scheme is muted, but has strong tonal contrast on the pauldrons. In order to get the focus more to the head, you might try highlighting the eye lenses further. This'll give the figure more impact – particularly at the tabletop – but lose a little realism. Are you going for a gritty low-fantasy feel?


Secondly, welcome aboard – and back. I'm looking forward to seeing the story of your Red Scorpions unfold. By their larger-than-life nature, marines really lend themselves to a good backstory. You might find it fun to give each model their own name and short blurb – it'll quickly build up to give a feeling of a company of heroes.

Thank you both for the welcome and comments. 

I've been working on the second Marine and have adjusted some elements in terms of the battle damage and the like which seems to emphasis the worn-mid campaign feel. 


I like the idea of adding a small intro for each marine as they get posted and will start working on that because it would be a nice little 'reward' to be able to add character as each model is finished. 


Anyway, here is marine #2, with some additional features that will be carried forward from the test mini, his knee pad is yellow across the whole pad so I can determine whose in which battle squad.  I'm also going to try and get some decent photos once the British 'sun' starts to break through these clouds. 



Some additional highlights on the Boltgun are probably needed and as per the suggestion by Apologist I'm going to do some more work to the eyes and bring them up several colours to make them pop. However, the main point is I now have two painted Marines, which in my experience is an achievement and practically the equivalent of having a full army painted! 

So no pictures today, but do not fret I've been working hard on getting another Space Marine done to show you all,  he just isn't quite ready. So instead I did some background for the army, then began to write a short story too. This will be an on-going part of the Plog hopefully, to add some depth and explaination. Anyway, feel free to read, if not...feel free to mock. :biggrin.: 






“Playback audio file seventeen dash forty six. Clearance level Omega.” His voice was commanding and authoritative, as I had always known it to be and as I had always done I obliged his words and immediately searched through my databanks to find his request in a manner both timely and punctual. It was what he had expected of me, of all of us every since he had been assigned to the investigation regarding the Scorpions. Yet it was always I who found myself summoned to his side during his ritualistic hours in front of the viewscreens. It is these hours that have allowed me to continue my character analysis of the man of whom I am in servitude to.


Inquisitor Dalriant is a machine to me, a strange concept from one who is in truth has more metal covering my organs then the skin I was born with, but he truly puts my common expectations of humanities limits to question. I have witnessed him go for days with no more to eat or drink then the servitors and scribes who worked tirelessly around him to assure that this assignment was ready to present to the Reborn Son on time. Sleep, a weakness that even I was not free of, yet I have sat by Dalriant for days on end without his vitals even hinting towards a need to retire to his chambers, he truly is an anomaly among his kind. Our kind, I had to remind myself for despite the metal plates that covered my body and the artificial eyes and limbs I was too one of humanity.

I remember finding the file that he had requested. Audio File Seventeen dash Forty Six, a lone file that had been un-touched since it had been recorded several months prior. I observed it’s details, the length and the author…


“Are you sure?” I would ask, surprising even myself. To question the Inquisitor could bring about a penalty that was well deserved, be it flagellation or even death. Yet there was something about this file that had sent alarm bells through my neural-processers, perhaps it was because I had seen the name of the author before, once before on a different investigation many, many moons ago, or was it because of the topics that were held within? Either way I found myself holding my breath in my lungs, straining against the mechanical servos within them that insisted that I breathe. My eyes took in the Inquisitor who had paused scratching away at the seventy two foot long roll of parchment that had been his station for months. His face had questioned his own ears that much was certain, yet I still had hope that it wasn’t for a thought of punishment or to judge why I, a mere slave would question his why and how.

“Yes I am sure.” Again, commanding and authoritative and it left me with a shiver of fear.

“Very well. Audio File Seventeen Dash Forty Six. Playback initiated.” I said and the room went silent as speakers crackled upon the dais which we were stood.


“This is the account of the Molastrom Campaign undertaken by Strike Force Sitra. This is the story of how they died…”


Progress continues. 


Currently at the 'messy' stage after the base colours have been set and the first shade applied. 



As you can see in the background the first squad is nearly complete. 

Exciting times ahead. 

(Oh and yes I drill the bolters...I just forgot until this photo.)

  • 2 weeks later...

Been a couple of weeks since I last updated, but it's been busy for me. However that's not to say I haven't got anything done. 


First off the unit of five is complete, transfers inc (however I need to find some numerals for kneepads before they are 'completely complete')

I'm pretty happy by how they turned out, especially as a return to the hobby after so long. As always thoughts and criticism is welcome. Also yes, the bolter will get drilled out. 



Which brings me to my next step. 

Dark Imperium set is being assembled as we speak and I came to realise I really don't like the 2nd sergeant model (With the gravity defying purity seals) so I set out to find a replacement and came across an absolute bargain 500th store lieutenant, which after some pondering has been allocated a demotion to be the second sergeant of the rest of the Primaris. He is a work in progress, but will feature special shoulder pads to show his epic importantness. 




Which also gave me a spare model which led me to getting inspired enough to try out a theme that everyone seems to be tackling at the moment. After reading the fantastic Spears of the Emperor how could I not try to make a Spear. So I made a spear concept, which is heavily not finished in anyway but impressed me enough to maybe in the future make a small accompanying force to go with the scorpions. 



Grainy photo apologies. 


Anyway. As always. Drill me or feed my little ego. 

Opinions appreciated. 

  • 1 month later...

Hi all, I haven’t forgotten this, nor have I really done much outside of what was already shown.


With the release of the new codex my mind started moving to things beyond the red scorpions and one thing led to another, which has meant that I am in the middle of a test mini and no closer to deciding if the colour scheme is for me or not.




Heavily leaning towards it for the start of a new force using the multiparty kits yet as much as the emperor’s spears resonate with me the lack of readily available transfers is a real downside.


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