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Brother Cambrius

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I've really enjoyed the LASC this year, it's been brilliant seeing what everyone has not only come up with for their Chapters, but then watching everyone bring those Chapters to life. :biggrin.:

It's rare that I get this excited about the hobby these days, so I've gone ahead and done one more model (and a whole bunch of backstory) as a thank you to Brother Cambrius for running this event:


--== Brother Hanbroc of the Vanquishers 4th Company ==--

When the world of Rochfael IV secceeded from the Imperium in early M42, it's fabled fortress-city of Mt. Ivais was put to the test, holding off the efforts of the Imperial Guard for seven months before the Space Marines arrived.

Mt. Ivais was a great and powerful factorum-city that was also at once a sprawling, magnificent network of interwoven defences. Strongpoints and automated weapons dominated every landmark, highway and intersection. Traps and alarms, not to mention a plethora of concealed vantage points for defenders, made every single street a potentially lethal battleground. This great bastion was crowned by a central structure known as the Ivory Citadel. This imposing tower, besides bristling with assorted formidable guns, sported a variant energy shield of ancient design and extremely considerable power, rendering the city all but immune to damage from conventional Imperial siege tactics.

The shield - rightful property of the Adeptus Mechanicus - warranted the taking of the city in one piece. It was held in a central hub called the Ivory Citadel, an imposing structure bristling with firepower.

The Vanquishers 4th Company and the White Hawks 2nd Company arrived at Rochfael IV within a day of each other, and immediately went to work. Both Chapters had fought together in the past; both in major campaigns such as the war in the Lauss Rift and in several smaller battles such as the reclaimation of Steeldawn.

The White Hawks launched a concentrated attack on the north of the city, with Whirlwinds, Thunderfire Cannons and Vindicators. Devastator squads and Dreadnoughts added support fire, continually bombarding the walls. In spite of this, the ancient shield of Mt. Ivais kept the walls intact and relatively damage-free.

Whilst the seccessionists rallied to the north to counter this new threat, the Vanquishers, in company with the Ziestri 2nd and 3rd Siege Regiments, tunnelled under the city from a concealed position in the east. They managed to breach the Fortress-city's underground tunnel network, finally granting Imperial access to the city at a cost of setting off every alarm within a mile of the new access point.

The battle in the tunnels lasted for two days before the Vanquishers gained access to the surface. It was here that the urban combat specialists proved their mettle. The Vanquishers spread across the city, isolating and capturing key points and forcing the seccessionists to commit to retaliatory strikes, where the Vanquishers could turn the tables on would-be attackers and use their own defences against them.

The White Hawks, as soon as they were no longer needed to draw fire, swept around and joined their brothers in the tunnels, pushing up into the city to reinforce the Vanquishers.

Once the Space Marines were in the city, the siege of Rochfael IV lasted less than a week. The Space Marines were spread exceedingly thin, sometimes with even single marines being sent to secure a point or finish off pockets of resistance.


One such instance saw Brother Hanbroc of the Vanquishers fighting alone against seccessionists for two days, denying them access to a hidden cache of armaments. When he ran out of ammunition, Hanbroc used his last grenade to destroy the doorway to this isolated armoury, and resigned himself to hand-to-hand combat with his knife and combat shield.

The seccessionists, for their part, retaliated by bringing in a squad of their best troops - elite soldiers piloting exo-skeletal frames that looked derivative of the Centurion suits used by the Space Marines. Though they looked like a clumsy attempt to replicate Centurions, they sported shoulder-mounted chainguns and their arms ended in what appeared to be crude lightning claws. Five of these cumbersome brutes attacked Hanbroc in the narrow corridor leading to the armoury he'd sealed, their chaninguns and claws causing considerable damage to his shield and armour.

Hunkering down in a crevice between two bulkheads, Hanbroc steeled himself to face the end and die in battle like a true son of Dorn, when a deafening explosion went off behind the exo-soldiers. They turned to see Sergeant Prandal of the White Hawks charging through a breach in the wall, power sword in hand and a warcry on his lips. His armour was rent in a dozen places, and blood poured from a handful of fresh wounds, but no son of Talhon shied from combat.

Hanbroc joined the charge, but even so he couldn't stop Prandal losing an arm to the lightning claws of the exo-soldiers. Prandal's sword clattered across the floor, and Hanbroc picked it up, rushing to the sergeant's aid as he battered away at the exo-soldiers with nothing but an empty bolt-pistol and raw defiance.

Between Hanbroc's shield and Prandal's sword, the Vanquisher accounted for four of the exo-soldiers before the final one managed to pin Prandal to the wall with his claws and empty three-dozen chaingun rounds into the sergeant's head, killing him.

Hanbroc's howl of fury and hatred was reportedly heard several blocks away, and he slew the final exo-soldier with an overwhelming strike with his shield, striking the man so hard as to break his neck in three places.

When the other White Hawks found Hanbroc, he was slouched unconscious against the wall, shield still held in a defensive posture, alongside the neatly laid-out body of Sergeant Prandal, whose sword had been returned to him.

After the siege's conclusion, Hanbroc gave his report of what had happened to Captain Barodian of the Hawks. The last member of Prandal's squad, brother Arland, gifted Prandal's sword - known henceforth as Prandal's Honour - to the Vanquisher, charging him to use it with the same unyielding drive that the sergeant had shown in his final hours. As an additional honour, Captain Barodian gifted Hanbroc with the purity seals that had once adorned Prandal's armour, to bless the Vanquisher with the warrior spirit of Talhon's sons.


" O hear, ye traitors of Rochfael IV,
Who cower and cringe behind shielded walls!
'Tis right that you fear the scions of Dorn,
For even alone, 'Gainst All We Endure!"

- Extract from 'Warsong of the Vanquishers', by Song-Brother Pellion, White Hawks 2nd Company.


I've really enjoyed the LASC this year, it's been brilliant seeing what everyone has not only come up with for their Chapters, but then watching everyone bring those Chapters to life. :D

It's rare that I get this excited about the hobby these days, so I've gone ahead and done one more model (and a whole bunch of backstory) as a thank you to Brother Cambrius for running this event:gallery_46204_9220_39930.jpg

--== Brother Hanbroc of the Vanquishers 4th Company ==--

When the world of Rochfael IV secceeded from the Imperium in early M42, it's fabled fortress-city of Mt. Ivais was put to the test, holding off the efforts of the Imperial Guard for seven months before the Space Marines arrived.

Mt. Ivais was a great and powerful factorum-city that was also at once a sprawling, magnificent network of interwoven defences. Strongpoints and automated weapons dominated every landmark, highway and intersection. Traps and alarms, not to mention a plethora of concealed vantage points for defenders, made every single street a potentially lethal battleground. This great bastion was crowned by a central structure known as the Ivory Citadel. This imposing tower, besides bristling with assorted formidable guns, sported a variant energy shield of ancient design and extremely considerable power, rendering the city all but immune to damage from conventional Imperial siege tactics.

The shield - rightful property of the Adeptus Mechanicus - warranted the taking of the city in one piece. It was held in a central hub called the Ivory Citadel, an imposing structure bristling with firepower.

The Vanquishers 4th Company and the White Hawks 2nd Company arrived at Rochfael IV within a day of each other, and immediately went to work. Both Chapters had fought together in the past; both in major campaigns such as the war in the Lauss Rift and in several smaller battles such as the reclaimation of Steeldawn.

The White Hawks launched a concentrated attack on the north of the city, with Whirlwinds, Thunderfire Cannons and Vindicators. Devastator squads and Dreadnoughts added support fire, continually bombarding the walls. In spite of this, the ancient shield of Mt. Ivais kept the walls intact and relatively damage-free.

Whilst the seccessionists rallied to the north to counter this new threat, the Vanquishers, in company with the Ziestri 2nd and 3rd Siege Regiments, tunnelled under the city from a concealed position in the east. They managed to breach the Fortress-city's underground tunnel network, finally granting Imperial access to the city at a cost of setting off every alarm within a mile of the new access point.

The battle in the tunnels lasted for two days before the Vanquishers gained access to the surface. It was here that the urban combat specialists proved their mettle. The Vanquishers spread across the city, isolating and capturing key points and forcing the seccessionists to commit to retaliatory strikes, where the Vanquishers could turn the tables on would-be attackers and use their own defences against them.

The White Hawks, as soon as they were no longer needed to draw fire, swept around and joined their brothers in the tunnels, pushing up into the city to reinforce the Vanquishers.

Once the Space Marines were in the city, the siege of Rochfael IV lasted less than a week. The Space Marines were spread exceedingly thin, sometimes with even single marines being sent to secure a point or finish off pockets of resistance.gallery_46204_9220_3662.jpg

One such instance saw Brother Hanbroc of the Vanquishers fighting alone against seccessionists for two days, denying them access to a hidden cache of armaments. When he ran out of ammunition, Hanbroc used his last grenade to destroy the doorway to this isolated armoury, and resigned himself to hand-to-hand combat with his knife and combat shield.

The seccessionists, for their part, retaliated by bringing in a squad of their best troops - elite soldiers piloting exo-skeletal frames that looked derivative of the Centurion suits used by the Space Marines. Though they looked like a clumsy attempt to replicate Centurions, they sported shoulder-mounted chainguns and their arms ended in what appeared to be crude lightning claws. Five of these cumbersome brutes attacked Hanbroc in the narrow corridor leading to the armoury he'd sealed, their chaninguns and claws causing considerable damage to his shield and armour.

Hunkering down in a crevice between two bulkheads, Hanbroc steeled himself to face the end and die in battle like a true son of Dorn, when a deafening explosion went off behind the exo-soldiers. They turned to see Sergeant Prandal of the White Hawks charging through a breach in the wall, power sword in hand and a warcry on his lips. His armour was rent in a dozen places, and blood poured from a handful of fresh wounds, but no son of Talhon shied from combat.

Hanbroc joined the charge, but even so he couldn't stop Prandal losing an arm to the lightning claws of the exo-soldiers. Prandal's sword clattered across the floor, and Hanbroc picked it up, rushing to the sergeant's aid as he battered away at the exo-soldiers with nothing but an empty bolt-pistol and raw defiance.

Between Hanbroc's shield and Prandal's sword, the Vanquisher accounted for four of the exo-soldiers before the final one managed to pin Prandal to the wall with his claws and empty three-dozen chaingun rounds into the sergeant's head, killing him.

Hanbroc's howl of fury and hatred was reportedly heard several blocks away, and he slew the final exo-soldier with an overwhelming strike with his shield, striking the man so hard as to break his neck in three places.

When the other White Hawks found Hanbroc, he was slouched unconscious against the wall, shield still held in a defensive posture, alongside the neatly laid-out body of Sergeant Prandal, whose sword had been returned to him.

After the siege's conclusion, Hanbroc gave his report of what had happened to Captain Barodian of the Hawks. The last member of Prandal's squad, brother Arland, gifted Prandal's sword - known henceforth as Prandal's Honour - to the Vanquisher, charging him to use it with the same unyielding drive that the sergeant had shown in his final hours. As an additional honour, Captain Barodian gifted Hanbroc with the purity seals that had once adorned Prandal's armour, to bless the Vanquisher with the warrior spirit of Talhon's sons.gallery_46204_9220_51569.jpg" O hear, ye traitors of Rochfael IV,

Who cower and cringe behind shielded walls!

'Tis right that you fear the scions of Dorn,

For even alone, 'Gainst All We Endure!"

- Extract from 'Warsong of the Vanquishers', by Song-Brother Pellion, White Hawks 2nd Company.

By the Emperor! That piece of fluff is better than some Black Library stuff...

Brothers...I will not make it...my paint's transports are to arrive on January 4th to January 8th. Go, brothers! GO WITHOUT ME!


(I feel crappy for the guy I was assigned to make his stuff; will still make a miniature for his dudes regardless of schedule. Probably will use a Reiver or maybe an Intercessor, don't know yet.)

Just noticed this: no worries, mate! If you have the time to paint the model once the paints arrive, I'd be happy to see him done late rather than never. :)

Yo Brother Ace...... Your Vanquishers narrative was EPIC:thumbsup: That was a very nice touch.


There are some really fantastic looking minis up (mine's up too.... only not so fantastic:tongue.:). Congratulations one and all. LASC 2019 was a lot of fun and a big success thanks to EVERYONE who participated. Special thanks to Brother Cambrius, our main hero here...… stellar work sir:yes:


To those who just missed the deadline, I'm expecting some finished models from as many of you as can make it by the end of the month. To those who were stymied by fate, worry not...… there's always this year (LASC 2020 OOOHHYEAAH:woot:).

Plans are afoot, my fellow Liberites, rest assured I'll put together a master post of completions. ;)


And Ace, I am utterly lost for words with your creation of Brother Hanbroc! :woot: Thank you very much indeed for such a tribute.


After action report is currently in the works, stay tuned. :tu:




Well, after an incredible few months that began at the turn of September, the first ever LIBER ASTARTES SWAP CHALLENGE is complete.

This is the first ever event I have been in charge of, let alone an official one for the B&C and I want to start off by personally thanking everybody who participated in this. Whether you took part directly with articles and models, or simply supported with comments in Phase 1 and Phase 2. I couldn't be more proud with how this went, despite the odd hiccup from myself. :blush.:

Ace Debonair nailed my feelings on this event earlier on:

I've really enjoyed the LASC this year, it's been brilliant seeing what everyone has not only come up with for their Chapters, but then watching everyone bring those Chapters to life. :biggrin.:

The whole purpose of this event was to make new or strengthen old bonds amongst visitors of The LIBER, through the camaraderie of writing articles on our beloved superhuman warriors and improving them, following on with creating someone else's Chapter with a single model to really see the Chapter/Warband come to life.

I wholeheartedly intend on making this a regular event, possibly annually or biannually, depending on my own status in the realm beyond our hallowed halls.

Once again everyone, thank you so very much for all of your efforts. :tu:


So onto the meat of Phase 2's end. A number of you had multiple entries to complete and although some fell to the wayside, with models incomplete (hopefully just for now), the completion rate was great for a first ever official run of this event.

Entries: 30

Completions: 23

Incomplete: 7

Completion Rate: 76.7%


So here lies the list of those who completed Phase 2, and thus are worthy of carrying the Banner of completion in their Signatures:

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  • Brother Cambrius
  • Messor x2
  • Ace Debonair x2
  • Chaplain Dosjetka
  • Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch x3
  • Brother Argent x4
  • Kelborn
  • WarriorFish
  • golfdeltafoxtrot
  • Berzul
  • Trokair
  • jbaeza94
  • Brother Lunkhead
  • Watcher
  • Frostbit3

A major accolade must go to Damyio-Phaeron Lenoch for completing 3 Articles and models. Brother Argent was so, so very close to achieving the utter madness of 4 completed models to go with his articles. Sadly the final images of completion weren't posted in time, =][= UPDATE =][= Upon further review after being brought to my attention, Brother Argent had in fact completed his outrageous amount of four miniatures within the time allocated. thus the accolade of Master of Arms can go to Damiyo and Brother Argent this time for them to carry proud upon their Signature:

gallery_26154_15777_16051.png gallery_26154_15777_5380.png

Well done Damiyo and Brother Argent. :thumbsup:


Sadly, life does get in the way of our exploits on the B&C and some did not complete their models in time (but some had some damned great progress and were almost fully completed, so I hope to see them completed in the near future!).

As such, in accordance to their vows, the Signatures of Shame are to be worn upon their signatures until they find Redemption and reforge the LIBER bonds of Brotherhood (see more on this below).

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  • Aothaine
  • Inquisitor Van Horn
  • Zepheniah Adriyen
  • AHorriblePerson
  • Bruce Malcom
  • Smirnov


If you complete your models before January ends, you can expunge the title of shame and carry this new banner of redemption:

gallery_26154_15777_8980.png gallery_26154_15777_4311.png

Please be sure to post your completed models in the Hall of Honour thread and I can add them later to the master post of completed models. :smile.:

And that is that. So ends the saga of the first ever official LASC. Thank you once again everyone! It's been an honour and privilege. Roll on 2020 in the LIBER! :biggrin.:

=][= A master post of completed models will follow in this thread in the first post soon. =][=

<EDIT> Completion rate updated after discovering Brother Argent's was finished within the time


Of course, this post pops up the same day my jump packs finally arrive. Nonetheless, I am both extremely surprised and extremely honored to be awarded the Master at Arms accolade.


I will work on better-presented pictures once I log back in on the PC, and/or figure out how to make the BBC code display it correctly. (Also will post a picture of Sgt. Nelix with his Jump Pack soon-ish.)

The only consolation I can offer to Brother Argent is a completed model, and a congratulations on finishing all four of his just after the time limit.


Many thanks to Brother Cambrius for running this event!

Glory to the Liber!

Wear your badges with pride, brothers. For you have brought honour to your Chapters and Warbands, knowledge and inspiration to your fellow forum-goers, and glory to the Liber! :happy.:

The badge of the Uncompleted - some would call this a mark of shame. I would not fall amongst that mistaken number; for to wear this badge is still to say that you were a part of this glorious challenge. All who see it will know that your Chapter - your work - inspired some truly magnificent models.

And, as I'm sure Brother Cambrius would tell you - this is far from the end! The LASC is over, but your article(s) remains. Update it, add to it, keep working on it, develop your ideas until your Chapter is a beacon of inspiration to all who tread within the halls of the Liber! :biggrin.:

Heck, paint some of your own guys if the mood takes you - you've earned it. :laugh.:


Glory to the Liber! Honour to the Chapters!

I enjoyed painting up something very different to the norm, was a good break to help keep the hobby fires stoked :smile.: The Champion Eternal sits on my hobby desk still, overseeing my current work (and occasionally sneaking into a WIP picture :laugh.: ) :biggrin.:

Just noticed this. I did actually post completed images in the WIP thread. I just didn't get clearer ones like I had hoped. Was I supposed to post them here as well?


I was looking for them in the Hall of Honor thread as I thought they had more work to do prior to their final posting. :sweat:



Nah just fluff. All good, i will post the better pics and fluff in the Hall of Honour thread when i get a chance. I so rarely visit the Hall of Honour I forget it exists sometimes


So... do I get the completed siggy? And don't forget to update your completion rates

Having re-reviewed, yes you do, Brother Argent. Atop that, for completing the madness of four miniatures and articles within the allocated time, you may also carry the Master of Arms signature.


The main post will be updated shortly (and I can add yours to the master post under construction)


To the others who did not post in time, if you can complete the miniature before January is out, the signature of Reforging is there to carry.



Thanks mate. I dont mind the Master at Arms sig as that was already awarded. And sorry I made it difficult for you.


Thanks for running the challenge and thanks to the guys who let me paint a mini from their Chapter, was good for something different for a challenge.

I am a bit late to this, but I just wanted to say congratulations to everyone, and thank you for organizing this event. Seriously, it was absolutely great, and I am honored to have participated. Incredible models, and awesome chapters/warbands came out of this event, and I love to have had the chance to participate.


Again, thank you.

Got the chaos marine model all cleaned up and the primary bits all glued together last night. Hoping to get it primed sometime tonight and start working on it tomorrow. All depends on the weather though. I will have this finished relatively soon-ish lol!


1/15/2020 - Model is built and primed. 

Just a reminder to the Brothers who didn't make their deadlines. Redemption is still possible!!!!!! Battle Brothers, you can do it! This challenge is but a step toward VICTORY.


For those in need of further encouragement, TIS BUT A FLESH WOUND!


               "I haven't lost an arm, brother. It's right over there." -  the wise words of Captain Alessio Cortez of the Crimson Fists



Just a reminder to the Brothers who didn't make their deadlines. Redemption is still possible!!!!!! Battle Brothers, you can do it! This challenge is but a step toward VICTORY.


For those in need of further encouragement, TIS BUT A FLESH WOUND!


               "I haven't lost an arm, brother. It's right over there." -  the wise words of Captain Alessio Cortez of the Crimson Fists




And thus, I'd like to offer up my own shot at redemption:



I'm happy to finally be able to present Nergüi the Headsman, Aspiring Champion of the Oblivion Hunters:






Hidden Content









The base trim will be done tomorrow morning.


Tell me what you think! :happy.:


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