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We're Gonna Get a Book!

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Well itc rules allow magic boxes for infantry and didn't get enough line of sight for the flyrant, I had other targets like gazillion genestealers, with swarmlord they can and will alpha strike.

My whirlwinds killed like 2/3 genestealers but that flyrant did a lucky charge .

The deployment was the diagonal one.

Maybe it was a sum of things, bad plays on my part, bad match up, maybe I picked the wrong side. I know for sure that i was lacking long range Strength 8 support

Well itc rules allow magic boxes for infantry and didn't get enough line of sight for the flyrant, I had other targets like gazillion genestealers, with swarmlord the can and will alpha strike.

My whirlwinds killed like 2/3 genestealers but that flyrant did a lucky charge .

The deployment was the diagonal one.

Maybe it was a sum of things, bad plays on my part, bad match up, maybe I picked the wrong side. I know for sure that i was lacking long range Strength 8 support

Yeah sounds like the perfect storm of bad luck to me, although you could probably do for some extra high strength firepower, maybe some predators or even a squad or 2 of suppressors


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