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+++Call of Chaos XII+++

Captain Semper

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Because I've been away from the forum since before ETL VII ended until today, I didn't realise this was on . . . and today I undercoated and started painting the new Forgefiend I bought yesterday.


Ah, well. Maybe I'll end up pledging something else later on in the time period.

Well, when I started out here, I only knew about the ETL.  I'm looking forward to getting some more motivation to paint models over the next few months.  Which is good, because I have a lot to do...
I, Dasanaman017, answer the Call of Chaos and vow to complete the following models before December 15th 2019. 
2 Units of 5 Rubric Marines (some assembly still required)

Call to Chaos XII Rubrics B Before

Call to Chaos XII Rubrics A Before

2 Exalted Sorcerers

Call to Chaos XII Ex Sorcerer B Before

Call to Chaos XII Ex Sorcerer A Before

2 Sorcerers (a lot of assembly still required)

Call to Chaos XII Sorcerers Before

1 Unit of 6 Tzaangor Enlightened

Call to Chaos XII Enlightened Before

1 Unit of Scarab Occult Terminators

Call to Chaos XII SOT Before

and last, but not least, Kairos Fateweaver

Call to Chaos XII Kairos Before

If I do this successfully I will receive Tzeentch's Mark of Dark Glory and continue on the planned path to ruin. If I fail I’ll wear the Mark of the Lost and I expect no mercy on my soul!

Call to Chaos XII Group Photo Before

Excellent vow there Dasanaman017 - with strong Tzeentchian flavour! :laugh.: Good luck with it!




Because I've been away from the forum since before ETL VII ended until today, I didn't realise this was on . . . and today I undercoated and started painting the new Forgefiend I bought yesterday.


Ah, well. Maybe I'll end up pledging something else later on in the time period.

If it's still in early stages go ahead and pledge it! 




It is time.

I, Zephaniah Adriyen, Conqueror of E Tenebrae Lux 2019, Challenger of the Liber Astartes, and new member of the Word Bearers Legion, rise to the Call of Chaos. If I succeed, I shall attain the rank of Warmaster for the remainder of the year, until such time as the next Call of Chaos, at which point I will return to defend my title. If I fail, Chaos shall consume my soul, as I deserve for failure. For the glory of Chaos! Death to the False Emperor! May this galaxy burn!

My Plague Marines, already basecoated.


My metal Daemon Prince; a.k.a. "Why Phones Suck For Top-Down Photography".


My Rubrics. They've been half-disassembled for ease of stripping, and they're waiting for reassembly and basecoating.


Cultists. They'll be re-basecoated before I touch them with anything else.


My Chosen. Yes, I know, one of them looks fully painted already, but it won't be once they're re-based. I got him secondhand, tried to strip him, it wouldn't come off, so I'm just painting over it. Actually, I got the full set secondhand, so...


My Helbrute. He didn't really wanna strip, but there was an attempt. If anything, it'll be more difficult for me to fix him since he only halfway stripped, since Death Guard ain't the color scheme I'm running here. I ripped the Lascannons off of a Razorback I got for $10 and dismantled, as well as removing the multi-melta barrels from the Helbrute, so I could put Lascannons on my Helbrute.


I do believe that's 6 units, and thus, I'm gunning for Warmaster, as promised.


If it's still in early stages go ahead and pledge it!




The first photo here was from Saturday night, after I bought it on Saturday, so within the boundaries of the event. I've kept working on it a bit since but the last photo is from this morning. Is it OK to pledge since I definitely didn't start it before the event did?

@ Zephaniah Adriyen: Looks good man - you're one the way to become a Warmaster! :o


@ Ascanius: That's fine man! Just include your grey plastic pic too and have fun! :) Also make sure there is nothing else you may want to add to your vow, you only get one vow in the Call of Chaos... ;)






I, Ascanius, answer the Call of Chaos and vow to complete 1 Forgefiend/Maulerfiend before December 15th, 2019. If I do this successfully I will receive the Mark of Dark Glory and continue on the path to ruin. If I fail I’ll wear the Mark of the Lost and I expect no mercy on my soul!



WIP Terminators and an even earlier stage photobombing Rhino.

Terrible photo quality, but just proof that things I am working on things!


It feels really good to be back in the hobby.




The CSMs and Exalted Champion are undercoated. Getting there!


More (hopefully better) pictures of further progress to follow.

Parts have arrived so here we go....


I Am Forsaken vows to answer the Call of Chaos and complete the units listed below before December 15th 2019. If I do this successfully I will receive the Mark of Dark Glory and continue on the path to ruin. If I fail I’ll wear the Mark of the Lost and I expect no mercy on my soul!


2 Greater Possessed. 1 counts-as Fabius Bile (MoE+apothecary conversion).


Originally wanted to vow more but life outside the Eye has dictated it will be rough just getting this done.



I haven't built everything at this point but I want to start painting so I'm going to massively over estimate how much I can get done by the deadline and vow now. Here goes...



I Krakendoomcool answer the Call of Chaos and vow to complete:

1 Malignant Plaguecaster

1 Tallyman

1 Blightbringer

1 Lord of Contagion

1 Helbrute

1 Bloat drone

10 cultists

5 Blightlord Terminators

1 Typhus

before December 15th 2019. If I do this successfully I will receive the Mark of Dark Glory and continue on the path to ruin. If I fail I’ll wear the Mark of the Lost and I expect no mercy on my soul!


Here is a pic of what things look like now. Some things are still on the sprue (Helbrute, Cultists, Terminators, Typhus) and thought I would post more pics around the priming stage and then the completion stage.



Ran out of Gal Vorbak; the pot was nearly empty anyway when I started. Need to make a paint run to pick up Gal Vorbak, Leadbelcher and maybe another pot of Carroburg before I have a chance to run out. I've got some Greater Possessed on the way. I'll probably throw them in the family photo at the end of all of this, along with all my other Word Bearers stuff, if that's okay.

I MegaVolt87 answer the Call of Chaos and vow to complete
1. Chaos Lord with powerfist, chainsword
2. Chaos sorceror with force staff, bolt pistol
3. Chaos Havocs- 2 lascannon, 1 autocannon, 1 Missile launcher, Champ with bolter
4.Chaos Havocs- 2 lascannon, 1 autocannon, 1 Missile launcher, Champ with bolter
5. Chaos Havocs- 4 autocannon, champ with bolter
before December 15th 2019. If I do this successfully I will receive the Mark of Dark Glory and continue on the path to ruin. If I fail I’ll wear the Mark of the Lost and I expect no mercy on my soul!

I Cleon answer the Call of Chaos and vow to complete six Nurgle units before December 15th 2019. If I do this successfully I will receive the Mark of Dark Glory and continue on the path to ruin. If I fail I’ll wear the Mark of the Lost and I expect no mercy on my soul!

Units are:


10 PlagueBearers

3 Plague Drones

3 bases of Nurglings

(also known as the start collecting Daemons of Nurgle)

3 Deathshroud Terminators


Not yet started pic...


So. Sick. Of. Painting. Gold.


But there's good progress!




Everything minus the champion has gotten past the initial steps, though now I need to start working on the finer details and oh god there're so many little things on the Terminators.


I've also realised I actually technically only have until November to fulfill my pact with the dark gods (by which I mean the admins and this event) since come that month the small corner of my soul that caters to the False Emperor is going to take over and all my time will be filled with rebuilding my Adeptus Sororitas forces.

I, GrimApostle, answer the Call of Chaos and vow to complete 1 Chaos Lord, 1 Exalted Champion, 1 Master of Possession, 1 Predator Tank, 3 units of chaos cultists, 2 obliterators, 2 greater possessed, and 1 defiler before December 15th 2019. If I do this successfully I will receive the Mark of Dark Glory and continue on the path to ruin. If I fail I’ll wear the Mark of the Lost and I expect no mercy on my soul!


These will be from the Iron Warriors legion. Images to follow.

Took me a while to get signed up as I've been getting squads built, but they're ready now so no more hanging back!!!


I Lysimachus answer the Call of Chaos and vow to complete the following units before December 15th 2019. If I do this successfully I will receive the Mark of Dark Glory and continue on the path to ruin. If I fail I'll wear the Mark of the Lost and I expect no mercy on my soul!



Chaos Lord with Jump Pack, Plasma Pistol and Chainsword (Ghorisvex's Teeth)




Dark Apostle



5 Chaos Marines with Plasma Gun, Asp Champ with Combi-Plasma/Power Axe



5 Chaos Marines with Missile Launcher, Asp Champ with Chainaxe



5 Chaos Marines with Lascannon, Asp Champ with Stormbolter/Chainsword


I Dwango answer the Call of Chaos and vow to complete 3 units, a knight tyrant, knight rampager (incarnate slaughter) and two war dogs before December 15th 2019. If I do this successfully I will receive the Mark of Dark Glory and continue on the path to ruin. If I fail I’ll wear the Mark of the Lost and I expect no mercy on my soul!




Ok, here we go:


I, Celtic_Cauldron, rise to the Challenge of Call of Chaos and pledge the following units to the cause of the Warmaster:


- 1 MAster of Possession;

- 1 Venomcrawler;

- 1 Chaos Lord;

- 1 Chaos Exalted Champion;

- 1 Chaos Exalted Champion (Standard Bearer);

- 1 Greater Possessed from the Black Legion;

- 1 Greater Possessed from the Word Bearers;

- 1 Squad of Havocs with lascannons.


Total: 8 units


I swear that I will complete those units before or by December 15th, 2019. Should I fail... wait... Failure is not an option. ^^




















Sorry my Brothers, I've been late to the party but now I am ready to crush whatever skull is available.


Great completions from a lot among you so far!


For the Warmaster!



I Dwango answer the Call of Chaos and vow to complete 3 units, a knight tyrant, knight rampager (incarnate slaughter) and two war dogs before December 15th 2019. If I do this successfully I will receive the Mark of Dark Glory and continue on the path to ruin. If I fail I’ll wear the Mark of the Lost and I expect no mercy on my soul!




I feel it would have been smarter to separate the War Dogs into separate units for the purposes of this event, but okay. Regardless, expecting a lot from this. May the Dark Gods empower you!

I, GrimApostle, answer the Call of Chaos and vow to complete 1 Chaos Lord, 1 Exalted Champion, 1 Master of Possession, 1 Predator Tank, 3 units of chaos cultists, 2 obliterators, 2 greater possessed, and 1 defiler before December 15th 2019. If I do this successfully I will receive the Mark of Dark Glory and continue on the path to ruin. If I fail I’ll wear the Mark of the Lost and I expect no mercy on my soul!


These will be from the Iron Warriors legion. Images to follow.


As noted above, here are some undercoated (and one stripped, to be repainted) models.


Chaos Lord



Exalted Champion


This model has been stripped to be completely repainted.


Master of Possession

Master Of Possession





2 Obliterators




2 Greater Possessed




1st Squad of 10 Cultists


Tried to strip these, but the previous owner used a type of paint that is reflective and seems resistant to stripping.


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