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+++BCK's Necromunda Conversion Challenge 11/2019+++

Brother-Chaplain Kage

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Ya I can't find decals anywhere for the i but I did order some brass ones from ebay should come soonish I hope so I can always fall back on that. Painting could work too, I've got shaky hands so sometimes its hard lol. Some days I can do it, depends on the day and if I remember to take my meds that help lol.

Ok, I know I'm going to regret this, but I, Lord_Caerolion, pledge to convert a Coin Guild Skinflint (ruled) to ally to my House Cawdor in the Conversion Challenge on or before November 30, 2019.


Photos will have to come later, unfortunately. 

More that "I've got only the vaguest idea on what the plan is for this, so don't even know what I'm doing for one arm, I just know what he'll be riding on (Kataphron servitor tractor platform), the legs/head/one arm." Torso is still up in the air, as is what exactly his other arm will be holding (unsure on either book or plasma pistol). So yeah, gonna be madly throwing stuff together with the stuff I know I'm gonna use, and see what works.


Seriously, half of what I've got planned for this model I'd originally had planned to use for the Master of Coin, but found a model yesterday that parts of would work perfectly for the Skinflint, so bits from the Master are now for the Skinflint, and so the mad process of inspiration continues.

Ok, so, finally managed to upload the parts photo for my Skinflint, just missing his plasma pistol, some sort of little aquila or something to replace the stormcast helmet symbol, and maybe a treasure chest, because I haven't found the appropriate parts for those yet.


EDIT: Should also mention, I've made some progress as well, just need to attach the staff, and give the Skinflint his pistol, then it's done.

Hey gang, late to the deadline for this because of Thanksgiving and some personal stuff in the days since, but the winner for this month is Lord_Caerolion's skinflint model. Cadius was in the lead until that got posted because I know what it's like trying to sculpt inside the confines of that model's coat and it it's not easy. 


Congrats to the winner and everyone who participated! 

Thank you for the win, Brother Chaplain Kage. I gotta say that the entries all looked really good, so I'm kinda surprised with the victory, given this really was a "seat-of-the-pants" style conversion. Seriously, the only thing I knew I wanted in this was to have him with some scales, riding on the tractor-thing, and to have a little platform in front of him. The basic idea was that any shakedown victims... I mean supplicants will place their tithes and offerings on the little circular pad in front of him, which is valued and weighed by the platform, and causes his scales to shift in balance depending on whether it was enough or not. Pay too little, and you either become indentured, or just get shot, and, in true Imperial fashion, there is no such thing as a tax return if you pay too much.

well second place ain't bad


You ever see one of those Olympic races where the second place winner is like 1/10th of a second slower? That's how close it was. 


Excellent choice of victor!


When’s the next one start?


In just a few minutes!


Thank you for the win, Brother Chaplain Kage. I gotta say that the entries all looked really good, so I'm kinda surprised with the victory, given this really was a "seat-of-the-pants" style conversion. 


To be completely transparent on how I judge these things, I weigh conversions more than kitbashing because it's inherently more difficult to do and almost always requires some amount of sculpting work. However, the overall style and wow factor of a kitbash can overcome the heavier score of an involved conversion with a lot of sculpting, and yours had the wow factor. It's a very slick piece of work that really brings the feel of the cawdor faction. 

Just out of interest, where do you draw the line between conversions and kitbashing?


I tend to view kitbashing as just taking parts from different kits to make something new, with only a little bit of trimming to make things fit. Conversions are more complex builds, with parts being cut up and re-assembled, sculpting work, complex re-poses etc, but they don't need all of those things.

Your definition hits the nail on the head, really. A conversion to me is fundamentally changing the model either in pose, appearance, or both. 


Glad I'm not alone. I always get a bit salty when people call anything I've converted a kitbash. It almost feels like an insult :p.


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