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Hey guys! Been a few years since the crusade got lost in the warp, but the Tempestas Crusade returns with a new Marshal!

My last thread was archived, so I'm not allowed to post there, so I guess this is my new crusade thread. Here is a link to the old thread: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/269066-the-tempestas-crusade-etl-iv-vindicator-vow-complete/

This is the Space Marine Captain from the web exclusive deal a few years ago.


My paints are quite old, and some of the metalic ones were not co-operating at all with my attempts to get them to go on smoothly, so I'm a bit disappointed in that part of the mini. For the most part, however, I am quite satisfied with him!

Edited by Urkh

Welcome back to the eternal crusade.


If your metallic paints are givung you a hard time: switch to vallejo metal colour for steel and darkstar for gold/brass. They go on excelently. I am still stuck with "normal" golds but did the switch on the steel/silver colours and am incredibly pleased with them.

Edited by Marshal Vespasian

Thanks for the warm welcome guys! 

Wanna let you guys know that I've now figured out the gallery and have uploaded pictures of many of my minis. Many of them are new pictures, especially for some mini's  where the only pics I had were from a super old camera. Hope you guys enjoy!



  • 8 months later...

Here is the newest edition to the Tempestas Crusade, Sword Brother Krike!


The blue tack base will go away once I buy more superglue, which i didnt know i was out of.

With that, i have now finished all the members of the sword brethren squad box by gws! Need to go to sleep atm, but will have pictures of them all up soon!

Keep crusading brothers!

Nice mini's.


Most of my metals had gone south as well after +5 years in the warp/attic

I Bought some of the new GW metals, but I'm not too impressed with leadbelcher and the other ones.

Gold was never my favorite colour to paint.


I found out that you can try to reactivate dried out paint with warm water, it only works if there is stil moist paint underneath the hardend layer..


Good luck with the reactivation.

Urkh, it's great to see you back, Brother! It's also nice to see some classic-looking models. Whereas they're painted to a good standard, I'd like to particularly commend you on the power weapon effects, the Captain's/Marshal's stormbolter (I love it how you've picked out the details; though, you should probably go the extra length and drill -- or at least paint -- the barrels) and the script on the SB's tabard - it's a really nice touch. Now I'm off to revisit your old models in the B&C gallery.


Do you have any plans on expanding your Crusade? What's next in your painting queue?

As promised, pics of the full Squad

Arranged as they appear on the GWS box:


Arranged for focus


The full squad so far!


Thank you for all the kind words guys! One day, will I have a drill, I will go back and drill out the barrels of every one of my minis. As for what is coming next... Right now I have a more... heretical squad which would be blasphemy to talk about here, and then after that, a biker squad. I am debating on if I want to make the bikers normal bikers, or a command squad on bikes. I don't have any of the newest rules for Space Marines, including Black Templars, so I am going to need to get ahold of them somehow to help me with that decision. After that, I am planning on using my BT upgrade sprew to make a kitted out melee crusader squad, since my only melee crusaders are from my first batch ever painted, and I want to get some fresh, great looking bodies into close combat next time I happen upon a game. No clue when that will happen though. =(

Hey guys, I was wondering what all books I would need to be able to figure out all the rules for Black Templars. From my brief searching of the internet, I believe I need the new Space Marine Codex, Faith and Fury, and the 2019 Chapter approved. Is there anything else I am missing? I've never owned a Chapter approved book before, so that will be new, hahaha!

Codex and F&F, yes. You only need Chapter Approved for updated point values, and since everyone builds lists in Battlescribe anyway, that's pretty optional. The updated Eternal War and Maelstrom missions are great though, so the book isn't a terrible deal for those alone.

Urkh, I can't recommend Battlescribe enough. I've read that there are some minor issues, but it's still a great aggregate of rules scattered between many books.


Oh, and I've missed your previous reply - good plans, keep up the good work. They are probably not the most competitive options, but I really enjoy your selection of models. Can't wait to see them painted - I really like your style, judging by the Sword Brethren you've posted, which is great. Nice ideas there too, like the Mordoresque mace or the overhead, two-handed sword.

Oh trust me, i know battlescribe. When the 6th edition space marines dex came out, i made a catalog for it and passed it around to the forum users here! Another one of our members also sent me a DM with a catalog that I will eventually get around to using. Even with Battlescribe, however, I still like having the physical books for use in gaming. Also, I find it a lot easier to come up with inspiration for a new list with a book in front of me. I find that both of them are useful for different reasons.

So, it's been a while since I've posted a full army pic, so I have two for you. One from the front, and one from above.



Edited by Urkh

Hi ray! You can see close ups of many of my men in my gallery as well as in my battle report/painting thread (link in my sig)


The dude with the mace is actually named Sword Brother Sauron! Hahaha. Most of my guys with names are named after fire emblem characters, but that mace was so ridiculous he had to break convention. He also has a golden ring painted on one of his fingers. It is really small though.

  • 3 weeks later...

Hey guys. Not a finished product, but after three years of this sitting on my counter, I decided to paint the banner for the standard holder for my command squad. I'm worried it might be a bit too busy. Let me know what you guys think.


If I could freehand like that I'd never ever be worried about anything hobby related.

It's a work of art.

I agree it's different from the more stylised banners that are the mainstay. But man it's gorgeous and brings a bit of coulor on the table.

Edited by Brother Carpenter

It's very good, bet it took awhile with all that detail!


If you want the icon to be a bit more 'raised' so it draws more attention, you could skirt it with black or perhaps give it a tiny bit of a shadow in black but honestly that's being pedantic.


Thanks for sharing!

The banner is absolutely gorgeous. I mean, heroic and adequate. It brings to my mind one of the banners that were in Codex: Black Templars or another publication; there were drop pods there, too, I'm certain of that.

You guys are too kind! The whole lightning thing was actually a response to a mistake I made on the banner in the first place. I was going to have the cross in the center with the scroll that says "tempestas" under it more towards the bottom. I made the cross too low, and decided to put the scroll on top of it instead. This left the middle empty, and after two days of pondering, i figured i would fill in the empty spaces with blue lightning. I wanted the initial bolt to be going in the opposite direction as the drop pods to create some directional difference.


@brother carpenter: when it comes to free handing, my first piece of advice is to not be afraid to do it! This banner is actually my first real free hand project. I had learned how to each of the parts of it from just normal mini painting too! The lightning is just copy paste from how I paint my power weapons. The scroll is from painting lots of scrolls and crusader seals on various marines. The fire for the drop pods is something I learned when I was painting my knights of the cursed flame for the ETL many years ago. The cross is just from a tutorial I found on google, then using black paint to clean up and make those points pointy. Never be afraid to paint over mistakes and try again would be tip number two. Just apply the skills you already have and you will be surprised at what you can accomplish! I believe in you! If you want to know my processes for anything, send me a PM and I'll get back to you!

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