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I'm wondering if it's too many venoms?...

There is such a thing?

Fair question! Alas I don't know the answer yet :D


Incubi in progress, klaivex and an incubus built so far. Will finish the other 3 before bed.


Red armoured incubi or traditional?...

I think a dark red would look really good on them.


Would also make them really stand out compared to your other Dark Eldar. I guess the best way to still tie them in is to use the same secondary colours.

Edited by Trokair

I think a dark red would look really good on them.


Would also make them really stand out compared to your other Dark Eldar. I guess the best way to still tie them in is to use the same secondary colours.

I could do inverse of kabalite colours - red armour and blue cloth instead of blue armour/ red cloth. The flayed skin parts should also help tie them in. I'll give it a go :)

Is there a sign up for this? Or Pledge?



Page 1 :)

Hymnlade, are you going to pick up the Faith and Fury book for Psychic Awakening? Seems there is a lot of Black Templar things in there including the BT centric special characters and crusader squads according to the Warhammer Community page.


Might be a blessing in disguise

So while gathering the kits for my builds I have good news and bad news.


Good News: I found a whole additional battlesuit squad for later expanding as well as two commander kits. Also the design of the ghost drone is coming along, just need to do a little (lot) of green stuff work for the wings.


Bad News: I lost the hand sprue I had gotten long ago for this project. So between this and the needed head I'm going to see if I can shift some funds and just order the bloody thing.


Bonus: I think I figured out another suit config that I want to add in later. Using the XV9 Hazard suit, taking the twin burst, pulse submission and shield I can make a decent parallel to the VF-31. Plus the suit can operate on it's own (unit is 1-3) at +8pts of the 25 config for +2W.


Just have to scratch build the pulse weapon since the only physical version is the special experimental uber version on a commander.


I will get pictures of the progress over the weekend. The suit isn't much, standard suit with a third party shield for something more angular.

According to the email in my inbox I have successfully ordered the Sisters box. Let’s see if it turns up in two weeks or if I get a refund and an email saying out of stock.


If it turns up I can start actually taking part in this event.

Focslain, it’s a real rollercoaster with you isn’t it? All these ups and downs, I do hope you are enjoying the ride.

Is there a sign up for this? Or Pledge?

As 01RTB01 said, if you are interested have a look at the opening post found here. If you are then welcome aboard. 

Just need to paint the guns, paint shoulder pads red and touch up the black body armour on the infantry to finish those off, the Leman Russ just needs the sponson guns finishing and I need to finish off the Commissar and I believe I'll be finished. 

Came out very well I really like the bolter with the chain around it, that was a nice touch.

Thanks, but I can't take credit. It's just a piece from the BT upgrade sprue. The idea to do the chain in gold instead of steel/silver came from... somebody on the BT subforum, I forget who.


Also are you sure that you are Black Templar and not Dark Angle, there is a lot of Plasma in that list :tongue.:


I deliberately did not allow the larger detachments for the first vow as I did not want participants to over commit. Better to do several smaller detachments one after the other then do one big detachment and fail because it was just too much. Also, technically your 1000p list fits into a Patrol Detachment just fine.

Two things about the Dark Angels appeal to me: their angel/wing motifs, and their plasma. I do love plasma. I've got several other special and heavy weapons to get to later, but plasma gave me a chance to try a new painting technique.


I figured that not over-committing was the intent, and I certainly don't mind making a smaller vow and then hitting stretch goals. I just wanted to put my list up because I feel like having a specific target has helped me focus my efforts.


Hymnlade, are you going to pick up the Faith and Fury book for Psychic Awakening?

Yes! Preordered it yesterday. Supposedly it removes the ability to take a heavy weapon and a special weapon in a 5-man Crusader squad, so I need to tweak the goal list a bit, but otherwise I'm excited for it.


This week, I recruited seven Neophytes:



I forgot how much harder these guys are to paint than power armor, haha. Lots of details, multiple colors on almost every part of the model. I don't have a brown wash, but Skeleton Horde seems to be a passable substitute - I used it on their clothes and skin, over "Yellow Ochre" and "Light Flesh" respectively, and I'm pretty happy with the results.

Edited by Hymnblade

Focslain, it’s a real rollercoaster with you isn’t it? All these ups and downs, I do hope you are enjoying the ride.


Kind of, real issue is that I thought I had everything I would need for this army and it turns out I don't. I am enjoying the challenge though.


Also with me having $600 in preorders getting ready to hit next month I'm cutting this close since I can't buy new models in 2020 (personal goal, going to hit my debts hard).


Also I'm working backwards from a planned 1500 pts army to get it to the table top fast and in a thematic order.

So was sick over the weekend and got little done, but something. I got the basic of the VF25 done.



Nothing hard, just a 3rd part shield, and I have to rotate the barrel of the CIB to make it look right as a rifle.


The ghost drones were harder since the spacing between the drones on flight stands is a bit far. I have to figure out something for the shielded front that will separate, but the marker rear is coming along. I'm going to see if I can get some more drone controller (at least I think that what the wings are) from my local group since we have a few tau players here. I have enough for four of the six I need.





I figured that not over-committing was the intent, and I certainly don't mind making a smaller vow and then hitting stretch goals. I just wanted to put my list up because I feel like having a specific target has helped me focus my efforts.




I forgot how much harder these guys are to paint than power armor, haha. Lots of details, multiple colors on almost every part of the model. I don't have a brown wash, but Skeleton Horde seems to be a passable substitute - I used it on their clothes and skin, over "Yellow Ochre" and "Light Flesh" respectively, and I'm pretty happy with the results.



If working out a larger list first helps then by all means to each their own.


Skeletal hoard is amassing at all sorts of effects beyond the obvious.





Kind of, real issue is that I thought I had everything I would need for this army and it turns out I don't. I am enjoying the challenge though.


Also with me having $600 in preorders getting ready to hit next month I'm cutting this close since I can't buy new models in 2020 (personal goal, going to hit my debts hard).

I see, glad to hear you are enjoying it, and good luck with your 2020 goal.  

I'm ordering a pack of Custodian Guard secondhand to go with my sneaky lads today; the sneaky lads in question are pretty much on hold since I've got everyone except the stuff coming in Shadowspear. Out of this pack, I'll be building one more shield guy and four spear guys, finishing up three full squads of Custodian Guard - two three-man spear, one three-man shield. The Shield-Captain's just sitting around waiting for the Wardens to be a thing so I can give him an axe, and the two Vexilla and the Wardens are also waiting for the Wardens kit. I'll be keeping the Vexillus out of the Custodian Guard kit I'm ordering today in order to build two Vexilla from the Wardens.

Update: Found where I put the Chaos Lord with Jump Pack & Lightning Claws, so I'm currently painting him. After he's done, I'll be working on the 6-man squad next (all have been base-coated with Night Lords Blue).

Custodian Guard are ordered, as of about 10 hours ago. I also started stripping my existing five because I decided to go with Emissaries Imperatus because they're easy instead of difficult; it isn't hard to get one flat color looking okay, with other colors for accents, after all. So it's gonna be Raven Guard, Emissaries Imperatus and mmmmaybe some Knghts after I've finished these guys up.

Ok, so I think I got this.

It's going to need some green stuffing to fill in some spots and level out the magnets, but the I'm liking the design.


Thing is expensive though.

Part list:
2x Drone body
1x battlesuit shield generator
2x multi-tracker
1x marker drone base
2x drone markerlight
1x fusion blaster
1x coldstar maneuvering thrusters
4x tiny magnets


The flight bases overlap a little (like a cm) but doubt that would be a major issue.


Tactic is to take saves on the shield drone part until it dies, separate/remove then the marker half takes the hits.







Ok, so I think I got this.

It's going to need some green stuffing to fill in some spots and level out the magnets, but the I'm liking the design.


Thing is expensive though.

Part list:

2x Drone body

1x battlesuit shield generator

2x multi-tracker

1x marker drone base

2x drone markerlight

1x fusion blaster

1x coldstar maneuvering thrusters

4x tiny magnets


The flight bases overlap a little (like a cm) but doubt that would be a major issue.


Tactic is to take saves on the shield drone part until it dies, separate/remove then the marker half takes the hits.






Keep it up, you got this. ^^

It's a unique idea, connecting two Drones together, and I like it.


I decided exactly what Knights I'll be getting after I finish up my Custodes purchases - again, Shadowspear's locked in for Christmas, so I can focus on other things. In the end, I'll have three Warglaives with Meltaguns and a Preceptor with multilaser, gauntlet and the missile pod that hits like a truck instead of the one that ignores LoS.


Keep it up, you got this. ^^

It's a unique idea, connecting two Drones together, and I like it.


I decided exactly what Knights I'll be getting after I finish up my Custodes purchases - again, Shadowspear's locked in for Christmas, so I can focus on other things. In the end, I'll have three Warglaives with Meltaguns and a Preceptor with multilaser, gauntlet and the missile pod that hits like a truck instead of the one that ignores LoS.


Thanks, working on some fluff for this too.


Also for your knights, a Preceptor is a solid choice, I'd go for the relic fist.


For the armigars, if you haven't looked at the rules for the Moriax class I suggest doing so. The siegeclaw/ rad cleanse can get nasty as are the other weapon options. Also work good as bodyguards.



Keep it up, you got this. ^^

It's a unique idea, connecting two Drones together, and I like it.


I decided exactly what Knights I'll be getting after I finish up my Custodes purchases - again, Shadowspear's locked in for Christmas, so I can focus on other things. In the end, I'll have three Warglaives with Meltaguns and a Preceptor with multilaser, gauntlet and the missile pod that hits like a truck instead of the one that ignores LoS.


Thanks, working on some fluff for this too.


Also for your knights, a Preceptor is a solid choice, I'd go for the relic fist.


For the armigars, if you haven't looked at the rules for the Moriax class I suggest doing so. The siegeclaw/ rad cleanse can get nasty as are the other weapon options. Also work good as bodyguards.


See, the reason I wanna run Warglaives is because then I don't have to pay FW prices and I can just buy a box and then eBay for another single Warglaive, done and done.


See, the reason I wanna run Warglaives is because then I don't have to pay FW prices and I can just buy a box and then eBay for another single Warglaive, done and done.





Or you can take that fourth warglaive and covert into a Moriax if you have the spare parts laying around.


Warglaive is still a good choice. It's sweep attack will help get it out of tarpit units.


Given any thought to what house your doing (rules wise)?

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