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Let's put a smile on that face


Seriusly, I wanted a smiling face not completely disfigured for some slaaneshi Marines, even some menacing grin or confident smiles but nothing, I was not be able to find some not mutated/nurgle face with the corners of the mounth up!


I found some good confident expression in bloodbowl's Elf team, but nothing else


Can you, fellow converters and  bits hoarders, point me at some (relatively) happy faces?


I know "Grimdarkness" and all, but, come on! There must be at least some chance for a good evil laughter or some cackling (without be a complete Nurgle monstrosity)

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DA Lieutenant Smirkyface comes to mind -> https://i0.wp.com/boardgametoday.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/Dark-Angels-Primaris-Lieutenant-Zakariah.jpg?resize=860%2C888&ssl=1
Also, most of the head sets from puppetswar have at least one grinning head, for example -> https://puppetswar.eu/models-and-bits-47/all-bits/heads/noble-vampire-heads.html
There is even a set of clown heads, laughing manically -> https://puppetswar.eu/mad-clowns-heads.html

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Thanks all guys for your responses

I tend to go for GW or self made only, but damn, those puppetswar heads are tempting!

Good to know about Lieutenant Smirkyface, but the tip about the Silver Tower barbarian made my day! Unfortunately, PeteySödes, I discovered your wolves, and now I'm done for. You have one new fan!!


All considered I will surely go for a box of Goliath! Good bodies and awesome faces and weapons. Also great value for me as I have a discount!


Thanks guys, but let's keep this open with our findings, as smiles are rare in the grimdark (and gw in general)

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