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Lucius Vanguards


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Hi all,


Working on a list and wondered if anyone had experience using 20 Vanguard w 3 Plasma Calivers and Deep Striking them as Lucius?


I like the concept but it is 120 points when the Omnispex is added and want to see what your experiences have been

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I dont hate the idea! As synth says its CP investement, but the points investement stays low (as opposed to using this on say kastellans/priests and risking a 9" charge).


Id look at doing multiple units to be honest if going down that path. Also if your taking multiple vanguard, its probably easier to get near a double battallion for more starting CP anyway.


Combine with 2-3 infiltrator units and you could drop 5-6 units in one turn :)



Also they benefit well from the 'ignore -1AP' of lucius, as most weaponry someone is gonna want to fire at them will be AP0/-1, so they'll generally always have a 4+ save

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Sorry for the brief response, I was  writing that on my phone while lazing in bed avoiding having to actually get up for as long as possible.  so for 120 points and 1 cp . I value 1 CP at around 20 points in lists,( trust me I can spend a brigades worth by turn 3 with my army.)


You are dropping 10 toughness 3 wounds at around 18 inches away from what you want to actually kill , Yes they have obsec which is nice and it's a good strategy for  Maelstrom Games and the such , I could see a 10 man unit pushing someone of an objective or say making a charge onto a unit to deny a defend , However you are again reliant on making that charge to do it as you will be dropping > 9 away.


Guard armies have the ability to do this with troop units of scions for free and I have seen it done to some good extent however competitively people typically don't take them over the standard guard units because of range issues and the fact they just die.


I do see benefit in having deep striking units for this roll but i don't really think Vanguard are the ones you would want to use , right now I do this with 2 X 90 points worth of Infiltrators who are the same 10 wounds at t3 .  Yes they  aren't troops and lack the 6 plasma shots but they have a smaller deployment footprint are able to murder other units in combat  and shoot 25 shots , as your enemy cant push / contest the objective if he's dead ;-)


I'm not saying its a terrible choice , but expect the vanguard to die like soggy gingerbread men ,once they arrive they are in  rapid fire weapons range , incidental bolter fire will rip them apart. Typically with sicarians im at least providing the protection of 1 turn of shooting via wrapping a unit or lone man.

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I do see benefit in having deep striking units for this roll but i don't really think Vanguard are the ones you would want to use , right now I do this with 2 X 90 points worth of Infiltrators who are the same 10 wounds at t3 .  Yes they  aren't troops and lack the 6 plasma shots but they have a smaller deployment footprint are able to murder other units in combat  and shoot 25 shots , as your enemy cant push / contest the objective if he's dead ;-)


Aye this is what i currently do, except i have 3 units of infiltrators:


2 x5 taser/fletchette

nd then 1 x sword/stubcarbine


They very rarely fail to make their points back for me. Although id say i prefer the tasers in combat, the the 18" range on the stubcarbine squad comes in useful if dropping all 3 at once and not being able to get them all within 12" - also their t4 shots have come in useful for taking the last couple of wounds off t7 vehicles - as they wound them on 5s rather than the flechettes which wound on 6s).



Vanguard also having that 18" range  means you can drop a bit further back too if starved for space..but aye, totally agree that if they are left in range of bolters etc, they will get totally shredded!

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Skitarii do their best work when there are more threatening things to shoot instead of them.


Putting ten Vanguard front and center may give you one decent shooting phase, but that is probably it. The Rad guns are fun but not that effective and the Plasma can always backfire, as you will be outside of reroll range (bar canticles).


I'd say in this case, Electro priests (jazzhands variety) are probably always a better use. The shooting is more consistent and powerful enough to threaten most targets with massed dice, not to mention they do it all over again in combat.

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