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In regards posting pictures, in addition to the link Custom Hero had above have a look at these two help topics, they are a bit old, so some of the info might be out of date but the general principle should still apply.








I have to say the Kabilites are looking good so far. The contrast looks to be working better than I thought it would. And yes for large flat areas multiple thin coats are better.


PS - any better hosting sites than Photobucket? It seems so slow and buggy :sad.: It drives me insane... [sorting these pics took over 40 minutes.

I use https://imgbb.com

It has a few features that photobucket does not, like being free and resizing by pixel. Is it the best? No. Does it work? Astoundingly, YES.


Hope that helps brother.

I just host images here. It works, it's quick, and I can get pics out fast if I want to. SPEAKING OF:



I had a lot of fun painting these guys. All I did was black, grey drybrush, grey for the Eliminator cloaks, all the details (steel and the red both needed a black wash too), then a black wash, then highlighted the cloaks on the Eliminators with the same grey I washed over, then did the eyes in pure Mephiston Red. Sergeants are probably getting headswaps sometime between now and Christmas. I should have Shrike within the week; he'll be the HQ for the Patrol, as well as mandatory Warlord for the eventual army. I've got an exact plan here, so expect the Supreme Command vow to be started and finished much faster than the Patrol was, but I'll do the Patrol first if it's a problem. Shadowspear is a Christmas present, and Shrike and these lads are not. Shadowspear will contain the entire Supreme Command, as well as extra stuff for the Patrol.

Edited by Zephaniah Adriyen

It has taken a while for the base coat to dry. I plan to get the shading done in these guts tonight as well. They are not perfect, but it’s a start!


Eliminator Squad Gareb (basecoat)



The bolt sniper rifles are converted using the base and barrel section of the extra sniper rifle from the sniper scout kit. Camo cloaks are rolled on top of their packs for now. These are bed rolls/tarps from a WWII model accessory kit you can pick up at any Hobby Lobby or Michael’s.


Some of the gear is based on in jokes between myself and the person I named the model after. For instance, the Sgt. is named Randall Gareb. He has a box instead of a clip in his rifle. This is because my co-worker Randall always misplaces things. Now when he get a pen, he carries more than one due to the fact he’ll get distracted and leave two or three along the path he just walked. I plan on working backstories and the like in my personal build thread.


Till next time.

First ten kabalites are tabletop standard and declared done.


This evening I finished them, built a venom and an archon. Can't decide on the archon's head though. Need to consider his past/ kabal etc and then add one. I'll aim to get another venom built tomorrow and then the 2 venoms and archon sprayed Thursday then get them painted Friday/ Saturday.


That'll give me a super basic patrol.


Next week do I build some:







I'd consider the bikes but they don't fit the kabal theme and they'll be my extension!


Thinking sensibly here, I'll be waiting for more transports to arrive so sensibly I may go incubi and raider - gives my archon a bodyguard and a ride. Then it'll be ravager for some fire support.


The Scourges will wait until I've sourced more haywire. Seems like I'll have a ton of anti infantry dakka so the Scourges will serve as anti tank in this small force I'm developing.


Thanks for reading the rambles!

Edited by 01RTB01

I, TrawlingCleaner, vow to jump into the Unknown and will learn about the Death Guard by 29 February 2020 by working on a Patrol Detachment. Failure is not an option, but should I suffer it my debt shall be to complete a task of my fellow fraters choosing.


My vow is: a Patrol detachment containing 7 Plague marines and a Lord of Contagion


I've been looking at Death Guard for a while now, but have been wanting to do a different paint scheme to the usual. I painted up a test model last night, it's still WIP but here's how the army should look:




Looking forward to seeing everyone's progress!

This looks like a great way to start my cult.

I, Dreagher, vow to jump into the Unknown and will learn about the Genestealer Cult by 29 February 2020 by working on a Patrol Detachment. Failure is not an option, but should I suffer it my debt shall be to complete a task of my fellow fraters choosing.


I'll start with a Magus and a unit of Neophytes.

Welcome TrawlingCleaner, interesting choice on the test model, it is certainly a different scheme for Nurgle, good luck with it.



Also welcome Dreagher, looks like we have another Genesteeler cultist on our hands, any idea yet as to what colour scheme you want to aim for?  

Also welcome Dreagher, looks like we have another Genesteeler cultist on our hands, any idea yet as to what colour scheme you want to aim for?  

There are always more of us than one suspects. ;)


The current plan is an orange/blue colour scheme and ice/snow bases.

I had a lot to do today getting ready to have windows put in our house tomorrow. To compensate for the hobby time I will lose tomorrow, I base coated several units so that I can start assembly lining some painting.


Here is what was accomplished today:

Standing Scouts



Kneeling Scouts



Scout Sergeants



Infiltrators (Conversion/Kitbash)



Riever Squad 1 (Squad 2 still in construction)



Lieutenant and Captain



I also found that my second Lieutenant and the cobbled together Librarian are both on a smaller base than the 40mm they should be. I may end up vowing the Librarian later if time permits in this learning experience. The Lieutenant will be rebased when I do HQ choices.



On a side note, I am really liking what I’m seeing so far. It’s nice to see everyone’s work and being able to pitch in a help everyone with whatever they need. I’m really enjoying this experience! You guys are awesome!


Till next time...

Edited by Custom Hero

I have been having a think on what units to make for my Patrol Detachment of Orks and have come up with the following:


HQ Slot:

Weird Boy (the reason I didn't go for the Warboss is because I want to find a Ork skin recipe that works for me before I make the Big boy)


Troop Slot:

20 Ork Boyz with Choppa/Slugga (that will give me some boyz to experiment ork skin colour on) I´ll paint em as Evil Sunz because I like red. :happy.: 

10 Gretchins

Gonna be doing some Solar Watch to complement my Raven Guard, 1k of each sounds good. The Raven Guard are locked in; I've got 5 Custodes lying around as it is I can use to start me off, and I'll be picking up another box of the Custodian Guard and a Wardens box. I also feel the big flashy white Custodes would look good next to the dark, brooding Raven Guard.

Edited by Zephaniah Adriyen

Ain't nobody posted since me? Alright. Shrike came in today, I'm about to get him mostly done. I'm waiting on a detail brush, but I can get his black and white done right now.

Edit: Current family photo of the whole army. As it stands, I have basic-equipment MSUs each of the single-pose Reivers and Eliminators, a unit of Custodian Guard - two spear/Misericordia, two sword/shield - a Shield-Captain, a Shrike and a Phobos Librarian. I've had the Reivers since I started this game and I picked up the Phobos Libby and the Eliminators when Shadowspear came out. All three have been repainted to match my Raven Guard; again, the point is to learn Raven Guard and new Space Marine rules for me, not to learn these particular units. Shrike's new, and I'm not vowing the Custodes at all, they're just part of the same project.


Edited by Zephaniah Adriyen

Spray primer ran out half way through undercoating and I have no black paint to undercoat by hand either... Not a good start.

I feel you. My detail brush wore out and now I can only do a single predominant color on my models. Lucky me I did all the RG I own except my Shrike already, mm?

Don’t feel bad. I lost a lot of time with work crews in and out of my house. I haven’t even made it past base coating.


I did however get a game set up for this week so that I could expand my knowledge of the unit capabilities. So, for now I’ll take the wins I have. Every little piece adds up. You may feel dead in the water, but you never know when you’re going to get that game, little bit of time, or supply that you needed to knock it out of the park. The best thing to do is relish each accomplishment as they come and concentrate on what you have completed instead of dwelling on what still needs to be done. You’ll find that you don’t get so discouraged about it in the long run.

Edited by Custom Hero

Custom Hero, I like the random empire bits that are on your scout sergeants. On your Infiltrator conversions I take it toes are Deathwatch back packs, also nice touch on the apothecary lite. Also that second lieutenant appears to only have a pistol, a bit under armed?


Azaiel, what sort of green skin tone do you want to aim for, on the lighter side or on the dark side?


Dreagher, the test cultist looks great, but with snow on the base the blue skin tone makes me think he is frozen trough and trough. Now I need a warm drink :P


Zephaniah Adriyen, The picture is a bit small but I think I can see a helmet on Shrike, is it the one form the kit or from elsewhere? Nice Custodies and the black white contrast between the two elements dose sound like it will look good on the table.


In fact your posts have given me food for thought about adding a rule to the event (or more likely to the next event) that would allow for the vowing for allies in some capacity (though the focus would obviously still be whatever main army the participants vowed).


Don’t feel bad. I lost a lot of time with work crews in and out of my house. I haven’t even made it past base coating.

I did however get a game set up for this week so that I could expand my knowledge of the unit capabilities. So, for now I’ll take the wins I have. Every little piece adds up. You may feel dead in the water, but you never know when you’re going to get that game, little bit of time, or supply that you needed to knock it out of the park. The best thing to do is relish each accomplishment as they come and concentrate on what you have completed instead of dwelling on what still needs to be done. You’ll find that you don’t get so discouraged about it in the long run.


Sage advice, and good luck with your game.

Zephaniah Adriyen, The picture is a bit small but I think I can see a helmet on Shrike, is it the one form the kit or from elsewhere? Nice Custodies and the black white contrast between the two elements dose sound like it will look good on the table.


In fact your posts have given me food for thought about adding a rule to the event (or more likely to the next event) that would allow for the vowing for allies in some capacity (though the focus would obviously still be whatever main army the participants vowed).

That is... incorrect, Shrike's vanilla... although I've modified his base since taking this picture to make him lower-profile. Big ugly chunks of rock don't belong on the base of a Chapter Master.


Vowing for allies as a capability for this event would have been great, although Custodes are rather uniform in their rules and they're a back-burnered project for a couple months back that I allied in as a Patrol until I broke up my Imperium army.

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