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New Space Marines codex and YOU


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Yup, another stealth buff to drop pods along with drawing distance from open doors, the question now is what to stuff them with. If we even get a fraction of the new strats (grav rerolls, Halving dread damage for example) I can see the double, triple battalion or even brigades being in vogue soon. I've also seen plenty of hints that we're getting something in the next white dwarf.

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I just saw in a review of the main C:SM that you cant use "special" chapter keywords with it. So I think we woun`t be included in the supplement style releases. Well, thats bad news :(.

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gravis armor is now t5, and adds a wound and an attack. t5 w3 a3  sounds pretty awesome

if veteran status stacks, +1w +1a, with them as well, maybe they wouldnt be bad deathwing.  

The unit entry title "Master in Gravis Armor" on p.87 of the Dark Angels codex is a misprint. It should read "Primaris Master in Gravis Armor." The unit's Keywords are correct, but the title is not, and GW has never addressed it in any of the FAQs (because GW editing sucks). They've also never addressed the Power rating of the Librarian entry on p.83, which should be 6 (once again, because GW editing sucks). Don't worry, they screwed it up on p.142 of the Space Marines codex too, though the picture right under that entry correctly refers to the model as "Clad in Gravis armour, this Primaris Captain stands dauntless before the oncoming hordes of the enemy." (and yet again, because GW editing sucks). Only Primaris Astartes are obviously big enough to wear Gravis Armor, and so only Primaris have access to Gravis Armor. A regular Astartes Master is not big enough to wear big boy pants, and so can only wear various forms of Terminator Armor.


And so Gravis Armor only grants +1Toughness (and -1 Movement), and so is inferior to Terminator Armor. Primaris Marines gain their extra Wound from a combination of enhanced physique and enhanced armor, but not solely from either one. A Primaris version of Terminator Armor would be much heavier than Gravis Armor. I imagine GW will eventually make Primaris Terminators, and it is my fervent (and probably forlorn) hope that they won't look as comically bulky as Centurians.


What would a Primaris Terminator look like stat-wise?. Could be rather gross. Probably M 5", WS 3+, BS 3+, S 4, T 5, W 3, Att 3, Save 2+/4++ base, with a R 30" RF 2, S 4, AP -1, D 1 "stormrifle", a power fist, plus heavy weapon options. They could even bump them to S 5 and the "stormrifle" to RF 4.


EDIT: Rumor has it that Gravis Armored models will have an additional Wound in the new codexes, as will Centurians.

Edited by shabbadoo
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I'm in mind to create an all Primaris sucessor. No DW and RW and who does the hunting are the librarians, reivers and the infiltration experts.

Then a nice olive drab as main color and the "DW" in black. Who knows...

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Has anyone seen if DA are getting a supplemental codex similar to UM & WS or if we are getting a full codex. I'm good with either solution, I just wandering if you all are buying it right away or waiting.

The current "understanding" is the 6 codex chapters are getting their own supplements, and the 3 divergent chapters are getting a codex. Evidence is:

We don't have chapter doctrines

We weren't included im the codex

We got our own pdfs, with no characters, unlike the codex chapters

We cant use the whole codex like the other chapters



I might still buy the codex to use the chapter creator rules and fluff (i love fluff), but I'm hoping codex da has chapter creator rules as well for our successors

Edited by jbaeza94
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Hopefully next month's white dwarf including dark angels will mean our codex is nigh. Who knows though. Still, we got the extra wounds on aggressors et al as well as shock assault extra attack so it's only really an improvement.
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Has anyone seen if DA are getting a supplemental codex similar to UM & WS or if we are getting a full codex. I'm good with either solution, I just wandering if you all are buying it right away or waiting.

This pretty much answers everything :smile.: we will retain our own dex :smile.:


Edited by bevulf
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I imagine that will be forthcoming, as you will note that on the FAQ page the entry for Codex: Dark Angels is still the 29/04/19 version. That being said, the last points update was in one of the "BIG FAQs," the next of which is coming up in less than two months, so they will probably wait until then.


And so they just had to leave something out for BA/DA/SW: Combat Doctrines. No reason not to include that.

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Just got the new codex. There is a change that vehicle cannot take relics. If we have the same limit in our codex, then Talonmaster cannot take relics other than Monster Slayer of Caliban in Vigilus book.


Land speeder now is 45 pts and typhoon missile launcher now is 32 pts. 

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So i looked trow the new Codex and the FAQs

Now i can say

We get nothing from it

No point adjustment

Our Chaplains don't have litanais

We don't get Combat doctrins


So for now i say goodby to the Dark Angels and say hello to the Angels of Dark suggesor Chapter.

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I’d imagine that the lack of any litanies is because it’s one of the units that varies considerably among BA/DA/SW compared with other codex chapters, so they may take the opportunity to have more chapter-specific litanies. From our perspective, they’d be dropping the ball if they didn’t somehow introduce a benefit for Interrogator Chaplains over regular chaplains - perhaps like being able to have two litanies active at once.


I understand exactly your sentiment behind the Angels of Dark successor chapter - I’m almost down that path myself. However, I guess it’s how much of a waiting game you’re prepared to play.

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