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+++Call of Chaos XII+++

Captain Semper

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The Inner Circle Presents:



Chaos is calling! The armies of the Lost and the Damned, the Space Marines fallen from grace, the Daemons that howl in the night, they all wait to make their appearance again this year in the hallowed halls of the B&C!

The Chaos range has had a lot of support from GW in the last couple of years: Three Chaos Marine Codices, a Daemons Codex, and extensive lists from Forge World. Then you have the Chaos Knights and the Shadow Spear. And we should not forget the recent addition of Rogue Trader stuff, the Lord Doscordant and the Warmaster of Chaos, Lord Abaddon himeself! All you have to do is give in, embrace the Ruinous Powers and start painting as if your mortal soul depended on it (maybe it really does)!

You have to answer this Call…

…It's the Call of Chaos!

Call of Chaos aims celebrate Chaos in 40k and to motivate participants to build up their Chaos forces. It also serves as a melting pot for the collective talent of the B&C community, allowing the Frater to share techniques, ask questions and offer advice, thus promoting the hobby in the service of the Dark Gods. The event is addressed not only to those who have chosen Chaos as their primary army or current project but also to those who feel like painting the odd unit of this fabulous range or a single mini just for fun. After all, Chaos is the common denominator of 40k Universe!

The event will be run by me @Captain Semper so if you have any questions feel free to ask publicly or through PMs (I prefer publicly so others may benefit from the answer) – I’m notoriously fast in my replies.


  • The entries must be supported by the Chaos faction on the B&C. Simple. This includes any 40k Chaos unit from any GW or FW range.
  • You must make ONE vow and one vow only to complete at least one LEGAL unit from a relevant Chaos list (see FAQ below). There is no limit on how many units you may pledge in your vow but keep in mind that you’re liable for all your pledged units. If you fail to complete even one unit your vow will be deemed incomplete.
  • You must provide evidence of progress. This translates to posting a “before” and “after” picture for EACH unit pledged! You are welcome to post as many WIP pics as you like but the “before” and “after” are compulsory.

To keep track of each participant and their commitment, the Deities of Chaos will require a binding oath in their name. Please use the standard format below or any other format that will contain the vital information i.e. the info in brackets:

I [enter your name] answer the Call of Chaos and vow to complete [enter number and details of units] before December 15th 2019. If I do this successfully I will receive the Mark of Dark Glory and continue on the path to ruin. If I fail I’ll wear the Mark of the Lost and I expect no mercy on my soul!

Once you take the vow there is no going back. If you fail for whatever reason to complete by December 15th, 2019 you will be awarded the Mark of the Lost and become Chaos Spawn. Real life happens to all so make sure your vow is on the safe side!

Do you think the ascension to Daemonhood is easy? Think again!

Start date: September 15th, 2019
End date: December 15th, 2019 (all day for all time-zones)

Participants may enter at any time - there is no cut-off date to get in. The deadline is immovable though so plan your free time accordingly to avoid disappointment.

All of you who participate in the Call of Chaos may wear the relevant badge:


For those who successfully answer the Call of Chaos and complete their pledged units in a timely fashion will be awarded the majestic “Mark of Dark Glory”! The badge will denote how many units you have successfully completed as well as the rank among the lost and the damned – a long-standing tradition in the Call of Chaos event.

So the Mark of Dark Glory has 6 denominations based on the amount of units completed by each participant:

1 Unit: Servant of Chaos
2 Units Chosen of Chaos
3 Units: Aspiring Champion
4 Units: Champion of Chaos
5 Units: Lord of Chaos
6+ Units: Warmaster of Chaos

Those who fail to complete even one of their pledged units will receive the dreaded and abhorred Mark of the Lost, which they have to wear until the next Call of Chaos – thus becoming Spawns, which is what you deserve for straying from the eight-folded path!


Now you may wear this as standalone badge or combine it with the generic participation badge thus:


Similar square badges for all awards will be available by the end of the event!

Q: What is the Chaos Faction? What units are we talking about?
A: Well everything from a Chaos related list that is supported from the B&C. This can be any of the Chaos Codices (Chaos Space Marines, Thousand Sons, Plague Marines and Daemons), FW Imperial Armour lists (including Traitor Guard of course), any other official supplements or standalone games (e.g. Rogue Trader – the Chaos bits). Let’s keep it in the 40k setting though – there will be a time and a place for Horus Heresy stuff. If there is something you want to do and you’re in doubt, let me know and we’ll work it out.

Q: In what state should the minis be when pledged?
A: Minis should be undercoated at most. Of course the undercoat can be any colour – don’t worry, the Black Legion will not be getting an advantage! If in doubt let me know and I’ll give you a ruling.

And Call of Chaos keeps its date once again and this time it celebrates the B&C 20th Birthday! Well out of the 20 years of the B&C the Call of Chaos ran for 12 – easily the longest running event in the B&C!

Now it was not always running in its current form, nor was it always an annual event, nor was it always ran by me – in fact I took over from Brother Nihm 6 years ago! But the Call of Chaos was there to promote the Faction in the B&C – a Faction that essentially defines the whole background of the game. I mean really, who hasn’t painted at least one Chaos mini at some point in his/her hobbying career? And if there is such an individual, well, now is the time to rectify the situation!

And nowadays, with Kill Team and the various boxed games such as Blackstone Fortress and Rogue Trader before it, it’s even easier to get yourself some tasty Chaos minis that can be used in a cool game without the need to invest in a 40k-sized Chaos Army. That’s why we do not perceive the Call of Chaos as a Chaos players event but as a wider B&C event that can attract people whose main armies are not Chaos at all, but still have an interest in painting one these fantastic minis!

At this point, I would like to extend my thanks to Inner Circle’s Master of the Arsenal @Grotsmasha for his continued support and the fantastic imagery that he tirelessly produces! His creativity and response times are amazing and thanks to him this event was able to kick-off on time!

Best of luck to all

Captain Semper
Member of the Inner Circle
The Master of Recruits

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List of participants (alphabetical order):


1. Karanak

2. Lord of Change

3. Master of Possession

4. Venomcrawler

5. Plagueburst Crawler

6. Greater Possessed


1. Forgefiend/Maulerfiend COMPLETE

Brother Argent: - WARMASTER

1. Chosen of the White Talons (Slaneesh) x5 COMPLETE

2. Helbrute of the White Talons (Slaneesh) COMPLETE

3. Poxwalkers (Nurgle) x12 COMPLETE

4. Biologus Putrifier of the Angels of Decay (Nurgle)

5. Foul Blightspawn of the Angels of Decay (Nurgle) COMPLETE

6. Plague Marines of the Angels of Decay (Nurgle) x5 COMPLETE

7. Myphitic Blight Hauler COMPLETE

Brother Kortmer

1. Units of Nurglings x7 COMPLETE

2. Units of Nurglings x7

3. Units of Nurglings x7

4. Units of Nurglings x7

Celtic_Cauldron - WARMASTER

1. Master of Possession COMPLETE

2. Venomcrawler COMPLETE

3. Chaos Lord COMPLETE

4. Chaos Exalted Champion COMPLETE

5. Chaos Exalted Champion (Standard Bearer) COMPLETE

6. Greater Possessed from the Black Legion COMPLETE

7. Greater Possessed from the Word Bearers COMPLETE

8. Squad of Havocs with lascannons COMPLETE


1. Poxbringer COMPLETE

2. PlagueBearers x10 COMPLETE

3. Plague Drones x3 COMPLETE

4. Bases of Nurglings x3 COMPLETE

5. Deathshroud Terminators x3 COMPLETE

6. Typhus COMPLETE

Closet Skeleton: - WARMASTER

1. Plague Marines x4 COMPLETE

2. Berzerkers x8 COMPLETE

3. Chaos Rhino COMPLETE

4. Berzerkers x6 (2 are too painted to vow but it will be 8 at the end) COMPLETE

5. Chaos Rhino COMPLETE

6. Cultists of the Abyss COMPLETE

7. Cult Firebrand COMPLETE

8. Foetid Bloat Drone with plague spitters COMPLETE

9. Foetid Bloat Drone with heavy blight launcher COMPLETE

10. Foetid Bloat Drone with fleshmower COMPLETE

11. Bloodletters x10 COMPLETE

Dasanaman017 - WARMASTER

1. Rubric Marines Squad x5 COMPLETE

2. Rubric Marines Squad x5 COMPLETE

3. Exalted Sorcerer COMPLETE

4. Exalted Sorcerer COMPLETE

5. Sorcerer COMPLETE

6. Sorcerer COMPLETE

7. Tzaangor Enlightened x6 COMPLETE

8. Scarab Occult Terminators COMPLETE

9. Kairos Fateweaver COMPLETE

Dreadmad - WARMASTER

1. Poxwalker squad COMPLETE

2. Sloppity Bilepiper COMPLETE

3. Plague Bearers COMPLETE

4. Plague Bearers COMPLETE

5. Nurglings COMPLETE

6. Khorne Daemon Prince COMPLETE


1. Chaos Knight Desecrator COMPLETE

2. Chaos Knight Despoiler COMPLETE

3. Death Guard Leviathan COMPLETE


1. Knight Tyrant COMPLETE

2. Knight rampager (incarnate slaughter) COMPLETE

3. War dogs x2 COMPLETE


1. Defiler

Filkarion - WARMASTER

1. Master of Executions COMPLETE

2. Sorcerer COMPLETE

3. Dark Apostle COMPLETE

4. Warpsmith COMPLETE

5. Noise marines squad 1 Siren (champion with Doom Siren, 3 bolters, one Blastmaster) x5 COMPLETE

6. Noise marines squad 2 Echo (champion, Sonic Blaster (ooooldhammer), 2 bolters, one Blastmaster x5 COMPLETE

Gederas: - WARMASTER

1. Plague Marines x10 (2 Blight Launchers, Power Fist, Plasma Gun and Plaguesword on Champion, 7 Bolters) COMPLETE

2. Nurgle-marked Sorcerer (Force Staff) COMPLETE

3. Chaos Lord with Jump Pack (Lightning Claws)

4. Tzeentch-marked Sorcerer (Force Sword) COMPLETE

5. Chaos Marines x6 (Combi-bolter on Champion, Reaper Chaincannon, 4 Bolters) COMPLETE

6. Chaos Marines x6 (Combi-bolter on Champion, Reaper Chaincannon, 4 Bolters) COMPLETE

General Strike

1. 11 Khorne Berzerkers

2. 10 Khorne Berzerkers

2. Exalted Champion


1. Chaos space marine lord with jump pack and lightening claws COMPLETE

2. Poxwalkers x15 COMPLETE
3. Chaos cultists x10 COMPLETE


1. Chaos Lord

2. Exalted Champion COMPLETE

3. Master of Possession

4. Predator Tank COMPLETE

5. Unit of chaos cultists

6. Unit of chaos cultists

7. Unit of chaos cultists,

8. Obliterators x2 COMPLETE

9. Greater possessed x2

10. Defiler

I Am Forsaken:

1. Greater Possessed x2

2. Fabius Bile count-as (MoE+apothecary conversion)

Iron-Daemon Forge - WARMASTER

1. Havocs w/Autocannons (x5) COMPLETE

2. Havocs w/Chaincannon (x5) COMPLETE

3. Lord Discordant COMPLETE

4. Iron Warriors Rhino COMPLETE

5. Iron Warriors Rhino COMPLETE

6. Helbrute COMPLETE

7. Executioner COMPLETE

8. Armiger COMPLETE

9. Armiger COMPLETE

10. Armiger COMPLETE

11. Chaos Knight Rampage COMPLETE

12. Nurgle Lord COMPLETE

13. Greater Possessed COMPLETE

14. Greater Possessed COMPLETE


1. Bloodletters x10 COMPLETE

2. Herald of Khorne on Bloodcrusher COMPLETE


1. Malignant Plaguecaster COMPLETE

2. Tallyman COMPLETE

3. Blightbringer COMPLETE

4. Lord of Contagion COMPLETE

5. Helbrute COMPLETE

6. Bloat drone COMPLETE

7. Cultists x10

8. Blightlord Terminators COMPLETE

9. Typhus

Lhorke the First:

1. Chaos Lord (World Eaters)
2. Lord of Contagion (Death Guard)
3. Terminator squad (World Eaters) x5
4. Rhino (World Eaters)
5. Plague Marine squad (Death Guard) x6
6. Lord Cypher
1. Chaos Lord with Jump Pack, Plasma Pistol and Chainsword
2. Dark Apostle
3. Chaos Marines with Plasma Gun, Asp Champ with Combi-Plasma/Power Axe x5
4. Chaos Marines with Missile Launcher, Asp Champ with Chainaxe x5
5. Chaos Marines with Lascannon, Asp Champ with Stormbolter/Chainsword x5
1. Chaos Lord with powerfist, chainsword
2. Chaos sorceror with force staff, bolt pistol
3. Chaos Havocs- 2 lascannon, 1 autocannon, 1 Missile launcher, Champ with bolter
4.Chaos Havocs- 2 lascannon, 1 autocannon, 1 Missile launcher, Champ with bolter
5. Chaos Havocs- 4 autocannon, champ with bolter


1. Bloodcrushers x5 COMPLETE
2. Bloodletters x13 COMPLETE
3. Herald of Khorne COMPLETE

4. Venomcrawler COMPLETE
5. Chaos Marines x5 COMPLETE

6. Chaos Marines x5 COMPLETE

Slave to Darkness - WARMASTER

1. Chosen COMPLETE

2. Terminators COMPLETE

3. Raptors COMPLETE

4. Daemon Prince COMPLETE

5. Terminator Lord COMPLETE

6. Slaaneshi Harpist thingy COMPLETE


1. Bloodletters x10 COMPLETE

2. Bloodletters x10 COMPLETE

3. Daemon prince COMPLETE


1. Havocs Squad COMPLETE

2. Havoc Squad COMPLETE

3. Dark Apostle COMPLETE

4. Greater Possessed x1 COMPLETE

5. Chaos Rhino COMPLETE

6. Chaos Rhino COMPLETE


1. Chaos Space Marine squad x6

2. Chaos Space Marine squad x6

3. Terminator Squad x6

4. Chaos Rhino

5. Exalted Champion

Xin Ceithan: - CHOSEN OF CHAOS

1. Killteam (consiting of five Rubric Marines and an aspiring Champion ) COMPLETE

2. Exalted Sorcerer COMPLETE

Zephaniah Adriyen

1. Plague Marines x5

2. Demon Prince

3. Rubric Marines x7

4. Cultists x10

5. Chosen x5

6. Helbrute

I Dreadmad answer the Call of Chaos and vow to complete [1 Poxwalker, 1 Sloppity Bilepiper, 2 Units of Plague Bearers, 1 unit of Nurglings & a Khorne Daemon Prince] before December 15th 2019. If I do this successfully I will receive the Mark of Dark Glory and continue on the path to ruin. If I fail I’ll wear the Mark of the Lost and I expect no mercy on my soul!


Pics; 1c6md3U.jpg



I Iron-Daemon Forge answer the Call of Chaos and vow to complete

  • 5 Havocs w/Autocannons
  • 5 Havocs w/Chaincannon
  • Lord Discordant
  • Iron Warriors Rhino
  • Iron Warriors Rhino
  • Helbrute
  • Executioner
  • Armiger
  • Armiger
  • Armiger
  • Chaos Knight Rampage
  • Nurgle Lords 
  • Greater Possessed
  • Greater Possessed


before December 15th 2019. If I do this successfully I will receive the Mark of Dark Glory and continue on the path to ruin. If I fail I’ll wear the Mark of the Lost and I expect no mercy on my soul!

I Gederas answer the Call of Chaos and vow to complete the following units before December 15th 2019:

  • 10 Plague Marines (2 Blight Launchers, Power Fist, Plasma Gun and Plaguesword on Champion, 7 Bolters)
  • One Nurgle-marked Sorcerer (Force Staff)
  • One Chaos Lord with Jump Pack (Lightning Claws)
  • One Tzeentch-marked Sorcerer (Force Sword)
  • Two units of 6 Chaos Marines (Combi-bolter on Champion, Reaper Chaincannon, 4 Bolters)

All from the Night Lords Legion.


If I do this successfully I will receive the Mark of Dark Glory and continue on the path to ruin. If I fail I’ll wear the Mark of the Lost and I expect no mercy on my soul!


Pictures will come later tonight as I've got to go to my local GW for some Warhammer night now :laugh.:




Okay, here's the pictures:




I, Tyriks, answer the Call of Chaos and vow to complete 2 squads of Havocs, one Dark Apostle, one Greater Possessed, and 2 Chaos Rhinos before December 15th 2019. If I do this successfully I will receive the Mark of Dark Glory and continue on the path to ruin. If I fail I’ll wear the Mark of the Lost and I expect no mercy on my soul!







I, closet skeleton answer the call of chaos and vow to complete

4 plague marines

8 Berzerkers


6 Berzerkers (2 are too painted to vow but it will be 8 at the end)


Cultists of the Abyss

Cult Firebrand

Foetid Bloat Drone with plague spitters

Foetid Bloat Drone with heavy blight launcher

Foetid Bloat Drone with fleshmower

10 bloodletters


before December 15th 2019. If I do this successfully I will receive the Mark of Dark Glory and continue on the path to ruin. If I fail I’ll wear the Mark of the Lost and I expect no mercy on my soul!

I, General Strike, answer the Call of Chaos and vow to complete 21 Khorne Berzerkers, and an Exalted Champion, before December 15th 2019. If I do this successfully I will receive the Mark of Dark Glory and continue on the path to ruin. If I fail I’ll wear the Mark of the Lost and I expect no mercy on my soul!

I DuskRaider answer the Call of Chaos and vow to complete 1 x Chaos Knight Desecrator and 1 x Chaos Knight Despoiler before December 15th 2019. If I do this successfully I will receive the Mark of Dark Glory and continue on the path to ruin. If I fail I’ll wear the Mark of the Lost and I expect no mercy on my soul!


There, NOW it's in the right thread. I'll grab pics later, but I only have possession of the Desecrator at this time. Thankfully my Dark Mechanicum kit came in Saturday so I just have to do some green stuff work and I'm good to go for paint!


House Makabius Desecrator






Death Guard Leviathan





​A stifling warm breeze stirred the ashen grey dust of the planets barren surface. The grit seemed to gather everywhere and in everything. But worse then dust the wind carried with it a sinister whisper, a voice that seemed to claw at the fringes of the mind with its unintelligible words. Whispers of lost nightmares and maddening promises of equal parts glory and damnation. Purple and pink crackling lightening split the otherwise light less and starless void overhead. The planets surface was just as devoid of landmarks, a seemingly never ending plain of dust and rocks. A single rocky outcrop stood amoungst the vast plains, its craggy surface reaching high in to the cursed sky. A single figure stood at the height of this pinnacle, his armour as devoid of light as the sky above. Long tattered robes snapped in the ethereal wind, cloaking his features from those that approached.

Climbing the long path to his watch points were two equally different figures. One walked with confident gait, his armour ornate and sleek, matching his tall physique. His armour, black of midnight and the royal blue of a stormy sea highlighted his pale, almost angelic face. His gauntlets, clean white, rested on two curved blades that hung at his side. An ornate cloak snapped behind him and he strode with an arrogant purpose born of years of warfare against inferior foes. The other figure shuffled slowly behind. His giant Tartarus pattern terminator armour may have once been white, but was now stained with blood, puss and filth. Maggots crept from gaps in his armour and his every breath was a liquidy gurgle as he pulled his way slowly up the mount with a massive corroded scythe.

From his vantage point the figure smiled grimly. So at least two had answered the call. No matter, the other would soon enough. The Dark Covenant had been sworn, and only the truly foolish would deny its call.

I, Brother Argent, vow to redeem my failures from past years and complete for the Call of Chaos:

1 - 6x Chosen of the White Talons (Slaneesh)

2 - 1x Helbrute of the White Talons (Slaneesh)

3 - 12x Poxwalkers (Nurgle)

4 - 1x Biologus Putrifier of the Angels of Decay (Nurgle)

5 - 1x Foul Blightspawn of the Angels of Decay (Nurgle

6 - 5x Plague Marines of the Angels of Decay (Nurgle)

7 - 1x Myphitic Blight Hauler

I have made it easier on myself with mostly single model vows (and its designed to get my back up to date with my Conquest Subscription.

EDIT: Images


Individual images under Spoiler Tags:





Biologus Putrifier


Myphitic Blight Crawler

gallery_36568_14038_276842.jpgFoul Blightbringer


Plague Marines




I Slave to Darkness answer the Call of Chaos and vow to complete 6 units (1 unit of Chosen, 1 unit of Terminators, 1 unit of Raptors, 1 Daemon Prince, 1 Terminator Lord and 1 Slaaneshi Harpist thingy) before December 15th 2019. If I do this successfully I will receive the Mark of Dark Glory and continue on the path to ruin. If I fail I’ll wear the Mark of the Lost and I expect no mercy on my soul!



Quick update: Got 9 of the Plague Marines (need to get the Champion after Friday), the Nurgle Sorcerer (second from the right in the back), the Jump Pack Lord (rightmost in the front) and the Tzeentch Sorcerer (front, unbased because I had to remove him from his base because I couldn't paint the backs of his legs due to his base :laugh.:) basecoated with Night Lords blue.



Now I need to do the trim, cloth and metal bits, then washes.

Excellent, we already have 9 participants! :tu:


I, General Strike, answer the Call of Chaos and vow to complete 21 Khorne Berzerkers, and an Exalted Champion, before December 15th 2019. If I do this successfully I will receive the Mark of Dark Glory and continue on the path to ruin. If I fail I’ll wear the Mark of the Lost and I expect no mercy on my soul!


Hi General Strike - good to see you join! I understand though that the maximum size of Berzerkers (Champ included) is 20. So I took the liberty in breaking it up tp two squads, one of 10 and one of 11. Hope you're OK with that. Alternatively, you may break them up to min-sized units so you get three 5-strong units and one 6-strong unit. Let me know if you prefer the latter configuration. :)


I would answer the call, but for some reason after the last win10 update the app frame host keeps 'not responding' stopping me uploading from my camera. :sad.:



I guess the Emperor does protect



Take your time - no cut-off date for the Call! You may join at any point during the life of the event. :)



I was actually tempted to try for Deff Squadron this year ;) ...

but the Gods call and who am I to veer frommy one true calling!

Especially when the Lord of Fate saw fit to gift me some of his Chosen Sons for my Birthday :)

So I will aim high this year and build a Killteam. And since that is a lot of models but just one lousy unit. I will also up my game an add an exalted Sorcerer as a SECOND unit! Let Madness reign!!!!

ahem, so ..

I, XIN CEITJAN answer the Call of Chaos and vow to complete one Killteam (consiting of five Rubric Marines and an aspiring Champion ) AND an Exalted Sorcerer before December 15th 2019. If I do this successfully I will receive the Mark of Dark Glory and continue on the path to ruin. If I fail I’ll wear the Mark of the Lost and I expect no mercy on my Soul!

and lo and behold ---the box has been opened and primed!


@ DuskRaider

Where the hell did that Death Guard Leviathan come from??

I believe he told me he was originally from Barbarus but now hangs out on the Plague Planet.


It's from eBay. There's a Russian seller that makes these custom Nurgle models (and a few other things). It's essentially a FW Leviathan, but uses bits and pieces from other FW models. Usually not big into bootleg / recast, but it's so cool. Especially attempting to identify the various donor models.


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