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Well, when someone like me says "dreadnought list", I really mean "4-6 dreads spread across a double battalion".  I'll have my las chaplain dread, relic deredeo, and las contemptor mortis in the backfield, and redemptor + leviathan marching into shooting range.  Then 6 squads of intercessors.  Still gotta work out the exact loadouts, and it depends on what the Iron Father costs.  Might drop the chaplain dread down to a regular chaplain to save points and add a thunderfire cannon.  Or drop the levia


Calculated Fury allows us to deploy dreads out of LOS at the beginning and move into firing position after the first turn very easily.


It's unfortunate that Calculated Fury doesn't do much for Ironclad dreads, though.



Is -1D alone really that good? It reduces damage on average by what?



Yes, it really is that good. Keep in mind that it applies to every single attack. 


A regular Dreadnought has T7 W8 Sv3+.

With a S7 AP-1 D2 autocannon it normally takes 16 19.2 hits to destroy it. The relic essentially reduces the profile to D1 which means it now takes 32 38.4 hits to destroy it.

With a Lascannon it normally takes about 4 4.9 hits to destroy it. With the relic it now takes about 5.4 6.48 hits to destroy it (it reduces the damage of a D1d6 wound by about 0.83 on average because it won't reduce the damage if a 1 gets rolled).

The numbers for Lascannons don't look very impressive, but I'm talking about hits. So needing 1.58 more hits actually means needing 2.37 more Lascannon carrying Marines. That's a bit more than half a Devastator squad your opponent needs more now just for a measely Dreadnought (typing that hurts more than it should lol).


Against a Landraider? Oh boy, now it takes 144 172.8(!) of those S7 AP-1 D2 hits instead of 72 86.4 to take one down for good and 6.75 8.1 Lascannon hits instead of just 5 6.17.



Also for Dreadnoughts you can additionally use the "Duty Eternal" Stratagem to half the damage before reducing it by 1. This reduces a D1d6 wound to just 1-2 damage in combination with the relic. So it now takes 12.96 Lascannon hits to kill a regular Dreadnought on average!



EDIT: forgot to factor in the 6+++ at first ^^



Alright lets add a 5++ to the whole mess. I won't re-do the math for that though. :D

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