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Discussion on the new C:SM & Possible BT supplement

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That being said tooth and claw dropped without Wolf specific rules as well around the time they got their rules if memory serves correctly.

I was going to get the psychic thingamajig anyways for plot advancement reasons. So if they put our rules in there all the more reason to get it.

Primork Gazhgull sounds like blatant wishlisting tho. And whe havent gotten a box since shadowspear so I could see them releasing one before the Christmas battleforces drop. Last year we had wake the dead and tooth and claw. This year shadowspear up until now only.

It will be interesting, wether the new kt comes with some New fluff that introduces other places. If memory serves correctly, vigilus was introduced back in the first kill team Box as background fluff.

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Shadow spear came out as part of vigilus, Abbadon dropped soon after.

BT can be sharing a box set shadowspear style vs orks, and then you have a small supplement like vanguard had, but with BT specific rules.

then when the proper book drops Ghaz can be release with it like Abbadon was with Vigilus part 2.

Wishlisting? maybe, but possible, certainly. Because it will be Primaris BT, with a char an upgrade sprue and transfers.

90% of the box will be usable by every SM chapter, just like Tooth and Claw. 

But we have to wait and see now. Fingers crossed my dudes, fingers crossed. I am also partial to new ork boyz.

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I'm sure the inevtiable Nova previews will shed some light on whats coming up - Particularly with 'Psychic Awakening'.

I don't really see a place for us in or Orks in that... but then as has been said elsewhere, the Orks/BT box was rumoured at the start of the year.


There's a lot of releases still to drop from GW:


Infiltrator / Incursors

Phobos Lieutenant

Iron Hands Forge Father

Minimum 4 supplements


That's a month of releases there!

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Tooth and Claw is perhaps the most useful parallel. I believe it's the only SM box of 8th which featured a faction specific character.


I suppose my earlier point is that I can't see our faction rules being tied to a box. But I can see us getting a box like tooth and claw. With any luck, we would then get something like the recent SW start collecting box.

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Hey Faith will be tested, the Beast Roars and an Ancient shadow rises/returns. BT and Orks easily fit there.

According to rumours supplement releases will be spaced out. Take into account AoS, this will take a while.



Ok I'm back with you on this! I believe!


I keep telling my friends that a reboot of armageddon is round the corner...

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Hey Faith will be tested, the Beast Roars and an Ancient shadow rises/returns. BT and Orks easily fit there.

According to rumours supplement releases will be spaced out. Take into account AoS, this will take a while.

That line reminds me of that bit in TBA when Magnarich's crusade shrugged off the warp spells of an Ork Weirdboy through prayer alone, then when they killed the Weirdboy, all of the orks died in a Kingsman esque shower of gore and brains. Awesome.

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Could it be three different factions...?

Faith - BT (though I feel it would be sisters if they were a bit closer to done)

Beast - Ork

Ancient Shadow - Eldar? Necron?

just a thought.


I'd still prefer a full BT supplement :p

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Think sisters will have a full faction release, not tied to a campaign.

Campaign you can easily give stuff to 2 or 3 faction/sub faction.

Sisters I believe will get their solo slot.

To be fair this is the only proper BT rumour we had since pre 6th edition. So I will allow myself to dream a bit.

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Sete you are allowed to have hope and I personally see it as possible but only a low chance if this is something that is to be soon ish.  If this is rumor is something without a date I see it as more likely as I do believe the Chaos reboot is the main focus for 8th along with the absurdly slow introduction of Primaris.


But GW is also wasting a lot of resources on AOS but it does in theory keep Jervis away from 40k.

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Concerning the boxset, the guy on the french forum said there was no Black Templars in it, but a primarised space wolf character I guess ("grey blueish armour with a yellow shoulderpad"), and maybe Gazghkull but he remains very evasive about this one. 


I don't really believe to a boxset with Black Templars in fact. 

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Plot thickens.


He also says the box would not be for now.

Could be a different thing altogether.

Why would primaris ragnar be released in between codex space marines supplements?


So many conflicting rumours!!!

Especially coming from guys that had correct rumours before. Weird...

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Next white dwarf is dark angels so makes sense space wolves might follow. I can't work out why gw would bring out primaris close combat just after a new codex that they are not listed in.


Black Templars vs orks makes sense just maybe in six months not two. I know I filled out the community survey twice and i asked for Templars a fair few times!

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I can't work out why gw would bring out primaris close combat just after a new codex that they are not listed in.


Sounds suspiciously like a business model.


Bring out the new thing so everyone buys it, but leave out the even newer thing so people buy two things!

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They should have had the supplements out one right after another within a matter of weeks not months as what people are saying.  Very poorly played by GW even worse if you are a CSM player.

Or not. One of my mates is a big tournament player, he just tossed a lot of money into a White Scars army "because they are OP". That's how he operates when a new codex pops up :

- assess if it is "strong"

- buy build and paint an army (airbrush rules) from that codex

- proceed to hammer the local tourney scene

- sell army

- rinse and repeat


If in say 6 month the salamanders codex comes out and is "strong" he'll then buy a sally army.


You have to understand that people here are not necessarily representative of the overall GW customer base. We here have a faction of choice, but tourney players and a good number of teenage beginners just want stuff that kicks ass. So releasing the codexes dropwise may simply cater to that particular demographic.


Remember that when V8 started, SPace Wolves had to wait a year and a half for their codex...

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They should have had the supplements out one right after another within a matter of weeks not months as what people are saying.  Very poorly played by GW even worse if you are a CSM player.

Or not. One of my mates is a big tournament player, he just tossed a lot of money into a White Scars army "because they are OP". That's how he operates when a new codex pops up :

- assess if it is "strong"

- buy build and paint an army (airbrush rules) from that codex

- proceed to hammer the local tourney scene

- sell army

- rinse and repeat


If in say 6 month the salamanders codex comes out and is "strong" he'll then buy a sally army.


You have to understand that people here are not necessarily representative of the overall GW customer base. We here have a faction of choice, but tourney players and a good number of teenage beginners just want stuff that kicks ass. So releasing the codexes dropwise may simply cater to that particular demographic.


Remember that when V8 started, SPace Wolves had to wait a year and a half for their codex...


Ciler so what is new about people with excessive disposable income? This has been going on for as long as I can remember and I have only been enjoying 40k from the early 2000s.  Either it is the new codex or unit or super friends or before allies what FW units were broken and allowed in tournaments to the power creep of 5th or assault focused armies of 4th.  That group of players I have determined is just part of the gaming culture and I personally don't let it annoy me but everyone has different opinions and personal experiences.  I can understand and appreciate your frustration if they have disrupted your gaming experiences.  Personally I have stepped away from the high end competitive play with the end of 5th edition.  


Also the SW comment is just odd were they the last codex to get released in 8th, someone had to be(Orks?)?  Heck some editions we could see an full cycle with some of the codexes not even getting a release.  


The personal issue I have with it is if you play anything but a successor chapter you need to spend an extra $30 for about 5 pages of rules at most (minus blueberries) and only that long as the GW choice of formatting.  Also you have the second layer of annoyance knowing that all of this was developed together but needing to wait for your small supplement to be released.  This allows the consumer to have the overt price gouging diluted with the passage of time vs if they were all released at once.  Think of that friend that owns a few codex SM armies not(SW,BA,DA) and now needs to get multiple supplements.  


My frustration is not at players wanting to enjoy their game or who should get what first but it is at GW, their slimy sales team and their upper management.  

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