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+++Call of Chaos XII+++

Captain Semper

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Half of the first squad of Chaos Marines is done (well, aside from the lightning on the marine on the left), other half being worked on as I type this (shade is drying on the one with the Chaincannon).




The Nurgle Sorcerer is done, barring his Legion Shoulder. I need to make an FW order this week to get more Mark III Night Lords pads.

I  Torbenos  answer the Call of Chaos and vow to complete two units of ten bloodletters and one daemon prince before December 15th 2019. If I do this successfully I will receive the Mark of Dark Glory and continue on the path to ruin. If I fail I’ll wear the Mark of the Lost and I expect no mercy on my soul!





Well, we all knew you were Warmaster material StD! Congratulations! :thumbsup:



Didn't manage to make the time for some decent photos due to the overcast nature of the weekend, but here goes:

First a group shot of the 'finished' models, the plaguebearer flesh skin looks better in person than in the picture, but I'm still tempted to give them a thin wash of Athonian Camoshade to green them up a little bit more
Then a close up, of the nurglings, I'm just waiting for the static cling to let go of a little of the excess basing
A Plague drone, I had to go an extra paint away between the drone flesh and the bone as the dust and bone were too similar, but I think they turned out OK for contrast experiments
Then a shot showing how the Plaguebearers don't blend in with my poxwalkers
And the WIP Deathshroud/Typhus, not great progress so far.



Well done Cleos - I have updated your status in the fist page, but please cross-check to make sure it's correct! :smile.:


Hey Cap, I had a lot of fun with the ETL this year, and I've been considering getting Raging Heroes' Furians since they came out.  So, Call to Chaos tilted the balance enough for me to buy them and pledge to paint them in the Call.  I ran the minis past my gaming group and they're OK with calling them Bloodletters, so....



I, Jack Burton, answer the Call of Chaos and vow to complete:: 1 Unit of 10 Bloodletters AND 1 Herald of Khorne on Bloodcrusher:: before December 15th 2019. If I do this successfully I will receive the Mark of Dark Glory and continue on the path to ruin. If I fail I’ll wear the Mark of the Lost and I expect no mercy on my soul!


Before-pics for reference:




Ahh, Jack Burton, we've been waiting for you! Good luck mate! Oh, and Raging Heroes minis are totally fine! 


Hey Semp. Just noticed I put 6 chosen in my vow when it should have been 5 (as per the photo)


Corrected! :smile.:


I  Torbenos  answer the Call of Chaos and vow to complete two units of ten bloodletters and one daemon prince before December 15th 2019. If I do this successfully I will receive the Mark of Dark Glory and continue on the path to ruin. If I fail I’ll wear the Mark of the Lost and I expect no mercy on my soul!


Welcome Torbenos, good luck with your vow! 



Also congratulations to Celtic Cauldron & Dreadmad for also completing their vows and attaining the title of Warmaster! 


Keep going everyone, we're in November already! 



With thing settle down, mange to get bit more time toward the hobby again. Just show some before photos for Call of Chaos





Chaos Knight


2x Rhinos


2x Armiger soon be ready for painting


Not sure if I posted this Semper or it may been missed, but the Helbrute been complete for past few weeks :D




Just another Armiger sort out & my two Greater Possessed that are left to buy or get last few part for the conversion. Other wise the above should hopeful be sorted between the weekend to the end of next week for getting paint on them.

I've lost a bit of my Chaos painting motivation thanks to my Raven Guard/Custodes project, and as a result I'm going to fail this challenge. That and metal Daemon Princes are an absolute pain. I'm sorry. I'm just happy the oathbreaker badge is kinda small compared to the regular participation badge.

Great to see all your progressions! I have had a motivation dip during October and procrastinated from the hobby, however I got some motivation back last weekend and have come back strong! I have nearly finished batch painting my bloodletters, and with having a day off work will finish the squad later today.

Edit with finished pictures!

Finished bloodletters

Finished Herald


However I have a strong feeling finishing the last two units will be hard....


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