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Brother Cambrius

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Well brother- @Chaplain Dosjetka! It appears I have the pleasure of bringing a Praetor to life! Any tips on how to paint a dual colored marine?

Paint half of the armour in the lightest of the two colours (in this case, off-white grey), and then touch up the middle line and fill in the rest of the armour with the other colour (green). :)


Well brother- @Chaplain Dosjetka! It appears I have the pleasure of bringing a Praetor to life! Any tips on how to paint a dual colored marine?

Paint half of the armour in the lightest of the two colours (in this case, off-white grey), and then touch up the middle line and fill in the rest of the armour with the other colour (green). :smile.:


Thanks! I'll try to do the best I can...sadly I can't begin until after Christmas...so I shall hibernate 'till then. Hopefully I can make up for it with a good model, rather than using just a 3-pack marine.

I humbly present Brother Arnton of the Asperos Astra (Currently seconded to the White Hawks) and Falrust, Lord of Corpses from the Angels of Decay (a recurring thorn in the side of the White Hawks :tongue.:)


Arnton's the first Intercessor I've ever painted - gotta say, I'm pretty happy with him.

Come to that, Falrust is the first Nurgle marine I've ever painted, and he turned out to be the most fun I've had painting for a long time! Maybe I should give more thought to that Nurgle Warband I keep promising myself I'll work on...

Oh, I also discovered the colour I was planning on using for the Knights Oracular (eventually) comes out a lot more blue than green, to my honest confusion - it looks green until it goes dry, then turns decidedly blue. :wacko.:
I can't decide if I should just update the Painter pic in their article to reflect this - I still really like the colour, even if it wasn't as green as it first looked! :laugh.:

Me too ;)


I'm really pleased with how he came out in the end, I wasn't sure if I could pull the colours off when I got the Champions Eternal but everything came together :) I particularly like the red so I'm glad I changed it a bit so it felt a better fit with the gold than what I originally tried.

For those yet to complete don't forget to keep us updated on your progress :tu:

I have one model (the Star Leopards) close to done, but I still need to do the base, and a little extra for it. Also maybe source a jump pack. 

I have models for the other two but they currently require a lot of paint I don't yet have. Anyone have a good recommendation for a grey primer that isn't 20 bucks a can?

As almost all of my minis, bitz, and hobby gear are packed in the back of our storage vault (with the exception of a small tool box full of basic supplies), this project is a bit of a logistical challenge (….and I DO love a challenge). Fortunately I have been allotted a few ducats for this most worthy challenge. I should have all supplies by Thursday and will head off to my corner in my FLHS and get this done. 

So far so good...… All supplies have been procured:thumbsup: I've got paints, brushes, and other implements of construction necessary for this project. Most importantly I have lots of cool CSM Raptor pieces parts to make what will hopefully be a White Talon to make Brother Argent proud...… This should be fun:woot:

:HQ: :HQ: :HQ: +++ TWO WEEKS LEFT TO GO! +++ :HQ: :HQ: :HQ: 


Yes indeed, this decade is into it's final few days and so is this marvellous event. Just a reminder, the event closes at 23:59GMT on January 1st. So you have New Year's Day to also finish off as needed too. :biggrin.:


Good luck and keep at it!



We near the final approach, brothers - ready yourselves!

Let's show everyone the Liber crew can do more than just throw words around. :biggrin.:


May The Emperor (and / or the Dark Gods, as appropriate) keep your paints smooth and your hands steady! :thumbsup:


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