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Would there be any interest in more Titanicus scaled scatter bits? I've been very tempted to start a Patreon to release STL's of smallscale terrain bits to add extra character to existing terrain and bases.

Here some samples:

Lemme see what I can do, the idea for now is to have a different theme each month: luggage (various crates, suitcases, barrels, etc and loaders/carrier workers), garden (various potted and unpotter plants, gardeners), market place (various market stands etc), and so on.


I basically want to see a small scale futuristic grimdark version of this: https://instagram.com/picassawi

Today in Titanicus I...


Am getting close to finishing a banner of Lancers.


I need to sit down for a mistake pass to make sure there isn't something too bad, then a gloss coat for decals and another coat so I can start thinking about weathering.




I feel I made a mistake with the orange where I should have painted it over more white. It's so thin the under shade comes through in some parts. I would have liked to have it brighter in some part. The orange strips on the leg of the second knight is one example. I'll focus on my preshaing a bit more for other knights and titans. Overall I like how these turned out and look forward to more knights. A pair of porphyrion will be the next ones.


I've moved on to posing some warhound titans just so I can get them ready for a basecoat, I'm aiming to get at least two out of four done this month but it's good to have a slight change.

Today in Titanicus, I'm...
• preparing a 3D printed epic-scale Spartan for basing (something to stick under a Reaver's foot)
• printing some "Interplanetary Empires" tiles for the campaign we've got starting this weekend
• getting weapons for my titans painted
• and if time allows, reading up on the rules for a game I've played one time so far ;) 

  • 2 weeks later...

Just sharing my latest Titan, actually finished on Sunday, but who’s counting? This is my second Warbringer for Legio Atarus, meaning I can now finally field a Ruptura maniple! I have magnetised the sides of the carapace cannon, so I can swap in the Bellicosa as pictured below. And I’ve used the Battle Bling alternate head and my now customary name plate. Behold, Victoria Nuntius (Herald of Victory), or Vicky for short;





I'm starting to actually paint my war master soon after committing the ultimate aim of screwing up the warbringers upper thighs...


In other news, the recent goonhammer article has them try and get through a shining example of Adeptus Titanicusisms. Pretty amusing to say the least.

Not a lot of progress for me, I've started on some warhounds and finally have the posed in way I'm happy with. I'll start painting them soon so my experiements with Purple for Xestobiax will begin.


I did get some colour on my knight shield/icons (not sure what they're called) so I can get them finished and closed except for the bases, it's been a long time since I've had a model finished so I'm looking forward to it.




I can see a not a couple of not very straight lines :) They're so small it won't matter once the decals go on. I'm planning on a small shield in the bottom half, from a transfer set from The Mighty Brush and some line from the Cerastus sheet or small symbol on the top.

Tester done for decals, I was thinking of replicating this with a little variation on another 2 and maybe do something different on the fourth. I'll let it sit for a day or so and see if I still like it. Once they're all done I'll varnish again and do an oil pin wash on the edge of the shield.



I've designed these spikes a while back, so it's nice to see that Vanguard Miniatures have finally released them! I can imagine some Traitor Titan Legions might be in need of these...


Spiked Trophy Poles With Impaled Elites Helmets



Spiked trophy poles sporting impaled Elites helmets.


Set contains:


3 x trophy pole sprues, 10 poles on each sprue


30 poles in total


My second Warlord arrived today, and I've got some bits and bobs arriving from BattleBling tomorrow :D


Will be nice to be able to run a close quarters build in addition to the long range artillery one I have currently.

I finally finished my warmaster yesterday for a game later in the afternoon. Not thrilled with the outcome of the paintjob due to various screw ups, but the game was a blast. Like always, there seemed to be those seemingly rare things things that justanages to happen. Like a warhound having a complete reactor meltdown, full warmaster shooting only stripping 1 shield off a reaver, a warhounds shields dropping from reactor level only for friendly porphyrion blasts to knock out both it's weapons, and a warmaster complete meltdown clearing the objective to result in a tie of 5-5 at the very end of turn 6. I'll write up a more comprehensive summary with some photos in my thread.

I've finsihed my tilting shields and currently working on transfers for my lancers, 1 left to go now. Planning to basecoat some volkite weapons for warhounds once I'm happy with the knights and need to start work on a warbringer.




I was hoping the white would just blend in on the bottom right shield but that was wishful thinking :) still so small it won't be noticed by anyone except me.


One of the WIP knights



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