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Kolgrim's Inquisition Project

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Some of you might know me from the DW forum, I've got a WIP thread over there also. This is just going to be my WIP for just Inquisition stuff since I'm on like a super Inquisition kick lately, and want to get better so C&C is welcome to help me improve. Just returning to the hobby after nearly 20 year hiatus. I snagged a box of each gang from Necromunda and some other models here and there to create some cool stuff. I got Goliath and enforcer's in the mail today and wanted to jump right into making things. The rest should be here by the end of the week. Going to post a couple pictures of my finished Inquisitors and then start doing my WIP stuff. Even finished things are still considered WIP cause I'm always looking for ways to improve them!


Inquisitor Eisenhorn

Eisenhorn 2

Eisenhorn's personal LR (For DW but I used too much red to be really DW so I'll just say it's his personal transport, I may go back and add more black at a later time)

Redeemer (side2)

Redeemer (side1)

Redeemer (front)


Gideon Lorr

Gideon Lorr


I got Coteaz primed to paint soon, also got Grand Master Voldus  is the mail today too I plan on creating an Inquisitor in termie armor. Librisrogue gave me the idea to use SB's on the acolyte so here is an Enforcer WIP with a SB, and I added in a Auspex just for cool factor. My sculpting skills are pretty basic but I got to learn at some point so just tried to make the Auspex a little longer due to the fact I had to cut it in half to get it off the model. Thinking about adding the Inquisition symbol to the chest if I can make a decent one out of green stuff, or maybe plasticard. The ones from the DW upgrade sprue were too big.

Acolyte with SB

I added some Inquisition symbol to the chest and then a purity seal not sure if I like the placement of the symbol still WIP

Acolyte with SB WIP



C&C welcome, will post more soon!


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It's a good start for your force right there.

The one bit of advice I would give you though is convert, convert models to represent what you want, it's one of the biggest joys of inquisition that we can just go nuts with what we like.

I have around 10 inquisitors and must be about 60 accoyltes of different sorts.

It just lends you such creative freedom in order to create the exact look for the force that you want.

Here's the bolter-melta enforcer, still WIP think I might try a Goliath one but I'm still trying to figure the best way to fuse the cadre fireblade with them. Goliath might be too large for it, debating if I should use the Tau gun as a hot-shot las gun. Think I might wait til the end of the week for the rest of the models to come in before I cut up the stuff I only have 1 of.


Acolyte with bolter melta

Thank you for the support, ya I got a few deamonhosts too. They seem kind of hard to paint but I'll give it a shot. I did a minor conversion on Grand Master Voldus, just swapped out the head. Counts as an Ordos Malleus Inquisitor in termy armor. Had alot of the Inquisitorial symbols on it so I wanted to the paint it.


Ordo Malleus Inq In termi armor

Always good to see someone with an Inquisitorial Land Raider! Nothing else quite says how important your Inquisitor is :P The Enforcers make for great bases to Acolytes, but as mentioned don't miss the opportunity to go to town with conversions and kit bashes especially on the more esoteric members of the Inquisition ;)

I put together Kal Jericho and this AMBot, probably put the other one together at another time. Thinking if I needed to I could use Kal in the retinue with the Inquisitor. I like the sculp of the model its neat. Not really sure how I'm going to paint the AMBot yet, but I was thinking about maybe painting the Inquisition symbol on it or maybe taking one of the symbols from the DW upgrade sprue. It comes with a decent sized one and then 2 really small ones. Wanted to finish this DW thing I was working on but I was waiting for the primer on the base to dry so I put them together. I picked up Eyros Slagmyst Bounty Hunter from FW it's a pretty neat sculp too. My Inquisition and retinue stuff is like backing up so I'll be painting some soon.


Kal Jericho AMBot

After thinking about it I found a couple sprues for DW I had with the symbols so I put 2 on the AMBot, one is easy to see its on top above his head. And the other is between his legs I couldn't get the light to shine and still take a good picture so I just slanted him back so you could see.

AMBot Wip 3

AMBot Wip 2

AMBot Wip 1

I forgot I ordered a box of Tempestus Scions so I made a couple of them. I got 1 SB, 1 Hot-Shot Las gun, and 1 with a plasma gun.

Tempestus Scions As Acolytes


Now I think I'm gona start painting that bounty hunter I got from FW.



I finished the bounty hunter from FW works as an acolyte with boltgun would be the right way to go. I painted the robe a blue ish grey color and then when I washed it, it turned more into a silver but I just went with it cause at that point I was all in lol. But I've never been good at doing liquids so I checked a few guides and youtube videos and tried my damndest to get some liquid going I think the back turned out pretty well considering I never did it before. The front ones are a little harder cause they're smaller and its hard with shaky hands. But this is what I got so far. C&C welcome I want to improve, I'm sure it's good enough table top play not trying to get into any competition just want to try to do it myself.


Bounty hunter 1

Bounty hunter 1b

Great mini, make sure you take some group shots when painted would love to see them all together.


That reiver (?) helm on Voldus is such a good swap.

Thank you, will post group shots once I get them all done and figure best groups. Ya it's reiver I actually bought a bag of assorted bits off ebay, I don't usually buy them but I saw a couple things I could use for upcoming projects and won the bid. It was in there, figured it was about the best looking helm to give him since the actual helm wouldn't work since I wanted to change the character to something else.

Here's my latest conversion I always liked the Cadre Fireblade so I made it like a Tempestus Scion took his armor and gun, I'm pretty novice at green stuff sculpting but I think it turned out pretty well. Would just count the gun as a hot-shot las gun.

IMG 3462 (2)

IMG 3463 (2)

Been feeling kind of sick lately so I haven't done much but I managed to paint a Daemonhost, not a fan of the model. But I'm thinking one day when I get better at green stuff sculpting I'll try to make a better looking one. Still a WIP might add some more colors maybe some black to the horns not dead set on it but this is what I got so far. The base of course needs to be finished.


IMG 3465 (2)

  • 1 month later...

Hey all been a while since I finally got to working on some stuff just been under the weather and didn't really feel like doing anything. So I was looking for different Jokaero Weaponsmith models and it's been pretty hard to find some I actually liked. But I found http://darkfuturegaming.blogspot.com/2013/06/jokaero-weaponsmith-conversion.html and liked the way it looked so I tried my best at converting it myself. Not sure if I should add a gun of some kind to it. But the box of apes I got came with 3 in different poses so I think I could make another too and see how it turns out. Still a WIP here's where I'm at right now...


weaponsmith 4

weaponsmith 3

weaponsmith 2

weaponsmith 1


I put together Kal Jericho and this AMBot, probably put the other one together at another time. Thinking if I needed to I could use Kal in the retinue with the Inquisitor. I like the sculp of the model its neat. Not really sure how I'm going to paint the AMBot yet, but I was thinking about maybe painting the Inquisition symbol on it or maybe taking one of the symbols from the DW upgrade sprue. It comes with a decent sized one and then 2 really small ones. Wanted to finish this DW thing I was working on but I was waiting for the primer on the base to dry so I put them together. I picked up Eyros Slagmyst Bounty Hunter from FW it's a pretty neat sculp too. My Inquisition and retinue stuff is like backing up so I'll be painting some soon.


Wait, is Jericho plastic?  


*looks it up*


Well I'll be, he is plastic.  I thought he'd make a good base for a Kellermorph or Inquisitor conversion but didn't realize he's plastic.  Cool! 

The "counts as a" Jokaero weaponsmith looks promising.

I'm just not sure if I should add some sort of gun to maybe the bracelets on him right now, I think I might just tinker around with the other 2 apes and see if something comes to me.


Edit: Instead of making another post I'll just add it here. I decided to tinker with another one played around with different weapons but none of them really panned out will have to keep brainstorming on the type of gun to use so it doesn't look like I just added something that's not what it's supposed to be.


WS 4

WS 3

WS 2

WS 1

Looking good! My only gripe is that the gorilla looks a bit too menacing for a jokaero. Jokaero seem like they should be represented by something a bit smaller and less threatening. That said, I'm a huge fan of the dust tactics gorillas and I currently have a few converted up with slab shields and mauls to serve as bullgryns in my imperial guard army.


It looks like your conversion is coming along well though. Good work on the greenstuff and the generator bit on his back. If you're thinking of running another jokaero I might suggest getting the gorilla hero named markus. He actually already has some mechanical apparatus strapped to him that I think could lessen the amount of work you need to do. Just a thought! I tend to think that the more gorillas you can fit into an army the better...


Good stuff all around.

Oh I almost forgot: dust has yet another squad of gorillas that are holding a jackhammer or something. It looks like these could be easily tweaked to be some kind of a cool jokaero type weapon.


Or the shoulder cannon from x101 from blackstone fortress could be mounted on this guy. That could be awesome.

Sounds cool I'll look into them, I'm pretty new to playing the game actually only been in the hobby part of 40k for the past 20 years. But eventually I want to play so I'm just building/painting a decent army to get started with, when I get better at playing I'll work more into making better loadouts. I really just want to play the game and learn more about playing right now. I've got a good portion of my DW painted just need to finish off the acolyte squads for the Inquisition part. 


I'm my grandfathers caregiver he has bad Alzheimers so it tough to get time to go out to the shops, since most are like 2+ hours away and he needs someone at the house watching him all the time. It's like having to babysit him to make sure he doesn't walk off or burn the house down lol. It's pretty depressing but this hobby has been a big help and the community has been great support. I've seen people playing with like half painted armies at some of the shops but I just want to have a fully painted one before I start.

Yeah I hear you. I think alot of the fun of 40k is watching your lovingly painted models go off to die gloriously. I really try and field like 90 percent painted whenever I play now even if it means a worse list. It at least makes for cooler pictures to put on the internet.


Also it's a shame how real life has a habit of getting in the way of hobby stuff! Sorry you and your Dad have a lot to deal with. If I can help with any warhammer stuff just let me know. That's about where my expertise ends though, unfortunately.

I might have some cool bits or spare models or something you could use if you aren't able to get to the shop or something too.

Libris, my hat's off to you for taking care of your dad like that. Good man. Life does have a way of interfering with the hobby, but on the other hand, it helps keep one hungry and not satisfied when he can never have the full hobby time he'd like! Keep plugging along.


I am another "fully painted" gamer myself so I agree with you. It also results in me playing WAY fewer games (almost none really) because of the constantly changing rules/points values, it seems I finally get a fully painted force then things change. And I am really really slow at painting just because I usually only have maybe an hour or two per week to hobby.


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