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Facing the Unknown II


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A wolf and raven in strange alliance....


Though Kyrim Torvaec and Einar Battlefog were given two separate missions by Inquisitor Baasch initially, these two reivers from different chapters soon found themselves tracking the same leads. A kinship emerged between them filled with a large smattering of rivalry. Though neither would admit it aloud, each would give his life for the other without a second thought.


Where Einar is the loud bruiser, Kyrim is the thinker. Battlefog runs headlong into battle from the ground. Torvaec drops from the skies. Between the two they have rarely missed a target or failed to complete an assignment.


Kyrim Torvaec of the Raven Guard sports an experimental gravchute pack where the stylized wings are actually just larger air brake fins to control drops from large distances and can be used as a glider for short distances. His lightning claws have been made an economy size to help with lessening encumbrance of weight. His pistol in silenced. 851527-DF-DA04-4712-8151-09-EA4-D844182.


Space Wolf Einar Battlefog is unconventional to say the least. Always found with his dual axes, he uses one as a grapnel to scale shear surfaces and climb in urban areas. He keeps a heavy bolt pistol at his waist, but rarely uses it.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I got in some supplies from Bitzbox today. With any luck I should get a Black Templar, a Grey Knight, and three Sisters minis built by the end of the week. That will put me at seven down on builds.


As soon as I can get home in daylight I’ll try to get everything built base coated for painting.


I’m actually having quite a bit if fun with this. I like kit bashing and converting as well as writing, so a straight out win for me. See you guys with an update soon.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Although I've been quiet I have managed to knock out:


Big Mek Bodgit with Kustom Kustom force field and grot oiler




3 dreads

6 kans

1 meganob (tester for Ghazghkull)


Just about finished Ghazghkull


Build and about to spray 3 mek guns of differing flavours.


Base colours on 10 sequitors and a Lord Arcanum on gryph charger


I'll get some pictures up once I've finished Ghazghkull. So much easier putting pics on Facebook :(


Hope you're all keeping well in these crazy times.

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(Brief) Fluff as well (plus the gork, dreads and kans are named as expected)


Bodgit was just a mere mek boy when he fought for Ghazghkull on Golgotha. Since then he's worked his way up 'da ladda'.


He's now got his own dread mob including his personal mek workshop - Stompsmasha.


Stompsmasha is a dead handy mek shop as it's mobile. He also hasn't tended to have anyone not pay for jobs since that incident with Runtgob... Runtgob decided he wasn't paying up so upon departure was riddled by Stompsmasha's Deffstorm megashoota.


Ingenious? yes. Creative? yes. A fool? Certainly not!


Since Gork's grin split the stars Bodgit has been working his way back to Ghazghkull and since da boss' "rebirf" he's finally caught up and can waaaagh alongside him once again. He's even working with Dakkagul Shokkasnik, another infamous Death Skull mek boss who's excitement for building is matched only by the lethality of "his" Souped up Shokka. Some say he borrowed (light finger thieving...) from Orkimedes himself. Not that anyone would tell him to his face.


With their entourages and fealty sworn to da prophet, they can't wait to see their creations in action.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well it has been extra busy these last few weeks/months and I haven’t had much hobby time since this ended but glad to see a little progress is still being made.


01RTB01 how was Ghazghkull to build?


Custom Hero, no worries, just continue when you can and keep safe.


Also, could a mod unpin this, sorry I had no realized it was still pinned.

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Well it has been extra busy these last few weeks/months and I haven’t had much hobby time since this ended but glad to see a little progress is still being made.


01RTB01 how was Ghazghkull to build?


Custom Hero, no worries, just continue when you can and keep safe.


Also, could a mod unpin this, sorry I had no realized it was still pinned.

I'll get some pics up today...


1500 points painted in two months...


Ghazghkull was easier to build than paint lol. I flip flopped between classic Goff and death skulls. Heart decided classic Goff with blue spot colour. The only grumble with the kit is the pipes from backpack to arms don't sit that well than there's a bit of a gap for some reason.


I'm aiming to get another 500 points plus my buggies finished this month.






Big mek with kff and oiler



3 dreads

6 kans

3 Meganobz

3 mek guns + crew - bubble chukka, traktor kannon and smasha gun

10 grots


Next round:

10 Goff nobz


20 grots

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I need some propper snippers to snip off the base tabs of the Gork's occupants to then glue them inside. 


I'm really pleased with what I've managed and I really do like Ghaz. I've played orks since 1993 on and off and this is the first Ghaz I've ever had. I'm pleased with the skin on the meganobz and ghaz as I tried the eavy metal recipe. I'm also really pleased with the lenses in the force.



Thanks in advance for your thoughts :biggrin.: [i've added decals to the meganobz since these pics so that'll have to come later]


I'll aim to get the 500 done this month but our local group is starting zone mortalis heresy forces. As such I'm returning to the third legion but a late heresy force. I'll be using modern csm kits and going from there. Stay tuned!

Edited by 01RTB01
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