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Correct Raven Guard Company markings?

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I'm building a Raven Guard army come Christmastime, and I'd like to be lore-accurate as far as their markings go, as best as I can. How do Raven Guard Company colors work?

Codex-standard colours. They only mark one shoulder pad's rim in their company colours. For Example: Shrike, being originally 3rd Company captain, had a red trim..... that they never updated after he became Chapter Master :lol:

I was under the impression that shoulder pad rim was their "assault, close, fire support" indicator.

It used to be, but as of the 7th Edition Marine Codex (which has stayed the same for both 8th Ed ones):


The Raven Guard display which company a battle-brother belongs to by painting one pauldron - usually the right - with that company's heraldic colour.


That's the direct quote from the new Space Marines codex

Small question. How would that apply to Phobos armor, which doesn't HAVE a right pauldron trim?

Zeph, I love ya man, but.... All of these questions are "RTFC" answers :lol:


Do you not have the new codex yet?


(also: It's the right shoulder, as the examples include an Infiltrator :lol:)

I spent the past weekend correcting the trim on my Raven Guard. I'd gone ahead and done the company colors on both sides and thought it would look bizarre if only one side had color. Thankfully I didn't have to worry about changing the color of trim, since the 3rd company's combat style seems to fit with how I plan to use them.

Am I a fool for not realizing that the Reivers actually have an official 'Eavy Metal Raven Guard on display on the webstore? I appreciate you guys putting up with my questions and lack of owning the Codex for a little while. ^^



Edit: I also remembered there was a Raven Guard Reiver on the cover of the Kill Team core book. They're even Third Company, which is what I'm doing, on said book. I feel foolish.

Man. I was checking it all out this week, and reading the detailed descriptions and backgrounds of each company. 3-5 all sounded cool to me (each representing a different aspect of the Trifold Path of Shadow), but I really loved the sound of the 5th who follow The Path of Vigilance. Patient. Observant. Cautious. They use meticulous surveillance and watch closely, coldly analysing the enemy for any point of weakness. By the time they go to battle, they’ve already calculated the outcome and securing victory is just a formality.


But then I went to check the company markings. What colour is the trim? Black. Ok... what colour is the rest of the pad? Black. And I suppose their entire armour is...? Yep. Black. For a chapter that is already hard to “make pop” from across the table, I’m not sure that triple black is gonna work... looks like I might just stick to the classic third company red haha, who FWIW also have cool fluff.


I'm building a Raven Guard army come Christmastime, and I'd like to be lore-accurate as far as their markings go, as best as I can. How do Raven Guard Company colors work?

Codex-standard colours.
Logically, the Raven Guard would use multiple schemes at once, as a counter-intelligence measure- something the Soviet military historically did. Confuse enemy spies with a new marking they cannot determine if it identifies the Sixth Company's Assault Marines or Ninth Company's Devastators, so the enemy fortress' defenders are taken by surprise when Third Company's Stormraven gunships drop a Sternguard Veteran Squad onto their heads!



I'm building a Raven Guard army come Christmastime, and I'd like to be lore-accurate as far as their markings go, as best as I can. How do Raven Guard Company colors work?

Codex-standard colours.
Logically, the Raven Guard would use multiple schemes at once, as a counter-intelligence measure- something the Soviet military historically did. Confuse enemy spies with a new marking they cannot determine if it identifies the Sixth Company's Assault Marines or Ninth Company's Devastators, so the enemy fortress' defenders are taken by surprise when Third Company's Stormraven gunships drop a Sternguard Veteran Squad onto their heads!



According to the supplement, the "confusion tactics" they use is basically just moving their markings around, so 3rd squad would move the "3" to a different shoulder, or knee, or a different corner of the same shoulder. Also they allow 1st Company members to take the numbers of the squad/Company they're assisting.


I can only assume enemy intelligence in M41 are all braindead.




I'm building a Raven Guard army come Christmastime, and I'd like to be lore-accurate as far as their markings go, as best as I can. How do Raven Guard Company colors work?

Codex-standard colours.
Logically, the Raven Guard would use multiple schemes at once, as a counter-intelligence measure- something the Soviet military historically did. Confuse enemy spies with a new marking they cannot determine if it identifies the Sixth Company's Assault Marines or Ninth Company's Devastators, so the enemy fortress' defenders are taken by surprise when Third Company's Stormraven gunships drop a Sternguard Veteran Squad onto their heads!

According to the supplement, the "confusion tactics" they use is basically just moving their markings around, so 3rd squad would move the "3" to a different shoulder, or knee, or a different corner of the same shoulder. Also they allow 1st Company members to take the numbers of the squad/Company they're assisting.


I can only assume enemy intelligence in M41 are all braindead.

(Facepalms.) I can only assume Games Workshop's writers are all braindead, for making every single faction in Warhammer 40,000 braindead.


Didn't they learn their lesson in the 1980s? If the bad guys are all idiots, the good guys will also look like idiots for failing to stop the bad guys in the first comic book issue's first ten pages or the first cartoon episode's first ten minutes!

I have a question. If I build the Dark Imperium and Shadowspear boxsets I will have the following; 


2x Intercessors

2x Infiltrators

1x Inceptors

1x Supressors

1x Eliminators

1x Hellblasters


So to remain within the boundaries of the 3rd Company I have 4 Battleline Squads, 2x Cose Support and 2x Heavy Support. So the next investment should be 1x Incursors and 1x Intercessors to reach the full Company status?


How are these squads marked?

Uh, iirc:


Battleline: :Troops:

Close Support :FA:

Heavy Support: :HS:


HQs: :HQ:

Elites: :Elite:


The above would be on the bearer's right pauldron, with company Trim

Left pauldron would be black trim and the Chapter Symbol


Squad markings on knee pads


(This is of course a very general take, and certain marks of armor - see Phobos - modify that)

What about the Company Dreadnoughts and invictor suits? 


Would the company Redemptor have the cross of the Veteran or a tactical symbol?


As for the Invictor Suit, is it piloted by a Close Support, Battleline or Heavy Support battle brother?

What about the Company Dreadnoughts and invictor suits? 


Would the company Redemptor have the cross of the Veteran or a tactical symbol?


As for the Invictor Suit, is it piloted by a Close Support, Battleline or Heavy Support battle brother?


Thats a little more hazy, in terms of a canonical answer. Historically speaking, id say all Dreads are typically marked with the Elite cross emblem. There is historical evidence to also support the Skull associated with Command though.


With the Invictor, I can't recall it having a designation in the new book, but id say Close Support is the most likely.


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