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Psychic Awakening: The Ritual of the Damned


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I agree it seems the trend is for 1 maybe 2 top notch options and a couple others that may fit specific lists or playstyles.


I am going off memory for what previous armies get though I do have the latest nid dex as a seconday army. When the new nid sex came out there were several cool hive rules though around 50 percent would gravitate to 1.


Yup. The reason I said we will see that is because I play Eldar, and all these great new rules, and craftworld customizations came out, but really there's one super solid one, a few 'good' ones, and the rest is for flavour.


Not a horrible thing, but the difference is when a Craftworld takes a skill set, it's basically an enhancment of base rules. very cool rules, but it doesn't interfere with anything else.


The Cult thing... I'm really hoping it has a similar impact. There should be some underlying rules with the respective cults. IE: Time cult gets a re-roll per turn.

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Vet of the long war on 40 shots from 5 man SoT....good lord.


I figured there would be more, good universal strats for us.


I'm just dreaming of taking out all those tau meta drones....finally a good answer for crap like that.

Edited by Ahzek451
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Risen Rubricae for optimal placement on 20 Rubes, fly an Exalted or Daemon Prince over for Prescience and reroll 1's......pop Infernal Fusillade and Vets. Roll almost 80 dice worth of glorious, flaming death. Infiltrators, Incursors, Scouts, and Tau Drones just became MUCH less of a problem.

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That's pretty good indeed, but let's think about the usability a little, does this justify a 10/20 man rubric squad compared to MSU to maximise baby sites and prevent moral issues?

To me sounds more appealing as a target for 5/10 SoT, but that again is kind of hard as you need to not have moved and that's very unlikely at least until turn 3

Also seems all the goodnes will be packed into stratagems, we won't be able to leave home without 2 or maybe even 3 battalions which will be tough to achieve with 10/20 man squads

Netherless pretty good, finally something that hypes me a little about this reveal

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Well theres always a chance that the new rules might reveal another combo I.E. a strat, relic, power that makes a unit not count as moving.


If not, I plan to try 1 of 2 things. Buried dust boys at more than 10 models popping up for double shoot. Or 2-3 squads of scarabs that deep strike, and I only need one squad to survive to use the strat. After waiting a turn of course.

Edited by Ahzek451
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Frankly I can think of roughly a dozen games I have played since our book came out just off-hand where I had some Rubrics sitting on objectives for quite a while.... This strat will be *immeasurably* useful. 


And we still have so much yet to see but I love our strats so far. I may have to make peace with attempting to go Battallion/Battallion/Vanguard despite the cost in points! lol

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Lately I have been using 3 to 4 Five man squads with bolters for objective sitting. Give the Aspiring Sorcerer a flamer pistol and see who takes the bait. Flamer, staff and smite (in following rounds) has been a good utility as opponents are picked apart by infernos looking to charge so this strat will work well for that.
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Seems like we're becoming a static army. Goal is to get where you want and keep them there. I think this makes sense with the boomerang style of Magnus.


That said, still not quite seeing the greater picture of what this army is it does. We've seen more for psychics on GK and Eldar versus 1KS, and still aren't seeing a balance on the WC costs of our spells.


I'm hoping all spells are printed in this book for a consolidation, but ideally some WC drops would be nice.

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All spells most likely won’t be complied in this book since none of the other books did this unfortunately. I get a kick out of GW claiming the didn’t want is  arrying around so many books ala 7th edition. I’m fine with it but if you use Forgeworld and daemons, and. Vigilus...wow. 

it’s all good though. I like seeing more utility and damage from staple units. And I agree it would be nice to see some real decent psychic powers but they can’t show it all to us. 

The good thing about wizard cacophony is it should melt elites. I mean as it stands nothing prevents CSM from pulling this same trick off with termies but there’s just much better targets for it like Oblits, and Havocs. Yet still with VotLW this should put some T7 vehicles down and terrify some marine players. Unfortunately marines are a great matchup against TS infantry. But at least there’s some kick back combos here with Crystal and this stratagem. 

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To be honest I was shocked we got a 1CP strat that lets us do something we already do better.. So I'm starting to get that glimmer of Hope which Prot possesses. 


I'm past the worry point. I want exactly what they have previewed. The rest will be happy icing on the cake for my narrative games.

Edited by Archaeinox
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But at least there’s some kick back combos here with Crystal and this stratagem.

Doesn't crystal make them count as having moved?


Also I'm surprise at the amount of hype people are giving to this strat. I have never played a game where my opponent never just move out of range or outright just charge at my dust cans. You guys actually get to shoot with stationary rubrics?

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But at least there’s some kick back combos here with Crystal and this stratagem.

Doesn't crystal make them count as having moved?


Also I'm surprise at the amount of hype people are giving to this strat. I have never played a game where my opponent never just move out of range or outright just charge at my dust cans. You guys actually get to shoot with stationary rubrics?


Yes they do count as having moved, but what you do is stand there and blast away, then teleport away when charged so ANOTHER squad can open up and murder the fools.


Also, the Soulreaper still isn't too bad in Rubric squads. One bolter firing twice gets the same number of shots at worse strength and AP. SOT's can leave it at home, though.

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