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FW yadda yadda, Leviathan blah blah. Got it.


Of the original "Boxnaughts," do you use any? How many? What kind? What role do they fill in your army?


Personally, I'm a fan of the Ironclad because it's got that nice T8. I also have a few Venerables with lascannons, because I like how they kill tanks.

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Iron class are great and with chainfist and combat arm, they're surprisingly cheap. With the character strat they have 6 attacks on the charge at -4 4 damage they're terrifying! Redemptors really rock with any load out, although for me the dakka dread is the better of the two. Venerables have always and probably will always be a great choice for reliable AT
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3x Ven. Dread w/ML & TLAS for AT

2x Redemptor w/gatlings for hordes

1x Ironclad w/chainfist, hurricane bolter, 2x HKM for tac but also distraction carnifex


a ~1k pts vanguard depending on upgrades.



I'm playing that in a Raven Guard successor w/~1k pts of infantry as the other half of the army.

Was contemplating trying out Iron Hands for calculated fury, which would enable this blob of boxes to be a lot more mobile resp. not suffer when moving.

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Yeah I dunno. If you are going to focus on Dreadnoughts for your Iron Hands there really is not a reason to limit yourself and not use forgeworld. Forgeworld allows us to field 4 dreadnought characters even after the recent FAQ


But you can always build around dreadnoughts that are only provided by GW. I would go with a Ven dread though. Not having a damage table on your character dreadnought is going to be important I think.

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The reasons I tend to exclude FW Dreadnoughts:


1. Price. Not everyone can afford them, especially in places where GW likes to play fast and loose with currency exchanges.


2. Acceptance. There remain some places where FW is not allowed in league or tournament play.


3. Single-codex restrictions. In order to curb soup, some league and tournament organizers enforce a single-codex system for army building...and the FW indices count as a separate book for that purpose.


At least the Boxnoughts and standard Contemptor are in the regular codex.

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I'm always using my Dreads, the standard one is decent. It can stomp around laying down some fire and close for some high strength hits, they're versatile and not that expensive. For IH the feel like they play how they should and they do good work for me especially with a Techmarine nearby to keep them trucking!


Special mention for the Venerable who offers some reliable AT in his TLLC (except last game...), not to mention same again with his DCCW. He's a regular life saver and really helps when a pesky flyer turns up :tongue.: My Ironclad tends to get mobbed and not get the chance to do much :sad.: When he does it is usually great at least, the hammer can do wonderful things against the right targets :biggrin.:


My lists haven't changed for the new codex, but that's great because the lists I do run work better. I wish all Dreads/Helbrutes ignored the heavy weapons penalty because it's a crime :tongue.:

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