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+++Call of Chaos XII+++

Captain Semper

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Helbrute is nearly complete. Just the Nid trophy & weather powder.




Beside the Champion, here the WIP photo of the Havocs w/Chain-cannons


Dreads looking sexy as usual. :tu:

Where did you get the Brass Etch/Barbed Wire from?? That looks perfect for finishing off an idea I had for my Slaaneshii Marines.

I Eberious answer the Call of Chaos and vow to complete one defiler before December 15th 2019. If I do this successfully I will receive the Mark of Dark Glory and continue on the path to ruin. If I fail I’ll wear the Mark of the Lost and I expect no mercy on my soul!


Will likely repaint the base coats over again and replace the icon atop with a proper Khorne Lord of Skulls icon. Let me know if this is fine, as this is likely the only time it'll get painted any time soon. cheers .



I've changed the loadout on my Plague Marines a little since starting; an extra special weapon, and the Champion has the power fist/plasma gun loadout from the Easy To Build box. Is this okay? I figure it isn't a point-based event like ETL, but I'd still like to make sure. It's still a five-man unit with mostly the same equipment. I just realized that, with a bit of kitbashing between different modern Plague Marines kits, I could fit a second Special Weapon in and make a better Champion than I had planned (former Champion has now become one of the special weapon guys). I've also swapped out the power packs on several of them for 'Zerker power packs, because I like the wider design better. Couldn't do that with the Champion because I stole the plasma gun power pack off of the Easy To Build Champion, and couldn't do that with my current Blight Launcher guy (the guy with the boltgun who's throwing the grenade out of Dark Imperium) because his power pack is integrated into the rest of his armor.



Still so sick of painting gold, remembering (with horror) as I go along just how many little bits and pieces Terminators have to pay attention to.


Honestly, not my best work but as the first models I have painted in ~6 years I'm not displeased with the techniques I'm rediscovering (also used older, stripped models for this so that I don't ruin anything new and shiny with my rustiness). Hopefully the upward trends continues!


First off, at around 80% complete, The Brethren Fulminant:



Next The Brethren Sophistic (~65% complete):



And then The Brethren Arete (~50% complete):




And that thing that showcases I have so little experience with painting vehicles:



And finally, Dardanos (a.k.a "Oh cool we can have thunder hammers now!" at around 50% complete):



Doing things, making progress, rediscovering old techniques? God I'm addicted all over again.

@IDF: as always, your Iron Warriors are such an inspiration. The Dreadnought is just terrific.


@StD: does your plan featuring barbed wire also include some form of sensual dancing? That would be truly Call of Chaos then.




Dreads looking sexy as usual. :thumbsup:


Where did you get the Brass Etch/Barbed Wire from?? That looks perfect for finishing off an idea I had for my Slaaneshii Marines. 



There the out of print Forge World brass etching.  You have to keep a eye on ebay & expect them from £16 to £30/£40 per sheet.  I've mange to get seven by this or because of trade.

I Givemead will answer the Call of Chaos and vow to complete the units listed below before December 15th 2019. If I do this successfully I will receive the Mark of Dark Glory and continue on the path to ruin. If I fail I’ll wear the Mark of the Lost and I expect no mercy on my soul!


1. Chaos space marine lord with jumppack and lightening claws (a slightly modified Haarken)

2. Poxwalkers (15)

3. Chaos cultists (10)


EDIT - pics


Jumppack lord:








A small wip of the juggers, one last round of highlights and finishing touches and I will start on the riders. This is the icon bearer's mount, I didnt like the bloodletter riding it to carry a pole with icon instead of a blade, so i chained the icon to the juggernaut instead, much better imo.


Thanks! The cabling / cloth are actually part of the Legio Models Dark Mechanicum kit so I didn't make those but I did sand down the cloth a bit since it was a little too angular. The cabling elsewhere is green stuff made using Green Stuff World rollers.

My two squads of Rubrics are complete!


CoC 2019 Rubrics Done


I believe my next project of my remaining units in my vow will be Kairos, expect a few WIP pictures of him as I go (he'll take long enough, but I am off work most of next week, so it seems the best available choice).  Keep up the awesome projects everyone!

Some decent progress this weekend on the Daemon element of my vow, basing, the big fly things and a little extra bits to do. I'm not massively happy with them from an absolute quality point of view, but as a first experiment with Contrast they haven't come out too badly.


During the ETL my love for CHAOS rose to temper my effort on tyranids, so now it's time to scratch that itch. I converted some models and I have a lot more in "doing" status, but it is now time to paint!




I Filkarion the Too Much Louder will answer the Call of Chaos and vow to complete the units listed below before December 15th 2019. If I do this successfully I will receive the Mark of Dark Glory and continue on the path to ruin. If I fail I’ll wear the Mark of the Lost and I expect no mercy on my soul! (And also SBLORCH)


1 Master of Executions

executtioner 1


2 Sorcerer

Sorcerer 1


3 Dark Apostle

apostole 1


4 Warpsmith

Mech 1


5 Noise marines squad 1 Siren (champion with Doom Siren, 3 bolters, one Blastmaster)

noise squad 1


6 Noise marines squad 2 Echo (champion, Sonic Blaster (ooooldhammer), 2 bolters, one Blastmaster)

noise squad 2

Also C&C on conversions are welcome and encouraged! This is also my first try at Zenithal Priming

Just realised this is happening ATM, and since I've started painting a significant number of models the other day (and since it'll be challenging to stay motivated throughout the project) ...

I, Brother Kortmer, answer the Call of Chaos and vow to complete four units of seven Nurglings before December 15th 2019. If I do this successfully I will receive the Mark of Dark Glory and continue on the path to ruin. If I fail I’ll wear the Mark of the Lost and I expect no mercy on my soul!

@Captain Semper, I primed them last week and started painting them this week, all well after September 15th. Below is a picture of the primed models. If that's not acceptable and you would've had me to start painting them only after making the vow - I'd be happy to try to finish them as an out-of-competition entry. That's Ok.


Quick post to prove I'm still alive and that I'm still working on things! Real life things got in the way a bit, but I'm continuing to practice/rediscover old techniques and all that jazz and totally not putting off working on the Rhino.








Terminators, Exalted Champion, and Chaos Marine squad. Need to pick out a bunch of details, and a fair amount of clean them up, finish highlights and learn how to take a friggin' picture, but they're getting there!


They're not what I want them to be, to be honest, but I'm using this an opportunity to relearn how to paint. Not that I was a wizard at it before, far from it, but I was a B+ painter on a (very) good day and I'd like to get back to that.



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