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Yes, it was interesting. I thought the Clawlord article was a bit of an odd one, in that as far as I recall they took two Clawlords in an Extergimus maniple, and I'm not sure that is the best way to take them really. You're giving up huge firepower, and it is very all in on the claw in a maniple where you're already going to be outmanouevred, most probably.


I've not tried a Clawlord yet, but my thinking is more along the lines that it would work well in a Regia, where a Clawlord could advance with Warhound support, devoting power to shields, with the Warhound support helping to either corral titans into charge range or take advantage of them trying to stay away from the Warlord threat. There are other options too of course - Fortis, Mandatum, even Axiom. Basically as far as I can see a Clawlord is going to work better with other lighter titans rather than more clawlords. I've not actually used a clawlord though, so could be totally wrong!


It's certainly interesting to see ways to make the inferno gun work, though. The inferno cannons for my warhounds are still all on their sprues - maybe this will spur me to assemble a few. I can't imagine taking them for my Gore Crows when I could take VMBs with storm frag shells instead, but they might be fun to try out for my Astorum.

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Yeah, that was great but I think that even with the best will in the world, taking three warlords with claws just isn't likely to work well. Inferno cannons though, with a specific maniple and a specific legion and specific upgrades make for an intriguing niche that's kind of viable? They still don't touch the good old vulcan/plasma loadout but it looks like a lot of fun.

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Depends on the points level and mission, with closer deployments changing the viability of Clawlords strongly. I have ran two around 2000 points with excellent results, but they do need support from lighter elements and good lord is Extermigus a bad choice for that when you want to push movement all day long to begin with. I prefer to run them in a custom legio that can swap Warlords into a Ferrox maniple, where they hit both harder and more accurately while benefiting from a suitably aggressive escort.


Twinferno Hounds, likewise, have performed admirably though they are a bit overcosted in comparison to a VMB / PBG Hound, which is the same price but works at range just fine. I'm eager to test the Ignus maniple out one of these days, after I get more Acherons ready.

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Melee warlords i think work best as a deterrent rather than for actual damage, thats really hard to quantify though ofc :D 

Inferno guns have always done solid work for me tbh, its a rare list i write that does not include at least one (Though ill admit i run light and fast 90% of the time :D ) I think its a real mistake to mix them with other guns though, just go pure and focus on that savage flanking shot setup, just with Lupercal maniple and the bonus damage against bigger titans Fuerans primus trait they consistently tear things down and are fairly rightfully feared by some of my opponents, which then gives you a great distraction carnifex to boot ;) 

Just cracking my titans service records open, the double Inferno squadron a) Is weirdly in synch with each others stats and b) Have just under half the deaths of my Bolter/Plasma squadron for just over half the kills, and a lot more board control. Though it seems the Plasma/Bolters are a lot better at scoring objectives lol. Its a fairly small dataset though, i need more games! :D 

Incidentally, the best Kill:Death ratio in my current forces is a Laser/Volcano/Missiles Reaver "Mehak Vukthi" with 3 Warhounds and a Reaver under her belt for no deaths :D 

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I had a chat with Zach off Goonhammer, as he's in the same London AT chat as me. The maniple did perform very well in that game but I think the Ruptura really played into their hands. They never should have gone on full stride in turn one, zerged forward and got themselves surrounded by warhounds and knights. As a result, both Reavers died on turn 2 and the warbringers got swarmed, kind of inevitably. If the Ruptura had stayed back and used the Reavers to countercharge, things could have been quite different.


That said, it's a very nice set up. It demonstrates that Inferno guns can work, at least if given ideal circumstances to do so.

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If Vulpa had their own Vox Blackout on turn 1 then I think it'd be a pretty different game, too. Shut down the Ignus's mass Full Stride and then force them through those Scatterable Mines. Between that, and playing the Reavers more conservatively as Mandragola says above, it could be interesting to see how the Ignus does in a rematch or best of 3. I'm not sure it would do so... hot :cool.: yeah I'll see myself out

I'm pretty confident I would have made the same mistake of advancing in as Condit, though. It's nice to get their perspective in these socially distant times and doubly cool for me that one of their crew frequently runs Vulpa.

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With a bit of luck I might get my latest FW purchases in the coming days.


Our postal service is so efficient nowadays that I got a notice in the mailbox to tell me I could go to the post office to retrieve a package as of 2pm today, instead of actually delivering the package rather than the notice ... Once I arrived at the post office, past 2pm today, I was told the package was not yet available and probably still with the postman ...


Patience ...

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Seems to me that the cause of the loss for Vulpa was typical traitor hubris before cleansing Imperial flame!



...which mostly bounced off the Warhound, which in turn pushed its reactor, rolling a double result and re-rolling for another double pushing it into orange, as well as using the once-per-game Traitor ability for an extra 2” of movement and +1 attack with all melee weapons...

Clearly, Traitor Infernus crushed Loyalist Vulpa, which they definitely deserved for not embracing the war god :wink:


They probably both ran Traitor, but I don't recall seeing the faction ability or any Traitor strats played by Vulpa, so I'm sticking to my story :tongue.: Either way, Vulpa hubris for sure. Side effects of using Disruption Emitters may include dizziness, confusion, overly aggressive plays, muscle aches, road rage, and minor brain hemorrhages. Disruption Emitters are not for everyone. Please consult an Archmagos before use.

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I just couldn't envisage any scenario where Vulpa titans didn't jump at the chance to rebel.


They were called the Death Stalkers before the heresy for Throne's sake, the clues were all there!

Anywho, TIT I finally got round to putting name plates on my last two Warhounds. I was waiting for the end of the year to splash the cash on the 20% discount code I had from Versatile, once I knew what name plates I needed elsewhere, but then 25% rolled along!


Also bought a nameplate for the Warbringer I don't even own yet.

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How are they quality wise compared to the normal questoris?

Overall, what you’d expect from FW. The detail is lovely and crisp, except there are a couple of potential mismold spots on the back of the carapace which has affected a couple of mine. Definition on the armour trim is excellent, and the arms join up with cabling without too much issue.






The issue with the shims is mainly around the back of the legs, and the bottom of the weapons, where you have a lot of cabling dangling down and you have to carve out the spaces between them. That tool a while!




So, overall, better than the plastic Questoris in some way, but a lot more faff to sort out.

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Ave Princeps!

Could you give me some intel about the loyalist titan legions present at Terra? Or which one worked closely with the Blood Angels during the Heresy? 

I'm trying to figure out the scheme of my loyalist force, and it is getting ever harder with every new campaign book. 

Legio Ignatum, the Fire Wasps are the main defenders at Terra iirc

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How are they quality wise compared to the normal questoris?

Overall, what you’d expect from FW. The detail is lovely and crisp, except there are a couple of potential mismold spots on the back of the carapace which has affected a couple of mine. Definition on the armour trim is excellent, and the arms join up with cabling without too much issue.






The issue with the shims is mainly around the back of the legs, and the bottom of the weapons, where you have a lot of cabling dangling down and you have to carve out the spaces between them. That tool a while!




So, overall, better than the plastic Questoris in some way, but a lot more faff to sort out.

The details are nice, but I'm still struggling to see why they made them a resin kit. I also think I hate the size of the claw, it doesn't seem quite so ginormous on the full size model. Maybe I'm also thinking of the styrix' Edited by SkimaskMohawk
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The details are nice, but I'm still struggling to see why they made them a resin kit. I also think I hate the size of the claw, it doesn't seem quite so ginormous on the full size model. Maybe I'm also thinking of the styrix'


the armor and head needed resin for how it was shaped/detailed, I suppose the same goes for the weapons, at that point it's about half the model, and considering the plastic kit is 3 whole knights a single sprue(barring that one tiny extra sprue they made later with the missile pods and thunder-fists, but those aren't used by these guys anyway), I can understand why they decided to just make everything in resin.


besides, I thought folks hated hybrid resin-plastic kits? I've always heard people complain about them being a bigger pain to put together then kits that were 100% one or the other.

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Still no sign of my FW knights. Our postal services seem to be a total mess at the moment ... On 20/11 I got confirmation from FW my package was on its way, Belgian post confirmed they received it on 25/11, then on 4/12 they let me a notice informing me that due to their services being overwhelmed (as in 600.000 packages to process and distribute daily vs. 270.000 on average), I would have to go retrieve it from the post office where no one could locate it ... today they are saying that I should give another 48h and then ask the sender to contact postal services to initiate an investigation ... and that without even having to deal with customs which will likely change on January 1st ...


I was wondering acquiring some Atrapos knights as well but only if they can be delivered to a local store as I prefer to avoid such frustrating mess.

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This weekend I finally received Crucible and my first Warbringer! This motivated me to build it straight away despite a headache :) gotta say, the legs on the Warbringer are _sooo_ much better to put together than the Reaver (though I did stick to the "basic configuration" for this one, I didn't want to risk it after my errors on the reaver)


So I'm now looking forwards to building up a few other titans and getting some paint on them again :D

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The details are nice, but I'm still struggling to see why they made them a resin kit. I also think I hate the size of the claw, it doesn't seem quite so ginormous on the full size model. Maybe I'm also thinking of the styrix'


the armor and head needed resin for how it was shaped/detailed, I suppose the same goes for the weapons, at that point it's about half the model, and considering the plastic kit is 3 whole knights a single sprue(barring that one tiny extra sprue they made later with the missile pods and thunder-fists, but those aren't used by these guys anyway), I can understand why they decided to just make everything in resin.


besides, I thought folks hated hybrid resin-plastic kits? I've always heard people complain about them being a bigger pain to put together then kits that were 100% one or the other.

Care to elaborate? I haven't seen any break downs or assemblies so I can't imagine what part of the model necessitated resin for its casting over the normal plastic stuff nowadays.

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Yar i was under the impression the CAD sprue cutting basically eliminated the weaknesses of plastics with under cuts and stuff these days, GW plastic minis are consistently blowing resin out of the water except for very fine detail like on the old Phoenix terminators and the like. 

Never had a problem with Resin hybrids, though with all the surface detail changes to the mechanicum knights you may as well just make them a whole sprue if you are cutting a new one missing all the questoris options they cant take.

Now metal hybrid kits on the other hand can stay dead forever :D 

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